Top 5 woodworking projects that sell. In this video I discuss how to make money woodworking. These are my top 5 best selling woodworking projects. I also talk about how to price your woodworking projects. IҶe been woodworking for over three years now and these are the best selling woodworking projects in my area. Theses are generally fast selling woodworking projects. I have some small woodworking projects that sell. I also have big woodworking projects that sell. If you are starting a woodworking business these items will sell well in most areas. If you are trying to make money woodworking consider making furniture and home decor. These woodworking projects can be made with basic tools to help you make money woodworking. Can you make money woodworking? I have been able to make money selling my woodworking projects consistently over the last several years. I hope this information helps you make money woodworking too. *Videos To Watch Next* 5 MORE Woodworking Projects that Sell: Make Money Woodworking Playlist: /> Time stamps to jump to the projects in the video above: 0:00 Intro 1:13 Project 1 Stove Cover 2:25 Project 2 End Tables 3:38 Project 3 Coffee Tables 4:36 Project 4 Console Table / TV Stands 6:30 Project 5: Indoor Dog Kennel 8:28 Recommended Tools: 10:30 Pricing Your Woodworking Projects: *Individual Projects That Sell* Coffee Table: Indoor Dog Kennel: Stove Cover: Console Table: End Table: *Tools I recommend* Kreg K5 Pocket Hole Jig: Kreg R3 Pocket Hole Jig: Drill/Impact Combo: Saw: Sander: 36″ Clamp: Camera Equipment Used for Videos: Canon M50 Sign up for our email list to be notified about new content, products, contests and more! Help support me by becoming a patron: *Shirts and Gear* Rep 731 Woodworks by getting one of our shirts: If you do, tag us on Instagram @731woodworks Visit the blog for more projects: *Follow us on social media* Disclaimer: Affiliate links are used in this description and they help support this channel. By clicking on the links and purchasing items through Amazon, provides me a very small commission but cost you nothing extra. It is a great way to support small creators like me. I appreciate the support more than you know! Working with wood and power tools is inherently dangerous. Anyone using any of the tools or supplies used in these videos are personally responsible for learning the proper techniques involved, and he or she assumes all risks and accepts complete responsibility for any and all damages and injury of any kind. Before using any hand or power tool with which you are unfamiliar, consult its operating instructions, and if necessary, seek instruction by a qualified person well versed in its operation and appropriate safety techniques. 731 Woodworks is intended for entertainment purposes only. There are no warranties implied and your results may differ from ours. You should NOT rely solely upon the information and techniques discussed and displayed in these videos. Rather, you should fully research each technique and decide for yourself what is the safest possible work method for you. #makemoneywoodworking #woodworking #woodworkingbusiness

Chris and I tested out the RTF and Tx-r versions of the 1 SQ micro quad copter and had tons of fun with them. The TAGS (triple axis gyro stabilization) system makes the 1 SQ super stable in the air making it so easy to fly that I would recommend the 1 SQ to a new pilot. Having some fixed pitch helicopter flying experience would be a plus though. Pros: TAGS system Can handle a little wind Takes some abuse and still flies Cons: You are going to need more than one battery! This thing is just too much fun. You can purchase the 1 SQ online from Tower Hobbies at the link below. RTF Version /> Tx-R Version /> Please remember toŮ Rate, Comment, And Subscribe to Support my Channel. Thanks, Eric Jordon This video was edited using Movie Edit Pro MX. I use MEP to edit all my videos. You can download a free trial version at this link. My RC website. My Video Editing Tips website.

How to fulfil the daily need of vitamins and minerals through common foods that too much more effectively and at a fraction of price? Buy Mamaearth Baby Diaper Rash Cream ֠ (Apply code FITTUBER21 to get 21% off) Buy from Amazon ֠ Out of a variety of vitamins, minerals and amino acids I have picked the ones which are most essential and are trending on the shelves of supermarkets and online. During the research of this video, even I was surprised to find some facts that I have shared with you in this video. 01:30 ֠COLLAGEN ֠Collagen is an amino acid mainly responsible for skin strength and elasticity. The collagen trend has spread from cosmetic injections to products you see everywhere. But before you spend your money on them, first consider if your body really needs it. 03:33 ֠FISH OIL ֠To spend a day without consuming fish oil capsules is a crime, thatҳ how the supplement industry projects it. However, the question is that can we fulfil the daily need for omega 3s through vegetarian food? 04:57 ֠BIOTIN ֠Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin thatҳ a part of the vitamin B family. Since it plays a crucial role in the health of your hair it has been named Vitamin H. What are the best sources of biotin? 06:42 ֠VITAMIN B12 ֠If you are a vegetarian, you have to take a vitamin b12 supplement. This has almost become the slogan of the supplement industry. Not many know that there are some amazing vegetarian vitamin B12 foods around us. 07:58 ֠CALCIUM ֠Young and the old alike extensively consume calcium tablets hoping to strengthen their bones. However, little do they know that these calcium tablets can do more damage than good. 10:01 ֠ZINC ֠Zinc, even though a trace mineral, is extremely important for a robust immune system and production of testosterone in males. But one need not take refuge in pills anyway. 11:05 ֠VITAMIN C ֠Do you have weak bleeding gums? Or do you often suffer from mouth ulcers? If yes, then your body is screaming from vitamin c and not vitamin c pills. Nature has indeed provided abundant sources of vitamin c to us that if we still have to pop pills, itҳ a shame. FOODS & PRODUCTS RELATED TO THE VIDEO (Not Sponsored) Cold Pressed Sesame oil (to massage for collagen production) ֠ Copper Jug (to charge water for collagen production) ֠ Copper bottle (to charge water for collagen production) ֠ Flaxseeds (for omega 3s) ֠ Walnuts (for omega 3s) ֠ Wheatgrass powder (for Vitamin B12) ֠ Moringa Powder (for Vitamin B12) ֠ Amalki Rasayan (for Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C) ֠ Phool Makhana (for calcium) ֠ Peanut Butter (for calcium) ֠ Edible choona (for calcium) ֠ Edible Choona (option 2) ֠ Desi A2 Cow Ghee (for vitamin D and absorption of fat soluble vitamins) ֠ Desi A2 Coe Ghee (option 2) ֠ Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (for Zinc) ֠ Cashews (for Zinc) ֠ SUPPORT MY WORK and get exclusive perks INSTAGRAM : Follow me on Instagram RECOMMENDED VIDEOS 28 Signs Your Body is Deficient in Vital Nutrients (With Solution) BEST PRODUCTS FROM UPDATED WORST TO BEST 2020 SERIES (Not Sponsored) Shampoo (option 1) ֠ Shampoo (option 2)- Shampoo (option 3) ֠ Face wash (option 1) ֠ Face wash (option 2) ֠ Face wash (option 3) ֠ Hair oil (option 1) ֠ Hair oil (option 2) ֠ Hair oil (option 3) ֠ Moisturiser (option 1) ֠ Moisturiser (option 2) ֠ Moisturiser (option 3) ֠ Cooking oil (option 1) ֠ Cooking oil (option 2) ֠ Cooking oil (option 3) ֠ Biscuits (option 1) ֠ Namkeen (option 1) ֠ 12:59 ֠Segment Partner ֠Mamaearth Rash Cream for Babies DISCLAIMER: Whatever I have spoken in this video is my honest opinion. I am not with or against any brand. I judge a product on the basis of its merit. None of the brands/products mentioned are sponsored unless explicitly mentioned. Neither the sponsored brand nor any other brand/organization for that matter has any control over views shared on this channel. Music Credits : YouTube Audio Library I wish you good health. Fit Tuber

As the population increases, so too do industrial demands, leading to strained agriculture, food, paper, and commercial industries. Technology and the means of manufacturing have advanced rapidly, and, while significantly important, these processes are often very damaging. Now, full-scale industrial factories pollute their surrounding environments and ultimately, the world ֠so much so that industrial waste is one of thebiggest sources of water pollution. What is industrial pollution? To understand its impacts, we must first understand the sources of industrial pollution. The short answer is that it constitutes any pollution of which the source is industry of any form. As for the longer answer, well, letҳ look at some common industrial pollutant-causing activities: Burning coal and fossil fuels (oil, petroleum, natural gas) The release of chemical solvents Radioactive material leakage The release of untreated waste Industrial waste can be both hazardous and non-hazardous, with the latter including things like rubbish and debris. It goes without saying that Ѯon-hazardousҠdoesnҴ necessarily equal Ѧine for the environmentҮ Waste classed as hazardous include things like ammonia, solvents, and petroleum, and are classified as such because they have one or more of the following characteristics: Ignitability Corrosivity Reactivity Toxicity The effects of industrial waste When metals, chemicals, and sewage are released or leak into the environment, they cause significant air, soil, and water pollution ֠the latter being one of the most devastating results. Often, untreated wastewater is wrongly released back into bodies of water due to lack of infrastructure or regulation. When this happens, lakes, rivers, and coastal waters can become significantly polluted. Pollutants like total organic carbon (TOC) and compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorous can lead directly to eutrophication, which can often be the death of a body of water. What is eutrophication? Eutrophication occurs when a body of water becomes enriched with nutrients and minerals. While that might sound like a good thing, it is precisely the opposite. In fact, eutrophication promotes the growth of an overabundance of toxic algae and plants, that in turn increase levels of carbon dioxide in water. By nature of growing rapidly on the surface of the water, toxic algal blooms can decrease sunlight and lead to hypoxia (a lack of oxygen). Oxygen starved waters are, as you can imagine, not ideal for aquatic life. Fish die and biodiversity dramatically decreases. As the excess plant matter decomposes, carbon dioxide releases and eventually makes its way into the ocean. This leads to ocean acidification, which is harmful to marine life ֠including the shellfish that we eat. So itҳ easy to see how fine of a balance is needed to sustain aquatic life. Without human intervention, eutrophication is a natural (but slow) process that occurs over centuries. The problem lies in industrial waste speeding this up, with consequences for drinking water, fisheries, and recreational water alike. Water pollution is a cycle Water pollution doesnҴ solely impact aquatic life. To put it simply,water is so important because it sustains all living things. We have come to rely heavily on water for industry and agriculture ֠but what about when the water we use is itself contaminated? The farmer uses the water for irrigation purposes, and the quality of our crops is affected. More fertilisers are used, and fertilisers pollute the water, and so on. The thing is that water is not a limitless, ever-renewing resource; in fact,weҲe running out of it. Water pollution perpetuates itself without intervention and innovation. So what can we do? The solution to industrial pollution There are a few things that need to change to minimise industrial pollution, namely: Policy changes and effective enforcement Controlled industrial growth and forward planning Investment in new, sustainable technologies Managed waste disposal and treatment where disposal is damaging Reduced usage of natural resources that involve damaging extraction Without a holistic approach to industrial pollutant management, efforts are made redundant. In order to turn this around, changes need to be immediate and global. The EU, for example, has put in place a Ѽa href="">Zero Pollution Action PlanҠthat aims to reduce water pollution ֠and the UK should be sure to follow suit. After all, if thereҳ no policy, thereҳ no incentive for businesses in industry to do things differently. Water monitoringҳ place in industrial waste management If weҲe to have a future where industrial waste is healthily managed and doesnҴ pollute the environment, a key part of the process is water monitoring. Responsible companies and industries will partake in regular assessments of environmental impact ֠and what easier way to do so than withAquareadҳ water monitoring equipment? Take a look at our range ofwater quality monitoring kits that function across a variety ofparameters, all of which are important to monitor in order to sustain clean waters. Letҳ work towards a green (although preferably notalgae-filled) future together. The postThe Impacts of Industrial Waste appeared first onAquaread.

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The Importance of Marine Water Quality

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Marine water quality is a growing problem, both in the UK and around the world. Untreated sewage, chemical contamination, and plastic waste have meant that the seas around the UK consistently rank among the worst coastal waters in the world. Clean water is recognised as a pressing issue when it comes to drinking water and tap water. However, marine water quality is at least as important as water in the home. Marine water sustains biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as playing a vital role in human wellbeing. Letҳ look closer at why marine water quality is so important. Why is marine water quality important? Public health On a warm day at the beach, many of us wouldnҴ think twice before entering the sea. However, in some parts of the UK, you might want to reconsider that refreshing dip. Raw sewage in coastal Britain can expose bathers to a risk of gastroenteritis, skin infections, ear, nose and throat infections, e-coli, and hepatitis. Public enjoyment and tourism The long coast of the UK plays a key role in tourism, with visitors drawn to the beaches and extensive river systems. When this water is unsuitable for swimming, we risk losing a major sector of the tourism industry. And regardless of tourists, how can the public relax and enjoy our marine waters with the present pollution problem? Marine life The delicate underwater ecosystem risks collapsing when chemical run-off contaminates the oceans. Increased levels of chemicals such as nitrogen and phosphorus can lead totoxic algal blooms, threatening the safety of marine life. Even minor damage to an ecosystem can have larger repercussions, as the harmonious balance becomes disturbed. Other pollutants, such as plastic, can also cause physical damage to wildlife. Hidden health risks Many of the risks involved with poor marine water can be tough to conceptualise. But invisible pollution from microplastics, chemicals, and sewage can end up in the human diet. Why? Fish eat or absorb the pollutants, and we then eat the fish. Furthermore, the surface water that makes up our drinking water becomes harder to clean to safe levels. Impacts on marine water A widerange of factors impact marine water quality, including sewage, agricultural run-off, and littering. Sewage treatment should prevent the amount of pollution that reaches our marine water, but Combined Sewage Overflows (CSOs) mean untreated waste is still harming the sea. During periods of heavy rainfall, CSOs are designed to stop sewage from flooding homes. However, studies have shown that theyҲe frequently releasing untreated waste into our rivers and streams. Chemical contamination is another pollutant, and often the result of agriculture. The chemicals in materials such as fertiliser enter local waterways after rainfall, and eventually find their way to the ocean. Littering, particularly plastic waste, can also cause major issues. While larger plastics pose physical threats to wildlife, microplastics are an invisible danger. Broken down into minuscule pieces, microplastics are digested by tiny organisms, and make their way up the food chain. What measures can be taken to improve marine water quality? Improving marine water quality will mean change at a personal, organisational, and governmental level. On a personal level, we must do what we can to reduce the numbers of plastics we use every day, and to better monitor our own contributions to pollution. Organisations must urgently rethink their own sewage overflows, as well as reducing plastic and chemical usage. Agricultural and mining practices in particular need to be reassessed, to reduce the harm ofchemical run-off. Water companies must adapt their practices to better suit the environment, rather than profit. However, the most important work will need to be done at a governmental level. A newer, improved water testing regime is necessary to accurately assess the quality of marine water. New sewage legislation must be put in place to reduce and remove untreated sewage water from bathing areas. Government investment in better, safer agricultural practices are imperative, as are regulations holding major polluters to account. Improved marine water quality is a necessity Marine water quality is not a subject that we can afford to overlook. Major pollutants such as untreated sewage and chemical run-off can affect the health and safety of both humans and marine wildlife. Tackling marine water quality is a group effort ֠and one that needs to start immediately. Marine water quality monitoring with Aquaread Working towards cleaner marine water starts with monitoring. Without monitoring, itҳ impossible to know where we stand and what we can do better ֠as well as what is working when we make changes. In coastal applications, you need products that are strong enough to withstand harsh environments and that you can rely on time and again. No one knows this better than us here at Aquaread, and itҳ precisely why our marine water quality monitoring tools are made to be so robust and long-lasting. Take a look at ourMarine Applications page to discover all theequipment you need to keep an eye on the quality of our beloved waters. The postThe Importance of Marine Water Quality appeared first onAquaread.

its 10th carpentry class. and in the class we explain the 45𠤥gree wood joint.and example important trick of carpentry to day catchart teaching the simple step of carpenter work and important of carpentery work and explain about some important data about carpentry work.and explain 45𠷯od joint trick.In addition, I would like to tell you about the carpentry joint and the various designs in the carpentry through this video and the following video.and we introducing a wood joint tec in this video.and in video Today we are going to teach you how to do carpenter work. Today we present this video in a way that those who do not know any work can learn the work. and in this video we explain the trick of wooden window frame making. and this carpentry teaching class we explain the methord DIY Mini Storage Cabinet and the Design Ideas From Pallet Old Pallets. and explain Japanese wood joint trick. and the other joint trick.and we explain how to join 2 pieces of wood at the corner. and we saying about Processing Dried stumps #woodworking#carpenterwork#carpenterworkstudying#woodworker#woodworkclass#woodworkkerala##furnituremaking#45𪯮t cover topic 1)Learn carpentry 2)Carpentry classes 3)Learn to be a simple carpenter 4)Carpentry Malayalam 5) o 6) Learn carpentry 7)Learn carpentry 8)Carpentry classes 9)Learn to be a simple carpenter 10)Carpentry malayalam 11) carpentry work trick 12)asari pani Malayalam 13)carpentery class malayalam 14) 15) o 26)carpenter 27)joint trick 28joint trick malayalam 29)Woodworking Techniques 30)Amazing Carpentersworking 32) Making Curved Wooden 33)Curved Wooden Is Extreme Difficult 34)Techniques And SkillsHow Do 35)Woodworking Machines 36)Woodworking Workers 37wooden joints without nails 38)wooden joints guide 39)woodworking 40)wood joints part 1 41)how to build wooden joints 42)wooden joints for 43) wooden joint 44) woodworking 45)wood joint 46)wood joint techniques 47)wood table joint 48) how to make wooden joints 49)wood joints for begginers 50)wood working class malayalam 51)wood working class kerala 52)45𪯩nt Miter joint miter joints miter joint spline miter joint on table saw table saw, mitered joints miter joint tips spline mitered spline miter spline waterfall edge waterfall joint mitered box miter box how to how to build how to make wood woodworking woodworking woodwork do it yourself diy project fixthisbuildthat fix this build that Window Frame work Wood work Wooden crafts How to make a window frame with wood Wooden Window Frame work Design Ideas From Pallet Old Pallets Chair From Old Pallets DIY Wood Projects Woodworking Skill Amazing World Modern and Smart WoodWorking Skills Woodworking Plan Smart woodworking skills Smart Woodworking Skills ideas Wood Storage Cabinets DIY Wooden Storage Cabinets Best Modern Storage Solutions ideas Mini Storage Cabinet Storage Cabinets Smart Design Cabinet Storage Shelf Rack DIY Mini Storage Cabinet mini food storage cabinet Scarf Joint timber framin Carpenter (Industry) Home Improvement (Interest) making a scarf joint keyed scarf joint Woodworking Joints (TV Subject) timber framed house traditional carpentry oak framed building Lumber (Industry) Architecture (Industry) timber frame joinery Japanese wood joints post and beam construction creating a multi purpose box using screws, wood work with screws basic woodworking rustic woodworking woodwork school rusticdavid how to drive a screw join wood with screws drilling pilot holes join wood at the corner how to join 2 pieces of wood at the corner using screws joining wood how to screw wood together woodworking Simple But Wonderful Woodworking F Build A Sturdy And Easy Bed With Simple Joints How To Make A Bed, Processing Dried stumps Cheap Wooden Furniture Butt joint screwed butt joint joining wood butt wood wooden butt joint making a butt joint Wood

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