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Learning disabilities are disorders that affect the ability of a person to learn. They can be caused by a number of different factors, but are often attributed to Central Nervous System (CNS) dysfunction. Some learning disabilities can coexist with other handicapping conditions, such as intellectual disability or emotional disturbance. However, other conditions such as brain injury or social disruption can also cause a person to have a learning disability. The symptoms of a learning disability can vary greatly from person to person. Writing disability, or dysgraphia, can affect the way a person writes. A person with this disorder has an awkward grip when holding a pencil, illegible handwriting, and problems with grammar. Students with this condition may also avoid writing tasks, speak out their words when they are writing, and may lack planning while writing. These symptoms are indicative of a learning disability. It is important to seek help if you suspect that your child is struggling with this particular ability. A specific learning disability affects the fundamental psychological processes involved in understanding language. It may manifest in an inability to understand or speak, or in an inability to read, spell, or do mathematical calculations. Other types of learning disabilities include perceptual handicaps, brain injury, and developmental aphasia. Some children may even be able to learn English, but have a learning disability. A child with a specific learning disability is likely to have other problems, such as attention or behavior disorders.