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Kettlebells are one of the most versatile pieces of fitness equipment you can own. They are perfect for strength training, cardio and more. But itҳ important to choose thebest kettlebells for your needs, based on your experience with weightlifting and how you want to use them. Best for Home Gym Kettlebells are an excellent way to add a full-body workout to your home gym. Not only can they improve your strength, explosiveness, and cardio, but they can also help develop your balance and core muscles. As with any exercise equipment, you need to pick the best kettlebell for you. There are a few different things to consider when buying a bell, including its finish, shape, durability, and versatility. Finish: This category refers to how the bell's finish protects its surface from dings, scratches, and marks. Coated kettlebells are great for this purpose because they reduce potential wear and tear, which can help you get the most out of your workout. Shape: A kettlebell's shape is a big factor in how comfortable it feels to use and how much it can be used for. A bell that's too small can make it difficult to grip, while a bell that's too large can cause you to lose control. Durability: The material a bell is made from can affect how durable it is, so you want to choose one that's built to last. Cast iron is typically the most durable but you can also find bells with coated surfaces that reduce wear and tear and are more comfortable to hold. Versatility: A bell's versatility can be determined by whether it's capable of working with a variety of handholds, lifts, and movements. It can be useful if you need a bell that works well with multiple exercises and can be used by a wide range of people, or if you're looking for a bell that's easy to store when not in use. Weight: Like dumbbells, kettlebells come in a variety of weights. Some are adjustable, so you can switch them between weights without having to change the base or handle. Competition kettlebells, in contrast, are typically made of steel and designed for athletes mastering more technical moves. These kettlebells tend to be more expensive than other options, but they're made to be durable and have a color-coding system that makes it easy to select the correct bell. Best for Beginners Kettlebells are a great workout tool for beginners, as they're easy to use and challenging to master. They also help improve muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. In addition, they're great for burning fat and improving posture and balance. If you're a beginner, it's a good idea to start with a lighter kettlebell so that you don't injure yourself. The weight you choose should be determined by your age, gender and fitness level. Typically, kettlebells come in a range of weights from 8 to 32 pounds. If you're a beginner, it's best to stick to these numbers since they're not so large as to be overwhelming or intimidating. Aside from the weight, you should also consider the bell's design. Some kettlebells are made from one piece of cast iron, while others have multiple plates that add up to different weights. For example, Titan's competition-style bell is adjustable in weight increments from 12kg to 32kg. It comes with six cast iron plates that can be added or removed to change the kettlebell's weight. It's important to remember that kettlebells are not meant for everyone, so it's a good idea to check out reviews before buying. It's also a good idea to consult with an experienced trainer so that you can learn the proper way to handle the bell. The right kettlebell weight for you depends on your fitness level, but it's generally recommended that a beginner chooses a kettlebell that's between 13 and 18 pounds. This will allow you to progress as your strength and confidence improves. Some kettlebells come with a dial so that you can change the weight easily. This is a great option if you have space restrictions or you'd rather not have to constantly move your kettlebell around your home. Another great option is the Onnit kettlebell, which comes in eight weight options between 8 and 32kg. Its bells are color coded and clearly labeled with their weight, which is a huge plus for anyone who needs to find the correct kettlebell quickly. Some of thebest kettlebells for beginners are a little more expensive than others, but they're worth the investment if you want to get the most out of your workouts. They're also a great way to personalize your workouts, and they'll help you stay motivated to work out. Best for Strength Training Kettlebells are a great way to work on your strength and power in a short amount of time. But it's important to choose a kettlebell that is right for you and your fitness goals. Here are some things to consider before you invest in a set: Weight/Reps - A good kettlebell should be able to give you a tough workout without being too heavy. If you're working out with a heavy bell, you may feel like you can't keep up and might not have enough reps to really get the most out of your workout. Versatility - A kettlebell that can do more than just traditional exercises is a plus, as it will help you save space and money as you progress in your fitness journey. For instance, ProForm's multi-weight set crams three kettlebells into one convenient unit, so you can use them with different exercises and in a variety of movement planes. For example, the set's lowest and highest weights are both 8 pounds, but you can also change the dial to select 12-, 20-, 25- or 35-pound increments, so it's easy to add up the total if you want to work out at a range of resistance levels. If you're a beginner, you should start with lighter weights and progress up to heavier ones as your abilities improve. Then, focus on improving your form and reducing injury. The kettlebell can be used to perform all kinds of movements, from swings and cleans to presses and snatches. This allows you to develop explosive power and a strong, balanced frame that's useful in many sports. It can also help you build your muscle mass and increase your endurance. And if you're doing HIIT workouts, it can help burn calories more quickly because it allows you to work harder for fewer reps. If you're a beginner, it's best to work with a qualified trainer or coach to learn the proper technique and gain experience using a kettlebell before you try your own routine at home. You can also do mobility drills before you begin your workout to prepare your body for the range of motion you'll use on your kettlebells. Best for Cardio Kettlebells are a great way to burn calories while working out. They can be used to perform traditional weight training exercises like chest presses and curls, but they can also be used for dynamic movements to increase your heart rate and build explosiveness. Unlike dumbbells, kettlebells require proper form to prevent injury. Once you learn how to hold a kettlebell properly, they can become a regular part of your strength training routine. They are available in a variety of sizes, but the best choice for you depends on your fitness level and workout goals. If youҲe just starting out with kettlebells, consider starting with a lighter weight so that you can easily complete the exercise with perfect form. Then, as you advance and gain confidence, start increasing the weight. If you find that your form breaks down while doing a rep, itҳ time to drop the weight and move on. A good rule of thumb is to start with a weight that you can do 5 reps or less of any workout with without losing your form. If you can do 20 reps or more, itҳ time to switch to a heavier kettlebell. Another consideration is the type of coating. Powder-coating is a good choice for beginners because itҳ easier to wipe clean than enamel, which tends to stick to your hands. If youҲe looking for something a little more durable, Onnit has a great line of kettlebells that are iron and gravity cast to be strong. They have a range of weights from 10 to 16 pounds that are suitable for both men and women. CrossFit workouts take a lot of different forms, so itҳ important to have a kettlebell that works well with all of them. The best kettlebell for CrossFit is the Again Faster Team Kettlebell, which has a textured matte black powder coating that takes chalk well but doesnҴ shred up your hands or clog the grip area. Rogueҳ e-coat is an excellent choice for any gym that uses a lot of chalk. The e-coating is a harder coating that provides durability and can withstand high-volume workouts. It also allows the texture of the bell to be felt in your hands, so itҳ easier to use with and without chalk.