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Vegan Supplements



A lot of people who are trying to lose weight find that they needvegan supplements to make up for the lack of certain nutrients in their diet. Being vegan means that you donҴ eat any animal meat or milk products. Some vegans are even vegans who refuse to buy gelatin, cheese, ice cream, and other foods made from animals. Still others have religious beliefs about not eating any foods that are animal-based. If you fall into any of these categories, you may be interested in vegan supplements. There are several vegan supplements that can help with your diet in several ways. One is iron. Iron is used by many parts of the body, especially the heart. It helps transfer oxygen through your blood to your muscles, giving you more energy. A vegan diet generally is lower in iron than a non-vegan diet, which means you may need to increase the amount of iron in your diet to compensate for the lack of it in your diet. Vegetarians, people who follow very strictly vegetarian diets, and those with very little exposure to dairy products (rarely) also benefit from taking some type of vegan supplements. These supplements can provide a variety of minerals as well as vitamins that you may not get enough of if you eat a very limited amount of animal-derived foods. These include niacin, thiamine, magnesium, and potassium to name a few. Eating a vegan diet lowers your risk of certain types of cancer, including colorectal cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and stomach cancer. It is thought that plant-based diets help lower the risk of Alzheimerҳ disease and Parkinsonҳ disease as well. The reason for this is that plant-based foods are high in antioxidants like vitamin E and beta carotene. Antioxidants protect your body cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can result in clogging of the arteries and heart attacks. Antioxidants can also repair the damages already done by previous free radicals. If you do not eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, you may need a daily supplement to help ensure that you get enough zinc, the minerals and vitamins that your body needs to help fight illness. Zinc can be found in most plant-based foods, including wheat grass, beans, seeds, nuts, and spinach. To get enough zinc, consider taking a supplement providing a range of foods from whole grains to nuts and seeds as well as a liquid zinc supplement. One other vitamin that you might want to consider taking on a regular basis is vitamin b12. It is also a vitamin that is frequently overlooked in a vegan diet. Vitamin b12 is important for proper nerve and muscle function, for building new cell tissue, and maintaining an optimal range of temperature. Too much vitamin b12 can be poisonous to your system, so make sure you are getting enough through supplements. Some excellent sources of vitamin b 12 are leafy green vegetables, eggs, oranges, fortified soy milk, cereals, bread, potatoes, carrots and turnips. A variety of herbal and nutritional yeast supplements can also be beneficial for vegans. Yeast is produced by taking certain lactobacillus acidophilus strains. These strains are beneficial in promoting healthy digestion, regular bowel movements and regular b twelve vitamin levels. They are also beneficial for those who want to enjoy all of the nutritional benefits of a vegan diet, without all of the animal foods. There are many people who would love to go on a vegan diet. Vegans do not need to give up favorite foods due to their new vegan eating plan. There are many supplements that can help give them the nutrients they need.