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Delicious Walnut Health Benefits: Advantages for Brain, Heart, Fertility Walnuts are perhaps the most famous tree nut of all and have been named the ӈealthiest of all NutsԮ They are rich in plant-based fats and are a good source of the B-vitamins and many minerals. Even though walnuts are one of the easiest foods to eat, they are also a powerful weapon against chronic diseases. 10 Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Kids For children, a healthy breakfast is even more important as it helps improve performance and concentration through the day: whether in school or for those extracurricular activities. Giving healthy breakfast to children not only ensures supply of proper nutrition but also helps in forming and establishing good eating routine. Diet Tips for 2016 ֠Add These 10 Foods This Year to Make Your Diet Strong! You need to choose your food wisely to have a healthy and strong body. Check out what 10 foods can give you a good and healthy diet! Vitamin D ֠A Deficiency Story Most of the time we get our vitamin D supply directly from the sunlight we encounter when we go outside. Our bodies naturally react when we absorb up the sunҳ beautiful rays and our bodies go into overdrive, producing plenty of the good stuff. Foods To Avoid For Good Health What you eat largely determines how healthy you are. Unhealthy eating puts you at a great risk of diseases and you therefore have to take control of your eating and select the best foods to achieve and maintain good health. So much has been said about what the healthy foods are but what foods should you make a point of avoiding if you want to enjoy better health? 6 Simple and Tasty Healthy Recipes for Kids Feeding kids is fun, but sometimes ends up in a disaster! That is why you need to spice up healthy recipes to get them interested in eating a lot of healthy foods. Plan Your Grocery List for Better Health Options Because Food Matters For anyone who is toying with the idea of finally taking control of his or her own health must start at the beginning: Plan your grocery list. That means replacing some of the food from the past, just gradually will do. It is fact that food labels donҴ tell all, but become familiar with them and become aware of the culprits and certain ingredients to avoid. Along the way this becomes a learning curve, and over time you will know what to avoid. Surviving the Holidays With Minimal Nutrition Damage Sure, youҶe read tips on surviving the holidays before. Here is a practical and usable set of tips for negotiating parties, buffets and social dinners in the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Yearҳ. 3 Tips for Putting Out the Fire of Inflammation Do you hear about inflammation from your doctor or in the news, but not exactly sure what it means for your health? Acute inflammation is your bodyҳ natural response to an injury (a cut or break) or an infection (a virus or bacteria). This inflammatory response is crucial for your body to heal. Unfortunately, chronic inflammation is inflammation that persists over a longer period of time and plays a role in heart disease, Diabetes, Alzheimerҳ, some types of cancer and obesity.