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Feeling blue? Go to church! Those who attend church on a regular basis report better physical and mental health. Join the conversation and use #LiveItLomaLinda #LiveIt Transcript Below: Show Open Patricia Kelikani (Host) Health Journalist No matter what background we come from, we all experience high and low points in our lives. And for many of us these hard times bring on periods of depression and anxiety ֠whether it is clinically diagnosed or not. Dr. Mark Reeves (Host) Surgical Oncologist Today, depression is the biggest single mental illness in America. 25% of women and 10% of men will suffer one or more episodes of clinical depression in their lifetimes. Patricia Kelikani (Host) Loma Linda University Health discovered that we can reduce our risk for depression and anxiety through positive religious coping. The first thing that we need to know is that there are two different types of ӲeligiosityԠ֠extrinsic and intrinsic. Dr. Jerry Lee Professor of Public Health Ӆxtrinsic religiosity is doing religious things because you think youҬl get something out of it. Two broad areas that they found were going to church for primarily social reasons and praying in order to relieve your own suffering.Լ/p> Dr. Mark Reeves (Host) Intrinsic religiosity focuses on others Patricia Kelikani (Host) Rather than on ourselves and is beneficial to our health. Dr. Jerry Lee Ӕhe healthy aspect is thinking about, їhat can I do for others? How can I help other people?ҠItҳ the two great commandments, love God, love your neighbor. Patricia Kelikani (Host) The research team found that the direct health benefits of positive religious coping are living longer, having lower blood pressure, and lowering the risk for depression and anxiety. Dr. Mark Reeves (Host) So how can we incorporate positive religiosity into our lives, no matter what our personal beliefs? Patricia Kelikani (Host) Our first tip is to see how we can help those around us like our family, friends and co-workers. Dr. Mark Reeves (Host) We should ask ourselves, ӈow can I help someone else have a great day today?Ԡand then take action. Patricia Kelikani (Host) The second tip is to look for the benefits we can find within our hard times and challenges. Dr. Mark Reeves (Host) We should ask ourselves, ӗhat does God want me to learn from this?Ԡ Patricia Kelikani (Host) ӗhat are the potential good outcomes?Ԡand ӗhat kind of support can I seek from God when Iҭ faced with a crisis?Ԡ Dr. Mark Reeves (Host) There are your tips for the day on how you can live healthier, longer. All health and health-related information contained in this program is general in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a health care professional. Viewers should consult their health care providers concerning any medical condition or treatment.