Website Directory Tuesday, Mar 22, 2022 The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as complete physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or disabilityŊ title The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as ӣomplete physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or disability.ԠAccording to the 2017 Massachusetts State-Health Assessment, the determinants of health are not the genes, but rather the social environment in which people live. The amount of money, power, and resources available to individuals and communities has a strong influence on the way they live and the state of their health. These determinants of human wellbeing are often not directly controlled by genetics. Nonetheless, they are shaped by institutions and policies created by those with money and power. The primary product of Hyperice is the massage therapy gun. The companyҳ ӈyperSmartԠoperating system integrates digital and physical activity data and makes personalized routine recommendations based on a userҳ profile and the intensity of workouts. These algorithms have been developed in collaboration with Apple Health, Strava, and Garmin, to help users find the right routine for their lifestyle. Once the device is connected, the user will be prompted to download an app to monitor their physical activity and personal fitness levels. The World Health Organization (WHO) constitution recognises health as a basic human right. This means that every human being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health, without discrimination due to race, religion, or political beliefs. The right to health can be promoted through the promotion of healthy activities, reducing harmful ones, and preventing situations that harm peopleҳ health. However, some of the factors affecting the condition of our health are based on our choices and others are rooted in societal and structural conditions. The postHyperice and the Determinants of Health appeared first onSMB Place.