Potassium is a silvery white metal with the atomic number 19 and symbol K. It can be easily cut with a very small force, but it reacts very quickly with atmospheric oxygen to form potassium peroxide. This reaction can occur within a few seconds of exposure. Potassium is a crucial mineral for maintaining healthy bones and blood pressure. In this article, weҬl examine the benefits of potassium and ways to increase your daily intake. DV for potassium is 4,700 mg The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed daily values, or DVs, for a variety of nutrients. Potassium is included in the DVs of a wide variety of foods, including beverages, dairy products, grains, and salt. The new regulations require these nutrient amounts to be listed on food labels. Foods providing 20% or more of the DV are high sources of potassium, while foods with lower percentages contribute to a healthy diet. The DV for potassium is 4,700 milligrams per day, which is adequate for an average adult. However, this amount can vary for people with certain conditions, such as kidney stones, diabetes, or hypertension. However, if you are eating plenty of foods rich in potassium, you should be able to satisfy your daily needs. One of the foods that contains the highest amount of potassium is medium potatoes, which contain about 610 mg per medium potato. This is about 17% of the DV and is a more than a banana. Canned black beans are an excellent source of potassium. Just one cup contains 739 milligrams of potassium, along with calcium, magnesium, folate, and folate. Canned white beans contain 1,189 milligrams of potassium per cup. One serving of these beans contains about 20 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber. A cup contains enough potassium to meet your DV for the day. You should eat more beans if you want to meet your daily potassium requirement. Taking potassium supplements is safe if taken as directed, but in high enough doses, it can cause upset stomach and even allergic reactions in some people. Potassium can also lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of kidney stones. You can find potassium in a variety of foods, including bananas, a healthy snack with 422 milligrams of potassium and nine percent of your DV for potassium. Sources of potassium The best foods to consume high levels of potassium are dark-colored leafy vegetables. Spinach, Swiss chard, and bok choy have high potassium contents per cooked cup. Even though the amount of potassium in all leafy vegetables is about the same, they have much higher antioxidant value when cooked. Soak a cup of leafy greens in water for about half an hour before serving them. That way, you can get twice the amount of potassium in your daily diet than you would from a medium banana. Dried apricots are another good source of potassium. One cup of dried apricots has almost one thousand milligrams of potassium. However, you need to limit the amount of dried fruit you eat because some varieties have added sugar. Among the vegetables, greens and fruits are rich in potassium. A medium banana contains about 422 milligrams of potassium, while raw slices of cantaloupe are just under half a cup. The National Academies of Science have revised their recommendations for daily intake of potassium. The recommendations are based on a study of more than three million people and updated in 2014. Other good sources of potassium include meats, fish, and dairy products. A three-oz piece of wild Atlantic salmon contains 400 milligrams of potassium. Fatty fish, including salmon, are particularly good sources. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are polyunsaturated fats that may help reduce cholesterol and prevent inflammation. In addition to being high in potassium, fish is also high in fiber, which can help improve your overall health. Besides providing essential nutrients, potassium also plays a significant role in maintaining cardiovascular health. It is essential for a normal heartbeat and blood pressure. According to Frances Largeman-Roth, a nutritionist and New York Times bestselling author, potassium lowers the risk of stroke and reduces the risk of stroke. If you are prone to hypertension, potassium may help lower your blood pressure. In addition, it can improve the health of your nerves and muscles. Effects of low potassium intake on blood pressure High blood pressure is often associated with a lack of electrolytes, such as potassium. Too little potassium in the diet is associated with high blood pressure. Potassium helps the kidneys get rid of excess sodium, which can then be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. A diet high in potassium may help maintain a healthy blood pressure level. This research may help inform the development of new therapies to treat high blood pressure. An increase in potassium intake has no negative effects on lipids, catecholamines, or kidney function, but it has the potential to reduce blood pressure and decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases and mortality. However, the effects of increased potassium intake on blood pressure may vary according to the hypertension status of the population, the type of interventions used, and the duration of the intervention. It is important to remember that the effect of increased potassium intake is not immediate. While most populations should consume adequate amounts of potassium, some subgroups and individuals should not exceed these amounts. High sodium intake is common in the Western world, and it may make people more resistant to the effects of increased potassium intake on blood pressure. Low intake of potassium may be linked to an increase in BP in some subgroups. The optimal potassium intake is about 1.2 g/day. It is important to remember that low potassium intake can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney stones. One study found that potassium supplementation reduced the mean blood pressure in hypertensive adults. Supplementation increased potassium excretion up to 90 mmol/d in these subjects. High potassium intake does not lower blood pressure. High potassium intake may actually increase it. The effects of high potassium intake on blood pressure are not so clear. However, it does lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The optimal potassium intake varies among people with high sodium levels. Excess potassium in the blood is a possible side effect of diuretics. While diuretics can help to retain potassium, too much can be dangerous. Patients with kidney disease should avoid excessive potassium intake. Excess potassium can build up in the blood and cause serious health issues. In some cases, a person suffering from chronic diarrhea is at higher risk of developing hypertension. However, potassium may also cause symptoms of irritable bowel disease or other diseases, such as chronic renal insufficiency. Effects of high potassium intake on bone health Increasing potassium intake is important for optimal bone health, especially for young adults. Studies have shown that it can reduce cardiovascular risk and protect against bone loss. The level of evidence supporting these recommendations is still insufficient, however. Although all public health recommendations are higher than recommended levels, this is not a universal guide for optimum intake. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) analyzed more recent evidence and affirms that further research is needed to determine the optimum amount. Potassium intake needs also depend on race and the amount of sodium consumed. A diet high in potassium may help prevent the formation of kidney stones. The mineral helps neutralize excess acid in the body. Eating a diet high in potassium can improve bone health by increasing bone density. Additionally, an increased intake of fruits and vegetables has been associated with reduced risk of osteoporosis. In addition to improving bone health, increasing potassium intake is also beneficial for weight control, normalizing blood pressure, and lowering the risk of stroke. A large-scale epidemiological study in Korea found that higher levels of dietary potassium were associated with higher BMD and lower fracture risk. Among postmenopausal women and men, higher potassium intake was associated with increased total hip and femur neck BMD. In men, higher levels of potassium were associated with decreased risk of osteoporosis, a disease that is often characterized by weak bones. In addition, high potassium intake may reduce calcium absorption and increase bone strength. These benefits are linked to the fact that potassium acts as a buffer between acid and calcium. The resulting acid content in the body makes bones lose their strength over time. Potassium supplements in the diet may prevent bone loss by increasing calcium and magnesium. However, high intake of potassium may also have detrimental effects on the immune system. While high intake of potassium may be beneficial for bone health, they should be limited to people with diabetes and those at risk for osteoporosis. As a general rule, food sources of potassium are the best source of nutrients. Supplements are a last resort when dietary intake is inadequate. Foods rich in potassium include bananas, oranges, avocados, dried fruits, pulses, and dried apricots. However, if dietary intake is inadequate, potassium supplements should be avoided. They are also not a cure for any underlying health problems.

The Impact of Inconsistent Financial Modeling on…

Software financial , impact , inconsistent , modeling: , on... https://www.rms.com/blog?tag=1961&
Most (re)insurers rely on an assortment of tools from a variety of vendors to support various business functions and subsequent workflows.

The Importance of Marine Water Quality

Software importance , marine , quality , water https://www.aquaread.com/blog/marine-water-quality-importance/
Marine water quality is a growing problem, both in the UK and around the world. Untreated sewage, chemical contamination, and plastic waste have meant that the seas around the UK consistently rank among the worst coastal waters in the world. Clean water is recognised as a pressing issue when it comes to drinking water and tap water. However, marine water quality is at least as important as water in the home. Marine water sustains biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as playing a vital role in human wellbeing. Letҳ look closer at why marine water quality is so important. Why is marine water quality important? Public health On a warm day at the beach, many of us wouldnҴ think twice before entering the sea. However, in some parts of the UK, you might want to reconsider that refreshing dip. Raw sewage in coastal Britain can expose bathers to a risk of gastroenteritis, skin infections, ear, nose and throat infections, e-coli, and hepatitis. Public enjoyment and tourism The long coast of the UK plays a key role in tourism, with visitors drawn to the beaches and extensive river systems. When this water is unsuitable for swimming, we risk losing a major sector of the tourism industry. And regardless of tourists, how can the public relax and enjoy our marine waters with the present pollution problem? Marine life The delicate underwater ecosystem risks collapsing when chemical run-off contaminates the oceans. Increased levels of chemicals such as nitrogen and phosphorus can lead totoxic algal blooms, threatening the safety of marine life. Even minor damage to an ecosystem can have larger repercussions, as the harmonious balance becomes disturbed. Other pollutants, such as plastic, can also cause physical damage to wildlife. Hidden health risks Many of the risks involved with poor marine water can be tough to conceptualise. But invisible pollution from microplastics, chemicals, and sewage can end up in the human diet. Why? Fish eat or absorb the pollutants, and we then eat the fish. Furthermore, the surface water that makes up our drinking water becomes harder to clean to safe levels. Impacts on marine water A widerange of factors impact marine water quality, including sewage, agricultural run-off, and littering. Sewage treatment should prevent the amount of pollution that reaches our marine water, but Combined Sewage Overflows (CSOs) mean untreated waste is still harming the sea. During periods of heavy rainfall, CSOs are designed to stop sewage from flooding homes. However, studies have shown that theyҲe frequently releasing untreated waste into our rivers and streams. Chemical contamination is another pollutant, and often the result of agriculture. The chemicals in materials such as fertiliser enter local waterways after rainfall, and eventually find their way to the ocean. Littering, particularly plastic waste, can also cause major issues. While larger plastics pose physical threats to wildlife, microplastics are an invisible danger. Broken down into minuscule pieces, microplastics are digested by tiny organisms, and make their way up the food chain. What measures can be taken to improve marine water quality? Improving marine water quality will mean change at a personal, organisational, and governmental level. On a personal level, we must do what we can to reduce the numbers of plastics we use every day, and to better monitor our own contributions to pollution. Organisations must urgently rethink their own sewage overflows, as well as reducing plastic and chemical usage. Agricultural and mining practices in particular need to be reassessed, to reduce the harm ofchemical run-off. Water companies must adapt their practices to better suit the environment, rather than profit. However, the most important work will need to be done at a governmental level. A newer, improved water testing regime is necessary to accurately assess the quality of marine water. New sewage legislation must be put in place to reduce and remove untreated sewage water from bathing areas. Government investment in better, safer agricultural practices are imperative, as are regulations holding major polluters to account. Improved marine water quality is a necessity Marine water quality is not a subject that we can afford to overlook. Major pollutants such as untreated sewage and chemical run-off can affect the health and safety of both humans and marine wildlife. Tackling marine water quality is a group effort ֠and one that needs to start immediately. Marine water quality monitoring with Aquaread Working towards cleaner marine water starts with monitoring. Without monitoring, itҳ impossible to know where we stand and what we can do better ֠as well as what is working when we make changes. In coastal applications, you need products that are strong enough to withstand harsh environments and that you can rely on time and again. No one knows this better than us here at Aquaread, and itҳ precisely why our marine water quality monitoring tools are made to be so robust and long-lasting. Take a look at ourMarine Applications page to discover all theequipment you need to keep an eye on the quality of our beloved waters. The postThe Importance of Marine Water Quality appeared first onAquaread.

RMS RiskLink and RiskBrowser with Version 22 Now…

Software now... , riskbrowser... , risklink , version https://www.rms.com/blog?tag=1871&
RMSs excited to announce that a major new version of RiskLinkRiskBrowserand related products is now generally available. Version 22

Trees producewood in the form of fibres that grow upwards and outwards. This cellular structure provides strength and durability and has been used for thousands of years in construction and fuel. It is made up of two main structural components: cellulose and lignin. The cellulose fibres in wood are extremely durable and have high tension properties. The lignin in wood helps resist compression. The chemical composition of different species differs, but the main components are hydrogen and carbon. The natural products of wood include roundwood and sawnwood. However, many wood products are manufactured using greater amounts of processing. In addition to this, veneer is a thin decorative layer of wood, created by turning a log against a blade. It has a rich wooden appearance and can be used for interiors and exteriors. This natural material can be found in many places and is great for creating different kinds of products. This article will explore the different types of wood and how they are produced. The natural products used in wood are environmentally friendly. When harvested responsibly, wood maintains its chemical balance with the environment, so it is not harmful to the ecosystem. This allows it to last for centuries, and is therefore the only structural material that can be recycled. If sourced from sustainable forests, wood is carbon neutral. Its inherent character also adds to its beauty and diversity. For these reasons, wood is a great choice for any project. It is not only beautiful and sustainable but also a durable, long-lasting material. Despite its durability and beauty, wood is a versatile material. It is available in a variety of species, each with a unique grain pattern, texture, and color. Depending on the species, woodҳ chemical composition will vary slightly. Typically, wood has fifty percent carbon, forty-two percent oxygen, six percent hydrogen, and one percent nitrogen. Additionally, it is rich in sulfur, silicon, and phosphorus. Although wood is a natural material, it can still be attacked by other natural materials. Certain species of fungi and insects can destroy wood. Pictured above is a picture of Formosan subterranean termite, courtesy of the US Department of Agriculture. When the fungi and insects attack wood, they can cause a significant amount of damage. To prevent this from happening, it is important to keep these pests away from your projects. Different types of wood have different properties. For example, western hemlock has a black check, while reddish-brown streaks are caused by bird injury. A black check in a tree is a result of insect attacks. The reddish-brown streaks on a treeҳ wood is the result of a bird or squirrel injury. But unlike a black check, a reddish-brown streak on a piece of wood may be an indication of a rotten branch, and will not affect the woodҳ properties. Sapwood is the youngest and outermost part of a tree and is the most dense. Its main purpose is to conduct water and to store leaf reserves for the following season. In contrast, heartwood is the most durable of these two types of wood. In addition, sapwood is a living substance that can be processed for fuel. And in some cases, it can even be processed to make furniture. If it is processed properly, it can be used for making a variety of useful objects. As a construction material, wood is used in many applications. Its use is largely dependent on the inner structure of the tree. Among the many uses of wood, the most common is to construct buildings. It can be used for doors, windows, frames, and ceilings. But the process of turning raw material into a finished product depends on the process of its manufacturing. This is the most important step in a construction project, as it is the most expensive and requires the best craftsmanship. There are two main types of wood. Sapwood is the active portion of the tree, which stores starch and conducts sap. While heartwood is the most valuable part of the tree, it also stores nutrients. It is the second most common source of wood. A treeҳ trunk can be divided into four parts: the heartwood and sapwood. Each type has a distinct purpose. A good example of a material is a treeҳ outer bark.

As the population increases, so too do industrial demands, leading to strained agriculture, food, paper, and commercial industries. Technology and the means of manufacturing have advanced rapidly, and, while significantly important, these processes are often very damaging. Now, full-scale industrial factories pollute their surrounding environments and ultimately, the world ֠so much so that industrial waste is one of thebiggest sources of water pollution. What is industrial pollution? To understand its impacts, we must first understand the sources of industrial pollution. The short answer is that it constitutes any pollution of which the source is industry of any form. As for the longer answer, well, letҳ look at some common industrial pollutant-causing activities: Burning coal and fossil fuels (oil, petroleum, natural gas) The release of chemical solvents Radioactive material leakage The release of untreated waste Industrial waste can be both hazardous and non-hazardous, with the latter including things like rubbish and debris. It goes without saying that Ѯon-hazardousҠdoesnҴ necessarily equal Ѧine for the environmentҮ Waste classed as hazardous include things like ammonia, solvents, and petroleum, and are classified as such because they have one or more of the following characteristics: Ignitability Corrosivity Reactivity Toxicity The effects of industrial waste When metals, chemicals, and sewage are released or leak into the environment, they cause significant air, soil, and water pollution ֠the latter being one of the most devastating results. Often, untreated wastewater is wrongly released back into bodies of water due to lack of infrastructure or regulation. When this happens, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters can become significantly polluted. Pollutants like total organic carbon (TOC) and compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorous can lead directly to eutrophication, which can often be the death of a body of water. What is eutrophication? Eutrophication occurs when a body of water becomes enriched with nutrients and minerals. While that might sound like a good thing, it is precisely the opposite. In fact, eutrophication promotes the growth of an overabundance of toxic algae and plants, that in turn increase levels of carbon dioxide in water. By nature of growing rapidly on the surface of the water, toxic algal blooms can decrease sunlight and lead to hypoxia (a lack of oxygen). Oxygen starved waters are, as you can imagine, not ideal for aquatic life. Fish die and biodiversity dramatically decreases. As the excess plant matter decomposes, carbon dioxide releases and eventually makes its way into the ocean. This leads to ocean acidification, which is harmful to marine life ֠including the shellfish that we eat. So itҳ easy to see how fine of a balance is needed to sustain aquatic life. Without human intervention, eutrophication is a natural (but slow) process that occurs over centuries. The problem lies in industrial waste speeding this up, with consequences for drinking water, fisheries, and recreational water alike. Water pollution is a cycle Water pollution doesnҴ solely impact aquatic life. To put it simply,water is so important because it sustains all living things. We have come to rely heavily on water for industry and agriculture ֠but what about when the water we use is itself contaminated? The farmer uses the water for irrigation purposes, and the quality of our crops is affected. More fertilisers are used, and fertilisers pollute the water, and so on. The thing is that water is not a limitless, ever-renewing resource; in fact,weҲe running out of it. Water pollution perpetuates itself without intervention and innovation. So what can we do? The solution to industrial pollution There are a few things that need to change to minimise industrial pollution, namely: Policy changes and effective enforcement Controlled industrial growth and forward planning Investment in new, sustainable technologies Managed waste disposal and treatment where disposal is damaging Reduced usage of natural resources that involve damaging extraction Without a holistic approach to industrial pollutant management, efforts are made redundant. In order to turn this around, changes need to be immediate and global. The EU, for example, has put in place a Ѽa href="https://ec.europa.eu/environment/strategy/zero-pollution-action-plan_en">Zero Pollution Action PlanҠthat aims to reduce water pollution ֠and the UK should be sure to follow suit. After all, if thereҳ no policy, thereҳ no incentive for businesses in industry to do things differently. Water monitoringҳ place in industrial waste management If weҲe to have a future where industrial waste is healthily managed and doesnҴ pollute the environment, a key part of the process is water monitoring. Responsible companies and industries will partake in regular assessments of environmental impact ֠and what easier way to do so than withAquareadҳ water monitoring equipment? Take a look at our range ofwater quality monitoring kits that function across a variety ofparameters, all of which are important to monitor in order to sustain clean waters. Letҳ work towards a green (although preferably notalgae-filled) future together. The postThe Impacts of Industrial Waste appeared first onAquaread.

Woodworking is a wonderful hobby that will allow you to create something beautiful with your hands. Many people enjoy creating wood art and furniture, and the possibilities are endless. You can create abstract works of art, flat designs, and other types of objects that fit into any roomҳ decor. Furniture is another great item to make using your skills. You can start by building simple pieces of furniture, and then add unique styling to make your piece stand out. Once youҶe decided to pursue woodworking, itҳ important to study the materials and methods. Before you buy the tools and materials, make sure to do proper research and planning. DonҴ buy something that looks cool because you want to impress people. Detailed information is best obtained from books, and you may want to purchase more than one copy. You can also check out books at your local library. However, before investing in tools, you should know what you want to build. You should also have a safe work space. Purchasing the proper wood is essential for successful woodworking. The right lumber is essential to a successful project. Buying a large amount of lumber will lead to problems with splitting and other factors that will lower the overall quality of the finished product. If you are not sure what type of lumber you will need, try a few types of wood to find the right one for your project. If you have a building plan, you can check it for material lists.

IC Component Shortages & Water Quality Monitoring Equipment

Software component , monitoring , quality , shortages , water https://www.aquaread.com/blog/ic-component-shortages/
The pandemic has wreaked havoc on innumerable elements of daily life ֠and industry is no different. Infected workforces, quarantines, and uncertainty have knocked back supply chains in almost every industry, and thereҳ currently global turmoil with electronics components supply chains. So why exactly, and what can be done about it? Why is there a shortage of IC components? A huge amount of modern manufacturers rely on just-in-time production. That is, ordering raw materials just before running out in order to minimise costs on warehousing & storage. In an ideal, normal, world, this is a great way to cut costs, increase efficiency, and stop depreciation of raw materials through things like spoilage. But when long supply chains rely on just-in-time methods, the smallest knock to that chain can cause serious problems. Well, the pandemic has been much more than a small knock in the supply chain. But problems in sourcing raw materials and components (such as semiconductors) have been compounded with a dramatic increase in the demand for electronics. From August 2020-21, for example,there was a 30% increase in demand for copper foil. Growing awareness of the devastating effects of climate change is fuelling a swift uptake in new technologies such as electric cars & renewables. In the meantime, technological innovations are resulting in a broad appeal for home and personal electronics like mobile phones, laptops, Alexa & Nest devices, and even doorbells! The smaller they get, the more appealing they become ֠thatҳ exactly what Integrated Circuit (IC) chips & PCBs enable. Before PCBs & IC chips, electrical engineers would have to physically wire together all of the components ֠which is why older tech tended to be so bulky! In order to be produced effectively, all of these modern devices need PCBs and the components that make them work. While there isnҴ a shortage of every single IC component, there are disruptions in so many supply chains that itҳ made getting hold of any vital equipment very difficult. Whatҳ more, due to the growing demand, the components that are available are quickly snatched up by larger electronics producers. And any components that are left more widely available currently have dramatically extended lead times. Frequently, producers are left with access to batches of components, but not enough to fully create whichever board they need. Itҳ like having a lot of flour for cake, but no eggs or chocolate! How have we prepared? While our industry is much more niche, it hasnҴ been less affected by the component shortage. However small, many of our water testing products rely on effective circuit boards to function ֠and our customersrely on our products to operate effectively. After all, being able to accurately monitor water level & quality is vital forpreserving waterways & wildlife as well as providing advanced flood warnings. Itҳ just as vital, therefore, that our equipment stays available. So we frequently plan ahead and stock up to account for market and supply chain fluctuations. This time has been no different! If youҲe in need of water monitoring equipment, you can rely on Aquaread נeven while IC components are in short supply. WeҶe been able to keep our products available and proudly continue to stay ahead of the curve in what we offer. So take a look at ourwater monitoring products here orbrowse by sensor type. If you have any questions about any of our products, theircalibration, or the possibleapplications, donҴ hesitate toget in touch with our friendly team. The postIC Component Shortages & Water Quality Monitoring Equipment appeared first onAquaread.

The Impacts of Industrial Waste

Software impacts , industrial , waste https://www.aquaread.com/blog/impacts-of-industrial-waste/
As the population increases, so too do industrial demands, leading to strained agriculture, food, paper, and commercial industries. Technology and the means of manufacturing have advanced rapidly, and, while significantly important, these processes are often very damaging. Now, full-scale industrial factories pollute their surrounding environments and ultimately, the world ֠so much so that industrial waste is one of thebiggest sources of water pollution. What is industrial pollution? To understand its impacts, we must first understand the sources of industrial pollution. The short answer is that it constitutes any pollution of which the source is industry of any form. As for the longer answer, well, letҳ look at some common industrial pollutant-causing activities: Burning coal and fossil fuels (oil, petroleum, natural gas) The release of chemical solvents Radioactive material leakage The release of untreated waste Industrial waste can be both hazardous and non-hazardous, with the latter including things like rubbish and debris. It goes without saying that Ѯon-hazardousҠdoesnҴ necessarily equal Ѧine for the environmentҮ Waste classed as hazardous include things like ammonia, solvents, and petroleum, and are classified as such because they have one or more of the following characteristics: Ignitability Corrosivity Reactivity Toxicity The effects of industrial waste When metals, chemicals, and sewage are released or leak into the environment, they cause significant air, soil, and water pollution ֠the latter being one of the most devastating results. Often, untreated wastewater is wrongly released back into bodies of water due to lack of infrastructure or regulation. When this happens, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters can become significantly polluted. Pollutants like total organic carbon (TOC) and compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorous can lead directly to eutrophication, which can often be the death of a body of water. What is eutrophication? Eutrophication occurs when a body of water becomes enriched with nutrients and minerals. While that might sound like a good thing, it is precisely the opposite. In fact, eutrophication promotes the growth of an overabundance of toxic algae and plants, that in turn increase levels of carbon dioxide in water. By nature of growing rapidly on the surface of the water, toxic algal blooms can decrease sunlight and lead to hypoxia (a lack of oxygen). Oxygen starved waters are, as you can imagine, not ideal for aquatic life. Fish die and biodiversity dramatically decreases. As the excess plant matter decomposes, carbon dioxide releases and eventually makes its way into the ocean. This leads to ocean acidification, which is harmful to marine life ֠including the shellfish that we eat. So itҳ easy to see how fine of a balance is needed to sustain aquatic life. Without human intervention, eutrophication is a natural (but slow) process that occurs over centuries. The problem lies in industrial waste speeding this up, with consequences for drinking water, fisheries, and recreational water alike. Water pollution is a cycle Water pollution doesnҴ solely impact aquatic life. To put it simply,water is so important because it sustains all living things. We have come to rely heavily on water for industry and agriculture ֠but what about when the water we use is itself contaminated? The farmer uses the water for irrigation purposes, and the quality of our crops is affected. More fertilisers are used, and fertilisers pollute the water, and so on. The thing is that water is not a limitless, ever-renewing resource; in fact,weҲe running out of it. Water pollution perpetuates itself without intervention and innovation. So what can we do? The solution to industrial pollution There are a few things that need to change to minimise industrial pollution, namely: Policy changes and effective enforcement Controlled industrial growth and forward planning Investment in new, sustainable technologies Managed waste disposal and treatment where disposal is damaging Reduced usage of natural resources that involve damaging extraction Without a holistic approach to industrial pollutant management, efforts are made redundant. In order to turn this around, changes need to be immediate and global. The EU, for example, has put in place a Ѽa href="https://ec.europa.eu/environment/strategy/zero-pollution-action-plan_en">Zero Pollution Action PlanҠthat aims to reduce water pollution ֠and the UK should be sure to follow suit. After all, if thereҳ no policy, thereҳ no incentive for businesses in industry to do things differently. Water monitoringҳ place in industrial waste management If weҲe to have a future where industrial waste is healthily managed and doesnҴ pollute the environment, a key part of the process is water monitoring. Responsible companies and industries will partake in regular assessments of environmental impact ֠and what easier way to do so than withAquareadҳ water monitoring equipment? Take a look at our range ofwater quality monitoring kits that function across a variety ofparameters, all of which are important to monitor in order to sustain clean waters. Letҳ work towards a green (although preferably notalgae-filled) future together. The postThe Impacts of Industrial Waste appeared first onAquaread.

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