Our caller for today, Greg is unable to fly his Mavic 2 Pro in autonomous flight mode since there is a radio tower in the vicinity. Can Greg still conclude his mapping mission if he is flying in such an interference heavy environment?
Learn More ֠https://www.thedroneu.com/adu-1183-flying-drone-near-radio-tower/
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02:14 ֠Todayҳ question is about flying your drone near a radio tower in an interference heavy environment
04:22 ֠Can you fly an autonomous mission in an interference-heavy environment?
04:55 ֠What should you do when you experience a radio signal loss?
06:18 ֠If you canҴ fly in free flight mode due to interference, can you still fly in manual mode?
08:46 ֠How practice and skill-building can help you make your mark in a competitive space
How Do I Acquire Data If I am Flying My Drone Near a Radio Tower?

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