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Sports Nutrition is the discipline and research of diet andnutrition specifically with regards to enhancing anyoneҳ athletic performance in sport. Nutrition is a crucial component of all sports training regimens and is equally popular in endurance sports and strength sports. There are a wide variety of techniques and programs involved when it comes to sports nutrition. The techniques vary with each sport and the purpose of how to eat is different in each one. This is why itҳ vital that a person takes into consideration their specific needs before engaging in a diet and/or training program. If you are active adult or are preparing for becoming active adults, itҳ important to get sports nutrition training. Most athletes realize that they need to begin when they are still young in life. If you were an athlete as a child, there are many things you learned from your sports nutrition. As an adult, you should begin with a sports nutrition plan similar to what you learned as a child. In other words, itҳ important to learn and apply what you learned as a child. Sports Nutrition is very important in regards to athletic performance and one of the keys to this is fluid intake. Without fluid there is a lack of energy and potential for movement. If athletes could not move then they would not be able to perform. Therefore, the fluid is very important in any athletic event and is an absolute must in all sports if you want to be at your optimum level. Some of the fluids most beneficial to athletes are carbohydrates, protein, and sodium; however, you can include other liquids depending on your goals and the event in which you participate in. When it comes to sports nutrition and the athletes, it is very important to take into account any emotional factors that might be involved with the sport. In other words, if the athlete is going to be a good mental player then there needs to be an appropriate mental stress relief strategy implemented. For instance, many athletes find that meditation before and after physical activity can greatly improve performance. This is due to the fact that most athletes find themselves becoming tense and anxious before the game or competition. One common anxiety reaction that many athletes experience is a racing heartbeat and increased blood pressure. With meditation and physical exercise the stress can be released and this results in a much happier athlete. In addition to sports nutrition and the athlete you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This means plenty of exercise and a well balanced diet. The athlete needs to include a proper exercise program that promotes muscle development and strength. In addition to this, you also need to be consuming the proper diet to support muscle growth and strength; however, again, this can vary per sport or event. A nutrient timing strategy is a vital aspect of the athlete and sports nutrition. Athletes have very specific nutritional requirements in regards to peak performance and muscle growth. Itҳ not just enough to consume the right nutrients when working out, you must know what to eat and when to eat it to support optimal performance. Nutrient timing means that the right nutrient levels are supplied to the body on a regular basis to ensure peak performance. Finally, another important aspect of athletic performance and sports nutrition is exercise physiology. Exercise physiology deals with the bodyҳ systems, organs and systems when working out. Itҳ a detailed scientific process that evaluates how the body operates under different conditions during an exercise routine. Proper nutrition and effective nutrition techniques are required to support this process. Amino acids are one of the main components of sports nutrition, and they play an integral role in maintaining an athleteҳ performance and health. Amino acids offer the body several essential nutrients and energy. Glutamine, arginine, lysine hydrochloride are the 4 commonly known amino acids. These amino acids work together with the proteins cysteine, taurine, arginine and carnosine to promote healthy nerve and muscle function. Proper intake of amino acids during endurance exercise ensures peak performance and health.