Based on the groundbreaking ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale, this handy guide presents easy-to-understand antioxidant scores for hundreds of foods. Itҳ specially designed to show which nutrition-loaded foods offer the greatest healing power and how to include more of them in your diet.
Ճlear, Easy-to-Read Charts
Մelicious, Antioxidant-Rich Recipes
Յxplanation of ORAC Scores
Ճheck the bookҳ charts for yourself and see how an apple
Check the bookҳ charts for yourself and see how an apple gives you five times the antioxidants of a banana! Or how topping pasta with broccoli and bell peppers instead of zucchini and tomato offers an amazing ten-fold increase.
The Antioxidant Counter: A Pocket Guide to the Revolutionary ORAC Scale for Choosing Healthy Foods
opalickiwalk1121 December 25, 2022Software