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Vocal EQ Secrets From PROҳ



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In this article will explain different vocal eq secrets from proҳ to help you to make yourvocals sound better. The quality of your recording limits your results. Investing in a good mic, pre-amp, and converter will give you better-quality sounds for EQ. Just as the roomҳ acoustics are important, you should take care of them to some degree, whether you are planning to use acoustic treatment or noise cancellation. or building a vocal booth. Itҳ another fairly easy problem to solve and one you canҴ avoid if you want high-quality audio. One of the best things you can do to a vocal track is EQ it. A tool that will help you with this task is a parametric equalizer. If you know how to use your DAW then thereҳ also a good chance that you know what this is and what it does, which is why Iҭ sure youҲe reading this article. All DAWs usually have a parametric equalizer. Find that and place it on your vocal track. Cut The Low-End Frequencies The first thing you do to most vocal tracks is cut off the low-end bass frequencies. These are typically a lot of noises, like electrical static, hums from the mic stand, and self-generated noise from your microphone. The low-end of the sound can be heard when recording near the microphone, so removing it would be a good idea. On your parametric EQ, the left band is configured to be a bass-cut filter. You might want to decrease the level of the low frequencies as you go deeper into the bass range. Set the frequency to 120 Hz with a 24 dB roll-off. The filter creates a smooth asymptote, so you donҴ end up with just one or the other at a boost in frequencies above 120 Hz after the filter is turned on. While listening, explore different settings for the frequency to find the best one possible. Reduce Muddiness & Boominess Muddiness & boominess are seated at 200 Hz to 500 Hz frequencies. You may not be able to hear it when youҲe listening to your vocal line in solo mode, but once there are few other instruments and about 30+ in total, the issue will become apparent. WeҬl lower the volume level in this range without interrupting the listening experience, but we need to use a wide Q so that itҳ not entirely obvious. It is important to note that you shouldnҴ lower or boost more than 6 dB unless itҳ a gradual fade-out. You cannot adjust your sound from this app. That will result in an unnatural effect. If you need more than 6dB, try fixing the room acoustics or use a better microphone to record your vocals. Add Brightness to the Vocals Next, letҳ focus on the high-frequency range. We want to achieve two things: first, add extra air. This is done to bring out some ӳparkleԠand high-pitched character of the sound. Second, we want to cut all the highest frequencies entirely. In the picture below, the right-side frequency band is a high-end cut-off. The one to the left of it is a high-shelf filter. Use the shelf to gain up the upper frequencies and then cut out the extreme frequencies with the high-end cut-off. Add Presence to the Vocals Most singers need to highlight the 3-6 kHz range of vocals for their voice to sound fuller and more intelligible, making it easier for listeners to understand. This frequency is a harmonic, meaning itҳ above the frequency of the vocalsҠfundamental, which we will deal with next. You can match Q width well with a smaller one. A setting you can get comfortable with is slightly less than half-way or entirely more, back it off until you hear each new matched point. When you EQ other instruments in the mix, cutting them slightly will make space for vocals that might otherwise not be intelligible. Use a De-Esser To Reduce Sibilance Once you find the hard sss frequencies, set them as the target and reduction frequencies in yourde-esser. When setting the threshold, ensure itҳ around -25 to -30 dB. You can also adjust a volume reduction value from -10 to -15 dB. Sound levels too low might be unnatural. Basic Template EQ Settings for Vocals The first six steps can all be done on one single EQ plugin, which will look like the image below. You can take this as a starting point or use it to optimize your vocals. Applying these Eq settings will make your vocals sound like a ѭillion bucksҮ Cut off the low frequencies for male vocals around 100 Hz. Cut off the low frequencies for female vocals around 120-200 Hz. Reduce the muddiness and boxy frequencies to around 250-400 Hz. Add a high shelf around 10 kHz & a high roll-off around 17 kHz. Add a presence boost around 3 kHz. Boost the core around 1 kHz to 2 kHz Vocal EQ Secrets From PROҳ Conclusion: The above article will teach you some Ѷocal eq secrets from proҳҠon how to improve your vocals, even if itҳ not perfect. youҬl reach around 60% in quality, and thatҳ a lot more than completely blank. And in time, with practice, youҬl learn how to Eq vocals better. The postVocal EQ Secrets From PROҳ appeared first onAudioVat.