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The first step in the diagnosis of dyscalculia is a series of tests. Your doctor will check your language development, vocabulary, and mathematical ability. They will also look at how fast you process information, how well you remember things, and how you learn. The tests may also be conducted on adults, as well. In many cases, the disorder may be diagnosed in adulthood. This condition is often difficult to detect in the early stages, but it is not uncommon. Often, children and adolescents with dyscalculia are evaluated by school psychologists or neuropsychologists. They may be referred to a school health service or psychiatrist. As adults, they may be referred to a neuropsychologist by a primary care provider. Although a diagnosis of dyscalculia can be a stumbling block for an adult, finding a diagnosis can help them succeed in school and in life. Typically, people with dyscalculia cannot work with fractions or graphs. This difficulty with computation can affect a child's ability to tell time, pay for something, or follow a sports game. However, it is important to know that the symptoms of dyscalculia can be caused by other conditions or factors, as well. Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin. For instance, learning to read and write is more difficult for children with dyscalculia than it is for children with other conditions.