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Do I Take Supplements as a Vegan? Ingredients to Avoid: 2:39 Foundational Supplements 4:41 Are B12 Shots Safe?: 7:27 Are Only Vegans Deficient?: 8:07 Whether or not people should be taking supplements is a controversial topic. I want to make clear that Iҭ not telling you whether you need to take supplements or not. As always Iҭ simply expressing my personal opinion from my experience and whatҳ helped me along my journey. When I first became a raw vegan I was against supplements and wanted to get all my nutrients from whole foods. I wasnҴ open to the fact that maybe supplements would assist me in healing and achieving optimal health, but eventually I decided to give some a go. Iҭ not someone who has cupboards lined up with bottles and pills, I donҴ think thatҳ necessary, but there are a few which have impacted me in a positive way which I want to share with you. BUY MY SALAD DRESSINGS EBOOK GET MY FREE E-BOOK | TOP 10 FOODS FOR CLEANSING THE BODY SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL FOR NEW VIDEOS EVERY THURSDAY SHARE THIS VIDEO BECOME A HEALTH COACH CONNECT WITH ME: