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Trees producewood in the form of fibres that grow upwards and outwards. This cellular structure provides strength and durability and has been used for thousands of years in construction and fuel. It is made up of two main structural components: cellulose and lignin. The cellulose fibres in wood are extremely durable and have high tension properties. The lignin in wood helps resist compression. The chemical composition of different species differs, but the main components are hydrogen and carbon. The natural products of wood include roundwood and sawnwood. However, many wood products are manufactured using greater amounts of processing. In addition to this, veneer is a thin decorative layer of wood, created by turning a log against a blade. It has a rich wooden appearance and can be used for interiors and exteriors. This natural material can be found in many places and is great for creating different kinds of products. This article will explore the different types of wood and how they are produced. The natural products used in wood are environmentally friendly. When harvested responsibly, wood maintains its chemical balance with the environment, so it is not harmful to the ecosystem. This allows it to last for centuries, and is therefore the only structural material that can be recycled. If sourced from sustainable forests, wood is carbon neutral. Its inherent character also adds to its beauty and diversity. For these reasons, wood is a great choice for any project. It is not only beautiful and sustainable but also a durable, long-lasting material. Despite its durability and beauty, wood is a versatile material. It is available in a variety of species, each with a unique grain pattern, texture, and color. Depending on the species, woodҳ chemical composition will vary slightly. Typically, wood has fifty percent carbon, forty-two percent oxygen, six percent hydrogen, and one percent nitrogen. Additionally, it is rich in sulfur, silicon, and phosphorus. Although wood is a natural material, it can still be attacked by other natural materials. Certain species of fungi and insects can destroy wood. Pictured above is a picture of Formosan subterranean termite, courtesy of the US Department of Agriculture. When the fungi and insects attack wood, they can cause a significant amount of damage. To prevent this from happening, it is important to keep these pests away from your projects. Different types of wood have different properties. For example, western hemlock has a black check, while reddish-brown streaks are caused by bird injury. A black check in a tree is a result of insect attacks. The reddish-brown streaks on a treeҳ wood is the result of a bird or squirrel injury. But unlike a black check, a reddish-brown streak on a piece of wood may be an indication of a rotten branch, and will not affect the woodҳ properties. Sapwood is the youngest and outermost part of a tree and is the most dense. Its main purpose is to conduct water and to store leaf reserves for the following season. In contrast, heartwood is the most durable of these two types of wood. In addition, sapwood is a living substance that can be processed for fuel. And in some cases, it can even be processed to make furniture. If it is processed properly, it can be used for making a variety of useful objects. As a construction material, wood is used in many applications. Its use is largely dependent on the inner structure of the tree. Among the many uses of wood, the most common is to construct buildings. It can be used for doors, windows, frames, and ceilings. But the process of turning raw material into a finished product depends on the process of its manufacturing. This is the most important step in a construction project, as it is the most expensive and requires the best craftsmanship. There are two main types of wood. Sapwood is the active portion of the tree, which stores starch and conducts sap. While heartwood is the most valuable part of the tree, it also stores nutrients. It is the second most common source of wood. A treeҳ trunk can be divided into four parts: the heartwood and sapwood. Each type has a distinct purpose. A good example of a material is a treeҳ outer bark.