Water makes the world go round. Itҳ crucial that we protect it, and one such way to do that is through water quality testing. There are so many reasons why you might need to test water quality, and so many factors that make up ѱualityҠin the first place. So in this blog, we wanted to dive into the basics of water quality testing נthe whys and hows. Read on to discover more. 1. Establish which water source you need to test The water source that you need to test will determine the kind of test you should carry out. Typical applications include: Surface water testing נlakes, rivers, and coastal waters Groundwater testing נwater that has seeped into the earth and into underground aquifers Aquaculture testing נareas for farming aquatic organisms Mining &construction monitoring Marine water monitoring 2. Decide on the parameters to test for Depending on your application, there are a range of factors and contaminants that you might want to test for in establishing water quality. Here at Aquaread, our water monitoring equipment can be installed with a range of sensors. Here are some factors you may consider: pH levels This is one of the most common water quality measurements taken, establishing how acid or alkaline water is נand for good reason. ThepH of water can impact the nutrient density, microbial activity, chemical behaviour, and the lives of aquatic organisms. PH is found by measuring the amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. The higher the concentration of free hydrogen, the more acidic the water, while a higher level of hydroxyl ions indicates alkalinity. Dissolved oxygen (DO) Thelevel of DO in water correlates to the health of aquatic life therein נsimply because, well, oxygen is crucial for all life forms. Low levels of DO can harm aquatic life, and the opposite is also true. If the water is too saturated with oxygen, nothing much will thrive there. Salinity Thesalinity of water refers to the concentration of salt and is measured by testing the waterҳ electrical conductivity. Saltwater is more conductive than water with low or no salt content. Ammonia/ammonium Testing for ammonia in water can provide another crucial indicator of water quality. High levels of ammonia can indicate contamination with pollutants such as fertiliser and industrial waste from the manufacturing of plastics, rubber, and more. Blue-green algae This photosynthetic bacteria can grow in both fresh and marine water where water is warm and rich in nutrients. If toxic algal blooms form, they can limit the growth of other plants below and lead to the water becoming hypoxic (starved of oxygen) and uninhabitable.Testing for blue-green algae, therefore, is an important indicator of the health of a body of water. A range of other parameters These are just some of the factors you may want to test for when establishing water quality. Take alook at our sensors page to discover more, from Chloride to Nitrate! 3. Choose your water testing tool Now you know the parameters you are looking to test, youҬl have a better idea of what sort of equipment you need. There are many effective at-home tests you can do to begin learning more about water quality. For example, you canuse pH sticks if youҲe just looking for a simple, educational test of pH levels. Other at-home test kits commonly measure lead, bacteria, nitrates, and chlorine. But if youҲe looking for a more in-depth water quality test for commercial, industrial, or environmental monitoring purposes,browse our range of water quality monitoring products. Take ourAP-600 as an example. This multiparameter probe can measure: Optical DO Specific EC Absolute EC pH ORP TDS Resistivity Salinity SSG Temperature Depth Not only that, but it has 4 spare auxiliary sockets so that you can add further sensors of your choosing. Used in combination with one of ourlogging tools, the Aquaprobe is a powerful water quality measuring device. 4. Ensure your equipment is installed & calibrated correctly When you get your water quality measuring equipment, youҬl need to install and calibrate your sensors before use. Installation is simple: first, unscrew the blanking cap from the aux socket, apply the provided silicone grease to the thread, and screw in your sensor. From there, calibration is made as easy and automated as possible נin a few short steps, your sensor will be calibrated and ready to use. View each individualsensor page for information on the calibration requirements, and discover more about thecalibration process in our video. 5. Test, test, test From here, youҲe ready to test water quality to your heartҳ content נwhether itҳ to establish the impact ofurban runoff on local lakes or the quality of drinking water in underground aquifers. Discover more aboutAquaread here and, if you have any questions about water quality testing, donҴ hesitate toget in touch with our team! The postThe Basics: How to Test Water Quality appeared first onAquaread.

SCIENCE-BACKED RELIEF: 5-HTP is proven to support serotonin levels which can help improve cognition and focus. 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter essential for many mood, cognition, and memory functions. SLEEP BETTER: 5-HTP produces serotonin which can be converted into melatonin, a key hormone in regulating and helping you sleep Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day! HEALTHY DIET: Studies have shown that 5HTP can help induce the feeling of fullness, assisting in diet control. 5HTP may also support a healthy diet by relieving stress, which often triggers over-eating. SOURCED NATURALLY: BeLive's Gummies offer 5-HTP from Griffonia Seed Extract. They are high quality, gluten-free & Vegan. BeLive gummies are heat protected. No more sticky and melted gummies at arrival. QUALITY ASSURED: Our products are checked at every stage: Blending, Processing, Testing, Bottling, Labeling, & Follow Up Testing.

If youҶe been searching for a CBD product to use, you might have come across some products that say theyҲe made from full-spectrum CBD. Hereҳ everything that you need to know about full-spectrum CBD and how to decide whatҳ best for you. What is Full-Spectrum CBD Full-spectrum CBD is a type of CBD that contains all beneficial compounds naturally found in the cannabis plant. These include: Includes more than 100 cannabinoids, including CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which are responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis products While CBD doesnҴ cause impairment, THC has an intoxicating effect Cannabis also has more than 150 terpenes, which affect the plantҳ fragrance and can also have therapeutic benefits Cannabis includes about 20 different flavonoids, which are found in plants, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and more Like terpenes,বavonoidsਡve therapeutic effects, with research showing that the flavonoids found in cannabis have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective properties Full-Spectrum CBD vs. Broad Spectrum The main difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD is the compounds they contain If a CBD product contains several naturally occurring cannabis plant extracts (terpenes, 0.3% THC, etc.), it is full-spectrum CBD Broad-spectrum CBD also contains several cannabis plant compounds but doesnҴ contain any THC Still, there may be trace amounts of THC in broad-spectrum CBD products Pros of Full-Spectrum CBD Full-spectrum CBD has many benefits over broad-spectrum CBD. The biggest difference is that while full-spectrum CBD products may contain small amounts of THC, broad-spectrum does not. The Entourage Effect Research suggests that CBDҳ therapeutic effects are stronger when combined with other cannabis compounds (terpenes, flavonoids, etc.) Broad-spectrum CBD does include other compounds, but may not induce potent therapeutic effects Full-spectrum CBD contains THC, which may amp up its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving benefits Health Benefits CBD oil can be used for a variety of medical conditions without experiencing the intoxicating effects of THC Potential health effects of CBD include anti-seizure, antioxidants, antianxiety, pain relief, anti-inflammatory It may also ease the symptoms of some mental health conditions and provide relief from muscle spasms It can be used in a variety of forms, such as edibles, oils, capsules, creams, salves, drinks, and high-CBD flowers for inhalation Cons of Full-Spectrum CBD In spite of the benefits, full-spectrum CBD has a few drawbacks as well. Notably, a large enough dose may cause a person to feel a euphoric high. The presence of THC may also increase the risk of returning a positive result on a drug test. THC Many CBD products are hemp-derived, meaning the plants themselves contain less than 0.3 percent THC At this level of potency, full-spectrum CBD usually doesnҴ induce the feeling of being ӨighԼ/li> However, THC levels can increase when manufacturers create concentrate products Some tinctures can contain up to 2 milligrams per milliliter of THC, causing a euphoric effect in some cases Legality Many CBD products are hemp-derived, meaning the plants themselves contain less than 0.3 percent THC Hemp-derived CBD products with less than 0.3 percent are federally legal, though still illegal under some state laws Additionally, some CBD products may be made from marijuana, containing more than 0.3 percent THC These products are primarily found at dispensaries in states where cannabis is legalized Full-Spectrum CBD Oil vs Gummies Form of Consumption: CBD gummies can only be consumed by mouth, vs. CBD oil which can be consumed via a few drops underneath the tongue (sublingual administration), or added to food or drink Rate of Absorption: CBD gummies can only be absorbed by the digestive system, meaning the effects may not be felt for at least an hour vs. CBD oil which can bypass the digestive system via sublingual administration and be felt in minutes Dosage: CBD gummies specify precisely the mg of each CBD gummy, allowing for more convenient dosing vs. CBD oils which allow you to adjust your dosage, though you run the risk of dosing incorrectly Full-spectrum CBD is widely popular due to easing various ailments, such as pain and anxiety. Life Grows Green offers a variety of full-spectrum CBD products including gummies, oils, and creams. Shop with us today. Sources https://www.healthline.com/health/full-spectrum-cbd https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4740396/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/full-spectrum-cbd-vs-broad-spectrum-cbd https://www.discovermagazine.com/lifestyle/20-best-full-spectrum-cbd-gummies https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(19)30007-2/fulltext https://www.bestcbdoils.org/ https://m.scirp.org/papers/53912 Embed This Image On Your Site (copy code below): Courtesy of:Life Grows Green The postEverything to Know About Full-Spectrum CBD appeared first onLife Grows Green.

Water makes the world go round. Itҳ crucial that we protect it, and one such way to do that is through water quality testing. There are so many reasons why you might need to test water quality, and so many factors that make up ѱualityҠin the first place. So in this blog, we wanted to dive into the basics of water quality testing נthe whys and hows. Read on to discover more. 1. Establish which water source you need to test The water source that you need to test will determine the kind of test you should carry out. Typical applications include: Surface water testing נlakes, rivers, and coastal waters Groundwater testing נwater that has seeped into the earth and into underground aquifers Aquaculture testing נareas for farming aquatic organisms Mining &construction monitoring Marine water monitoring 2. Decide on the parameters to test for Depending on your application, there are a range of factors and contaminants that you might want to test for in establishing water quality. Here at Aquaread, our water monitoring equipment can be installed with a range of sensors. Here are some factors you may consider: pH levels This is one of the most common water quality measurements taken, establishing how acid or alkaline water is נand for good reason. ThepH of water can impact the nutrient density, microbial activity, chemical behaviour, and the lives of aquatic organisms. PH is found by measuring the amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. The higher the concentration of free hydrogen, the more acidic the water, while a higher level of hydroxyl ions indicates alkalinity. Dissolved oxygen (DO) Thelevel of DO in water correlates to the health of aquatic life therein נsimply because, well, oxygen is crucial for all life forms. Low levels of DO can harm aquatic life, and the opposite is also true. If the water is too saturated with oxygen, nothing much will thrive there. Salinity Thesalinity of water refers to the concentration of salt and is measured by testing the waterҳ electrical conductivity. Saltwater is more conductive than water with low or no salt content. Ammonia/ammonium Testing for ammonia in water can provide another crucial indicator of water quality. High levels of ammonia can indicate contamination with pollutants such as fertiliser and industrial waste from the manufacturing of plastics, rubber, and more. Blue-green algae This photosynthetic bacteria can grow in both fresh and marine water where water is warm and rich in nutrients. If toxic algal blooms form, they can limit the growth of other plants below and lead to the water becoming hypoxic (starved of oxygen) and uninhabitable.Testing for blue-green algae, therefore, is an important indicator of the health of a body of water. A range of other parameters These are just some of the factors you may want to test for when establishing water quality. Take alook at our sensors page to discover more, from Chloride to Nitrate! 3. Choose your water testing tool Now you know the parameters you are looking to test, youҬl have a better idea of what sort of equipment you need. There are many effective at-home tests you can do to begin learning more about water quality. For example, you canuse pH sticks if youҲe just looking for a simple, educational test of pH levels. Other at-home test kits commonly measure lead, bacteria, nitrates, and chlorine. But if youҲe looking for a more in-depth water quality test for commercial, industrial, or environmental monitoring purposes,browse our range of water quality monitoring products. Take ourAP-600 as an example. This multiparameter probe can measure: Optical DO Specific EC Absolute EC pH ORP TDS Resistivity Salinity SSG Temperature Depth Not only that, but it has 4 spare auxiliary sockets so that you can add further sensors of your choosing. Used in combination with one of ourlogging tools, the Aquaprobe is a powerful water quality measuring device. 4. Ensure your equipment is installed & calibrated correctly When you get your water quality measuring equipment, youҬl need to install and calibrate your sensors before use. Installation is simple: first, unscrew the blanking cap from the aux socket, apply the provided silicone grease to the thread, and screw in your sensor. From there, calibration is made as easy and automated as possible נin a few short steps, your sensor will be calibrated and ready to use. View each individualsensor page for information on the calibration requirements, and discover more about thecalibration process in our video. 5. Test, test, test From here, youҲe ready to test water quality to your heartҳ content נwhether itҳ to establish the impact ofurban runoff on local lakes or the quality of drinking water in underground aquifers. Discover more aboutAquaread here and, if you have any questions about water quality testing, donҴ hesitate toget in touch with our team! The postThe Basics: How to Test Water Quality appeared first onAquaread.

Rainwater: Is it Clean?

Software clean , rainwater: https://www.aquaread.com/blog/is-rainwater-clean/
Water נit makes up 60% of the human body and 71% of the Earthҳ surfaces. We need it tosustain all life on this planet we call home, and in most countries, weҲe accustomed to being able to get it straight from the tap to drink, clean, and water crops. Failing that, a well, spring, or even a bottle from the shop provide us with this much-needed resource. But how often do you think about rainwater, its part in the environment, its uses, and whether itҳ drinkable? Letҳ start right at the source. How does rainwater form? Heat from the sun evaporates water from the Earthҳ surface (from plants, lakes, rivers, oceans, and ice) into the atmosphere. The vapour then condenses into clouds, and in order to do so, the vapour needs a solid to grip onto ֠a speck of dust or pollen does the job. When the cloud gets dense and the water droplets grow large, they fall to earth as rain. This process is called precipitation. What does rainwater contain? As a result of this process, rainwater is inherently dirty. It needs that condensation nucleus נthat dust, soot, or flake of salt נin order to form and fall. This is precisely why youҬl have probably noticed that, from time to time, the rain on your window leaves streaks of dust. It goes, after all, on a long journey to get to you. This means that, aside from its original composition, rainwater contains particles of whatever it has passed through before reaching its final destination. As for its original composition, rainwater is a mixed electrolyte containing varying amounts of minor and major ions. Clean rain usually has a pH level between 5 and 5.5, while acid rain (rainwater combined with sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides) has a pH value of 4. Can you drink rainwater? As a child, you may have looked up at a drizzly sky, stuck your tongue out, and asked your parents if you can drink rain water. You might have wondered the same thing as an adult interested in the water crisis and eco-friendly practices. Itҳ interesting to note that, while much of the discussion around rainwater is about how clean it is at the source, our drinking water is not necessarily clean at the source either. Generally speaking,1 in 3 people donҴ have access to clean drinking water and, even in countries where we do drink tap water, contaminants are often present. Paracetamol, microplastics, and evenlead from petrol all eventually make their way into our precious water sources. Read our blog aboutthe future of water to learn more. As for rainwater, various factors impact how clean it is נsuch as the air pollution levels of the geographical area, where it falls, and how you process it. To ensure rainwater thatҳ harvested is generally clean, itҳ important to maintain and clean the surfaces it falls onto and the pipes it travels through, as well as the places it is stored. Certain bacteria, viruses, and parasites can be eliminated by boiling the water, but thatҳ not typically enough to ensure itҳ safe to drink. In order to make rainwater potable, it has to be regularly treated and tested properly using an intricate system of filters, ultraviolet light, and chemical treatment. This can end up a little pricey! How can rainwater be used for good? There are so many uses for rainwater other than for drinking. Generally speaking, rainwater can be used to water plants, flush toilets, clean cars, and for irrigation. In commercial settings, a number of businesses around the world are seeing the benefits of rainwater harvesting for reducing bills and amping up their sustainability efforts. In fact, it can reduce yourwater usage by as much as 40%! Take a look atH2O Building ServicesҠlist of 5 UK businesses making the most of rainwater. Whatҳ more, the simple act of harvesting rainwater can help reduce localised flood risks, particularly where overstressed drainage systems cannot handle flash floods. Such flooding events are increasing in occurrence due to climate change. Overall, less reliance on groundwater and aquifers can only be a good thing! How do you test how clean rainwater is? For a simple at-home test of the pH of rainwater, you canuse pH strips easily. But for a more in-depth test of the quality of water for commercial, industrial, and environmental purposes, you will need to use water quality monitoring equipment.Depending on theparameters you would like to test for, you can use awater quality probe to see just how clean your water is! View ourrange of products here orget in touch. The postRainwater: Is it Clean? appeared first onAquaread.

About this item 3-IN-1 MUSCLE PAIN + URIC ACID SUPPORT: If youҶe ever experienced uric acid build up, youҬl recognize that awful feeling of joint pain, fluid retention, swelling and areas that are hot and tender to the touch. So weҶe combined the power of Tart Cherry Juice extract, Celery Seed Extract and Bilberry into one easy capsule. Help your body manage uric acid levels naturally so you can get back to life. REDUCE PAIN AND INFLAMMATION: Sports research has long known about the pain reducing effects of pure tart cherry supplements. But you donҴ need to be an athlete to appreciate it too! As a super antioxidant youҬl enjoy it for general muscle relief from every day sore muscles, exercise back pain, joint pain relief, stiffness, and of course sports recovery. Reduce swelling and inflammation naturally. SUPPORT HEALTHY FLUID LEVELS: Celery seed contains oils that act as a natural diuretic to flush kidneys and reduce fluid swelling. Bilberry can increase blood flow to the joints, reduce swelling, and lower uric acid levels. And of course, tart cherries with their high levels of antioxidants can help reduce uric acid in the blood before it builds up creating painful swelling. 3 MONTH SUPPLY, JUST ONE CAP A DAY: Truevantage Nutrition Tart Cherry Extract is free from wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, fish, nuts, corn, yeast, barley, sugar, starch, preservatives. Vegetarian friendly, Made with Non-GMO and Gluten Free ingredients. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Truevantage Nutrition is in the business of evolving global health. Our mission is to create a ripple effect across the planet. And thatҳ why weҶe chosen extra strength Tart Cherry for your joint and muscle support.

Water נit makes up 60% of the human body and 71% of the Earthҳ surfaces. We need it tosustain all life on this planet we call home, and in most countries, weҲe accustomed to being able to get it straight from the tap to drink, clean, and water crops. Failing that, a well, spring, or even a bottle from the shop provide us with this much-needed resource. But how often do you think about rainwater, its part in the environment, its uses, and whether itҳ drinkable? Letҳ start right at the source. How does rainwater form? Heat from the sun evaporates water from the Earthҳ surface (from plants, lakes, rivers, oceans, and ice) into the atmosphere. The vapour then condenses into clouds, and in order to do so, the vapour needs a solid to grip onto ֠a speck of dust or pollen does the job. When the cloud gets dense and the water droplets grow large, they fall to earth as rain. This process is called precipitation. What does rainwater contain? As a result of this process, rainwater is inherently dirty. It needs that condensation nucleus נthat dust, soot, or flake of salt נin order to form and fall. This is precisely why youҬl have probably noticed that, from time to time, the rain on your window leaves streaks of dust. It goes, after all, on a long journey to get to you. This means that, aside from its original composition, rainwater contains particles of whatever it has passed through before reaching its final destination. As for its original composition, rainwater is a mixed electrolyte containing varying amounts of minor and major ions. Clean rain usually has a pH level between 5 and 5.5, while acid rain (rainwater combined with sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides) has a pH value of 4. Can you drink rainwater? As a child, you may have looked up at a drizzly sky, stuck your tongue out, and asked your parents if you can drink rain water. You might have wondered the same thing as an adult interested in the water crisis and eco-friendly practices. Itҳ interesting to note that, while much of the discussion around rainwater is about how clean it is at the source, our drinking water is not necessarily clean at the source either. Generally speaking,1 in 3 people donҴ have access to clean drinking water and, even in countries where we do drink tap water, contaminants are often present. Paracetamol, microplastics, and evenlead from petrol all eventually make their way into our precious water sources. Read our blog aboutthe future of water to learn more. As for rainwater, various factors impact how clean it is נsuch as the air pollution levels of the geographical area, where it falls, and how you process it. To ensure rainwater thatҳ harvested is generally clean, itҳ important to maintain and clean the surfaces it falls onto and the pipes it travels through, as well as the places it is stored. Certain bacteria, viruses, and parasites can be eliminated by boiling the water, but thatҳ not typically enough to ensure itҳ safe to drink. In order to make rainwater potable, it has to be regularly treated and tested properly using an intricate system of filters, ultraviolet light, and chemical treatment. This can end up a little pricey! How can rainwater be used for good? There are so many uses for rainwater other than for drinking. Generally speaking, rainwater can be used to water plants, flush toilets, clean cars, and for irrigation. In commercial settings, a number of businesses around the world are seeing the benefits of rainwater harvesting for reducing bills and amping up their sustainability efforts. In fact, it can reduce yourwater usage by as much as 40%! Take a look atH2O Building ServicesҠlist of 5 UK businesses making the most of rainwater. Whatҳ more, the simple act of harvesting rainwater can help reduce localised flood risks, particularly where overstressed drainage systems cannot handle flash floods. Such flooding events are increasing in occurrence due to climate change. Overall, less reliance on groundwater and aquifers can only be a good thing! How do you test how clean rainwater is? For a simple at-home test of the pH of rainwater, you canuse pH strips easily. But for a more in-depth test of the quality of water for commercial, industrial, and environmental purposes, you will need to use water quality monitoring equipment.Depending on theparameters you would like to test for, you can use awater quality probe to see just how clean your water is! View ourrange of products here orget in touch. The postRainwater: Is it Clean? appeared first onAquaread.

Water makes the world go round. Itҳ crucial that we protect it, and one such way to do that is through water quality testing. There are so many reasons why you might need to test water quality, and so many factors that make up ѱualityҠin the first place. So in this blog, we wanted to dive into the basics of water quality testing נthe whys and hows. Read on to discover more. 1. Establish which water source you need to test The water source that you need to test will determine the kind of test you should carry out. Typical applications include: Surface water testing נlakes, rivers, and coastal waters Groundwater testing נwater that has seeped into the earth and into underground aquifers Aquaculture testing נareas for farming aquatic organisms Mining &construction monitoring Marine water monitoring 2. Decide on the parameters to test for Depending on your application, there are a range of factors and contaminants that you might want to test for in establishing water quality. Here at Aquaread, our water monitoring equipment can be installed with a range of sensors. Here are some factors you may consider: pH levels This is one of the most common water quality measurements taken, establishing how acid or alkaline water is נand for good reason. ThepH of water can impact the nutrient density, microbial activity, chemical behaviour, and the lives of aquatic organisms. PH is found by measuring the amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. The higher the concentration of free hydrogen, the more acidic the water, while a higher level of hydroxyl ions indicates alkalinity. Dissolved oxygen (DO) Thelevel of DO in water correlates to the health of aquatic life therein נsimply because, well, oxygen is crucial for all life forms. Low levels of DO can harm aquatic life, and the opposite is also true. If the water is too saturated with oxygen, nothing much will thrive there. Salinity Thesalinity of water refers to the concentration of salt and is measured by testing the waterҳ electrical conductivity. Saltwater is more conductive than water with low or no salt content. Ammonia/ammonium Testing for ammonia in water can provide another crucial indicator of water quality. High levels of ammonia can indicate contamination with pollutants such as fertiliser and industrial waste from the manufacturing of plastics, rubber, and more. Blue-green algae This photosynthetic bacteria can grow in both fresh and marine water where water is warm and rich in nutrients. If toxic algal blooms form, they can limit the growth of other plants below and lead to the water becoming hypoxic (starved of oxygen) and uninhabitable.Testing for blue-green algae, therefore, is an important indicator of the health of a body of water. A range of other parameters These are just some of the factors you may want to test for when establishing water quality. Take alook at our sensors page to discover more, from Chloride to Nitrate! 3. Choose your water testing tool Now you know the parameters you are looking to test, youҬl have a better idea of what sort of equipment you need. There are many effective at-home tests you can do to begin learning more about water quality. For example, you canuse pH sticks if youҲe just looking for a simple, educational test of pH levels. Other at-home test kits commonly measure lead, bacteria, nitrates, and chlorine. But if youҲe looking for a more in-depth water quality test for commercial, industrial, or environmental monitoring purposes,browse our range of water quality monitoring products. Take ourAP-600 as an example. This multiparameter probe can measure: Optical DO Specific EC Absolute EC pH ORP TDS Resistivity Salinity SSG Temperature Depth Not only that, but it has 4 spare auxiliary sockets so that you can add further sensors of your choosing. Used in combination with one of ourlogging tools, the Aquaprobe is a powerful water quality measuring device. 4. Ensure your equipment is installed & calibrated correctly When you get your water quality measuring equipment, youҬl need to install and calibrate your sensors before use. Installation is simple: first, unscrew the blanking cap from the aux socket, apply the provided silicone grease to the thread, and screw in your sensor. From there, calibration is made as easy and automated as possible נin a few short steps, your sensor will be calibrated and ready to use. View each individualsensor page for information on the calibration requirements, and discover more about thecalibration process in our video. 5. Test, test, test From here, youҲe ready to test water quality to your heartҳ content נwhether itҳ to establish the impact ofurban runoff on local lakes or the quality of drinking water in underground aquifers. Discover more aboutAquaread here and, if you have any questions about water quality testing, donҴ hesitate toget in touch with our team! The postThe Basics: How to Test Water Quality appeared first onAquaread.

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