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Magnesium is one of the most important minerals for good health. Even though they occur naturally in various foods, most individuals takesupplements for various reasons to aid in their weight loss efforts. Magnesium can be taken in several forms; in tablet, powder, or juice. This article explores the various uses, benefits, and potential side effects of magnesium-magnesium supplements. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of Magnesium is 4 mg/day for men and women over the age of eighteen. There are several factors that determine an appropriate RDA, including body size, body fat, blood pressure, and the time between initial absorption and maximum absorption. For some people, the Recommended Daily Allowance of Magnesium may be too low, resulting in a deficiency of this trace mineral. Magnesium supplements are available in various forms, including chewable tablets, gels, powders, and juices. Most supplements are lipid soluble, which means they are readily absorbed into the bloodstream. This makes them more effective at providing the body with Magnesium than are dietary or supplementalvitamins. The preferred method of ingesting Magnesium is by consuming supplemental or diet magnesium. Certain foods contain Magnesium naturally; however, most commonly found in leafy green vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains. The recommended daily allowance of Magnesium can be greatly increased by including a variety of additional ingredients in the foods that one eats. Below are a few examples of common ingredients that increase the amount of Magnesium already present in foods: Soy products are a good source of essential fats and proteins. Essential fatty acids help reduce cholesterol levels and improve the heartҳ function. Lean meats and fish, soy sauce, tofu, and edamame are good substitutes for meat and dairy products in diets high in fat and cholesterol. Folic acid, found in fruits and vegetables, helps prevent birth defects and premature death. While these are good dietary sources of Magnesium, they should not replace the other vitamins and minerals listed here. Milk is a good source of several important nutrients. However, most people get their recommended daily amount of calcium from other sources. Calcium is an essential mineral needed for strong bones and healthy teeth. Milk also contains many water-soluble vitamins, including Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Calcium supplements should be considered in conjunction with vitamin D and K supplementation. Magnesium supplements are also available as a liquid, tablet, or capsule. It is important to consume a wide range of foods in order to obtain all the nutrients you need to maintain good health. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, and lean meats is essential to good nutrition. Adding multivitamins and water-soluble vitamins to your diet is an excellent way to ensure you are getting all of the nutrients you need. Remember that different nutrients work in different ways in your body and you therefore must learn how each nutrient affects your body before you take them. It is also important to consider the nutrients that are not included in any multivitamin. There are many different types of multivitamins on the market today. Some multivitamins are better than others. For people who want to make sure they are getting everything they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is a good idea to get a multivitamin supplement that contains all the nutrients listed here. Some of the better brands include Magna Rx Plus, Slimline Multivitamin, Mio Xtend, Allure Plus, Organix, Re-Nourishment, Natrol Plus, Lifecell, and Myoplex. It is important to note that many of these products contain a combination of several different types of magnesium. Many people believe that all supplements containing magnesium are effective. Unfortunately, there is no research that demonstrates that. However, there is some evidence that magnesium supplementation may be beneficial in several specific situations, including: