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What exactly ismagnesium? Magnesium is one of our seven essential minerals that the others are composed of; however, your body requires a certain amount of this mineral in order for it to be healthy. When Magnesium is found in adequate amounts in your diet, you have what is called ӮormalԠblood pressure. However, if you have low levels of Magnesium in your body you may have what is called Өypokalemia.ԠIf you have been diagnosed with Magnesium Deficiency, this article will help you understand how to increase your intake of this important mineral. Magnesium can be found in a variety of different sources, including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and even some vegetables. However, it is important that you get enough of Magnesium in your diet. The good news is, it is possible to get all of the Magnesium you need through diet and multivitamins. One of the most popular forms of Magnesium used to supplement the body is Magnesium Citrate. This type of Magnesium is found in some of the cheapest multivitamins on the market. Unfortunately, not many people eat the right types of foods, so they do not get enough of this nutrient. It is very important that you make the right choice when choosing a multivitamin. While some multivitamins have good levels of Magnesium and other minerals, many of them have bad side effects. Magnesium is an important nutrient and there are some foods that contain too much of it. You want to avoid consuming these foods when taking a Magnesium supplement because these side effects can outweigh the benefits. Some of the Magnesium that can cause serious side effects is found in seafood. Studies have shown that eating seafood may reduce the risk of Alzheimerҳ disease. While most seafood contains high levels of fats, the fats from fish contain Magnesium that can cause side effects. However, if you keep track of what you eat you may be able to determine how much Magnesium you are consuming without having to worry about losing too many minerals through food. Another nutrient that Magnesium is important for is calcium. Studies have shown that women who ate more magnesium developed lower levels of calcium through pregnancy. Researchers believe that the reduced absorption of calcium may be due to increased levels of Magnesium that enter the body. There are also some foods that have higher levels of Magnesium than others. This has been associated with the increased consumption of foods such as chocolate and caffeine. It is important that you make sure to take a Magnesium supplement if you are calcium deficient. If you are trying to decide which form of Magnesium you should take, you should look at the other forms of Magnesium that are available. If you want to get the best results from this supplement you should take a supplement that combines several forms of Magnesium. This will provide you with all of the nutrients and minerals that you need for optimal brain function. The benefits of Magnesium do not just stop there. Many people find that taking this supplement leads to a better immune system. This is because Magnesium has been found to reduce the antibodies that attack healthy cells. These antibodies are needed to fight off colds and other illnesses. If your immune system is strong, you have a good chance of staying healthy and young longer. Taking high doses of Magnesium during your annual flu season can help keep you from contracting the virus that causes the illness. If you are looking for ways to get more of these beneficial nutrients, you should look into products such as multivitamins and Magnesium enriched dairy products. You should also make sure that you get plenty of sleep, exercise and water. Exercising can improve blood flow in the body and allow more nutrients to reach the muscles.