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The advent of modern technology has greatly affected human society and culture. From paving the way for agriculture to the invention of steam power, new technologies have shaped how humans live and work. This period was marked by advances in sanitation and preventive medicine. More recent changes in technology have produced innovations in the fields of light bulbs and powered flight. The rise of technology has also led to the development of skyscrapers and broad urban areas. Many of these changes are associated with new developments in science and engineering. Technology has been defined differently for different industries. Some scholars consider technology to be the science of craft, while others see it as the application of a science. Read Bain's original definition includes all tools, machines, instruments, and processes, regardless of their origin. A broad definition of technology includes not only tools, but also housing, clothing, and soi. Some scientists and engineers define it as a branch of applied science, while others refer to it as an applied science. A key element in creating an active healthy workplace is proper communication. Organizations must ensure that employees understand the value of health technology in the workplace. Additionally, they must be able to communicate to employees the importance of personal health and their work environment. Finally, organizations should have a conversation with employees about their health and the impact it will have on their lives. In other words, it's important to understand what drives your workers and what motivates them.