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In this video, I answer the commonly asked question ӈow do vegans get protein?Ԡand share my top vegan protein sources along with tips on how to prepare these foods. Top vegan protein sources, Part I: חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחז HOW TO ORDER MY COOKBOOK, The Vegan Instant Pot Cookbook ORDER ON AMAZON:! MORE COOKBOOK INFO: Iҍ EXCITED TO MEET SOME OF YOU! Iҭ doing a few cookbook tour events this summer and I hope youҬl join me! IҬl update this space as more info becomes available and more dates are added. For orders outside of North America: search on the Amazon page in your home country OR visit the Book Depository: *90+ delicious vegan recipes made in the Instant Pot* *With tons of gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free, and refined-sugar-free options חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחז SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! Learn more about veganism, healthy eating, food photography, social media, and happiness. חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחז MUSIC CREDIT Ӄanals (Chillhop Essentials Summer 2016)Ԡfrom Joakim Karud, free download at חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחז