About this item
Convenient, long lasting, and slow-release bolus that can be used in copper deficient kid goats to maintain healthy growth
Excellent source of slow-release chopper for goats deficient in this essential trace mineral
Seek the advice of a veterinarian to ascertain copper status and the type of supplementation required for goats under consideration. Kids over 25 lbs and over 5 weeks of age: 1 capsule (2 g). A single dose typically lasts 8 months to 1 year. Administer the capsule orally with a suitable balling gun.
For use in goats only
Supplied as 25 boluses (each bolus is 2 grams)
UltraCruz – sc-363567 Goat Copper Bolus Supplement for Kids, 25 Count x 2 Grams
godbeeox0723 December 11, 2022Software