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Spending 20 years of your career at The Walt Disney Company, you get to collaborate with a lot of superstars. It's a happily competitive environment that attracts type A, highly creative talent eager to create magic.The employees that rise to the top are not necessarily from the best Ivy League schools or even the most intellectually inclined. However, they do have several things in common. These are the three personality traits that set superstar employees apart from others.1. They focus on relationships.This relationship priority goes well beyond the common never eat lunch alone advice. Employees with the most impact understand that collaboration leads to the greatest success. They never act alone. Superstar employees always strategy test their ideas with coworkers, leverage the strengths of others and embrace the power of teamwork.They also consistently check in to ensure everyone on the team has what they need to be successful. They lend a hand before being asked. They do whatever needs done for the benefit of the mission beyond their defined role.Superstar employees are not just the MVPs. They are the coach, the cheerleader and the unconditional fan ready to celebrate victory and offer unwavering support in defeat.Superstar employees prioritize building a network of people they can count on and who can count on them in return.2. Positivity is their superpower.Superstar employees know one thing for sure נnobody wants to hear what CAN NOT be done. While realistic and fact-based, they focus on what's working and find innovative solutions for what's not.While everyone else panics or complains, they remain resolute and make strategic recommendations to drive the business forward.Superstar high-impact employees bring calm and confidence to chaos. Their style inspires hope and a desire to be part of necessary change.Gratitude comes naturally to superstar employees. They know the importance of perspective and celebrating progress along the way. When victory comes, you will find the superstar employees congratulating others for their role in the success.3. Their motivation is self-initiated.Superstar employees don't need to be told what to do. They can succeed despite ambiguity. If there are no clear goals, they will establish their own. If there are too many goals, they will prioritize. They do not hesitate to act. While most wait for direction, superstar employees find resourceful ways to move forward.There is no need to follow up with superstar employees. They are self-driven and results-oriented. They will meet the goal on time and are most likely to exceed it.You can always find a superstar employee. They are always a step ahead of the pack and leading the way.In SummaryIn short, superstar employees create success. They rise to every occasion by prioritizing what is within their control. They are superstars as they have committed to showing up that way every day.With a focus on nurturing relationships, an unwavering positive attitude, and consistent self-motivation, these are the players you want on your team. Superstar employees will support your success, not just their own.This article originally appeared on Fairygodboss.