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15 Things You DidnҴ Know About Dan Brown SUBSCRIBE to ALUX: Top 10 Most Powerful Religions In The World: 15 Things About Tom Hanks: In this video weҬl try to answer the following questions: Who is Dan Brown? How rich is Dan Brown? What are Dan Brownҳ best books? In what order you should read the Dan Brown books? What is Dan Brownҳ genre? Is Dan Brown a scientist? Are Dan Brownҳ books real? How old is Dan Brown? Is The Davini Code worth reading? WATCH MORE VIDEOS ON ALUX.COM! Most Expensive Things: Luxury Cars: Becoming a Billionaire: Worldҳ Richest: Inspiring People: Travel the World: Dark Luxury: Celebrity Videos: Businesses & Brands: ּbr /> Follow us on INSTAGRAM for amazing visual inspiration: & DonҴ miss the latest Luxury News only on Facebook: ׼br /> is the largest community of luxury & fine living enthusiasts in the world. We are the #1 online resource for ranking the most expensive things in the world and frequently refferenced in publications such as Forbes, USAToday, Wikipedia and many more, as the GO-TO destination for luxury content! Our website: is the largest social network for people who are passionate about LUXURY! Join today! SUBSCRIBE so you never miss another video: ׼br /> To see how rich is your favorite celebrity go to: ׼br /> For businesses inquiries weҲe available at: Video Transcript: Dan Brownҳ educational background Fifteen things you didnҴ know about Dan Brown, welcome to a lox, calm, the place where future billionaires come to get inspired hello, a lexer ism welcome back to our channel for a brand new video.You know we like to keep things varied, so today weҲe going to talk about a very notorious writer, the famous Dan Brown.He was the eldest of three children in Exeter New Hampshire.He did his schooling from Phillips Exeter Academy, which was considered to be a highly exclusive school. Dan Brownҳ Novels Trigger Questions About Christianity His father was a mathematics instructor at that same school and his mother, on the other hand, was a music professor, chiefly involved in practicing very revered music.Even though Dan Brown attended open, enrollment schools until he entered the ninth grade, he lived with his family and also proactively, took part in college related activities, which were also influenced greatly by Christian norms and traditions, such as singing hymns in the church and going to college Camp dan Brown grew up to be one of the best-selling authors of modern times.A few of his best works have been made into blockbuster movies.Browns novels are published in 54 languages around the world, with 200 million copies in print.The Da Vinci Code written by brown, triggered a lot of questions within the Christian faith which led to him being featured in the 100, most influential people in the world list by Time magazine in the year 2005. 1. Dan Brown tried to become a musician after graduating, but it The Da Vinci Code was also recorded as one of the top-selling best novels of all time.If youҲe new here welcome, be sure to subscribe and follow us on Instagram at Alex fat.Letғ just get right to it.Shall we here are 15 things you didnҴ know about Dan Brown number one.He tried to become a musician after graduating, from school Brown went to Amherst College to obtain a degree in English and Spanish.He graduated in 1986 and then later spent numerous years trying to get himself established as a singer: [ __, ], songwriter and pianist, but unfortunately it was met with very minimal success.Interestingly, one of his albums was titled Angels & Demons, a title he used again later for one of his books.Nevertheless, these attempts did allow him to relocate to Los Angeles, where he took up the profession of teaching Spanish at Beverly Hills Preparatory School.In order to get himself a steady income number two, his upbringing was a mix of science and religion. Prof. Brownҳ mother and father differ in their beliefs, but he His parents came from opposite ends of the belief spectrum.His mother was a church organist who was religious.His father was an agnostic college.Professor, I gravitated towards science Brown said once faith was difficult for him, although mr Brown comes out strongly in favor of science, both in person and in his novels.He cannot give up the possibility that there is something else out there.Itғ probably an intellectual weakness.He said, but I look up at the stars and say there has to be something bigger than us out there number three he dedicated some of his books to his mother.His first book, published at the age of five, was called the giraffe the pig and the pants on fire.He dedicated it to his mother.Origin is also dedicated to her.Her initials cgb appear very faintly on the back cover of the book. Dan Brownҳ Wife Is Twelve Years Older Than He Is Mr.Brown credits, his father with instilling in him a love of science, math and intellectual puzzles, and his mother, who was religious but became disillusioned with church and politics with instilling in him a wonder for the mysteries of the world number four.His wife is 12 years.His senior he met his wife, blithe Newland in LA sheҳ, actually 12 years, his senior and served as the artistic director of the National Academy of songwriters dan Brown released four music CDs, which gained him backers for his music, but his reclusive nature proved to stagnate.His music career because of their unequal work, relationship he and blithe, dated in secret for several years.Mr Brown said at one point even attending the Grammys together, along with fake dates, to conceal the romance number five.He is one of the richest authors in the world.In 2005, Dan Brown was reported to have earned seventy six point, five million dollars from his writing alone. The Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown lists among the most influential people The same year he was listed in Time, Magazineҳ 100 most influential people list.His net worth is reported to be over 20 million dollars his masterpiece.The DaVinci Code was published in March 2003 and sold nearly 6,000 copies on its very first day and reached the New York Times best seller list.In its very first week, Brown is credited with a combined sale of over 200 million copies of his book.His novels have been translated into 54 languages.Do you want to find out some more about the richest and most influential people in the world check out our top 10 richest families in the world by clicking in the top right corner number six, he wrote a book under a pseudonym in 1998 Brown and his Wife published the bald book, hilarious and heartwarming collection of drawings and captions, celebrating baldness credited to his wife Blythe, who also did the books illustrations.It is widely accepted to have been written by Dan Brown. Why Author Dan Brown DoesnҴ Take Days Off The couple writing under the pseudonym Danielle brown, also wrote another humor book 187 men to avoid a guide for the romantically frustrated woman number 7.His wife has a taste for the macabre, mr Brown says his wife Blythe has a fixation with death having she once literally took him on a date to a cemetery in their house.A dining room sideboard contains a tableau featuring taxidermied animals like a fox and a pheasant.The house is also full of paintings sculptures and unexpected.Additional works by Blythe herself, who, like we said, has a taste for the macabre a table in the kitchen holds an errata.Miss Bosch, like sculpture, filled with tiny, skeletons and other objects swirled together in a hellish configuration number 8.He doesnҴ take days off.Dan Brown is a wealthy man who earns millions through his books.Yet he never takes a day off.He rises at 4, a M. Dan Brown: Author of єhe Da Vinci CodeҠLives a each day and prepares a smoothie made of blueberries, spinach banana coconut water, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds and protein powder, he also makes a so-called bulletproof coffee with butter and coconut oil, which he says, changes the way.The brain processes, the caffeine.To sharpen your mind, the author also never deviates from his writing routine.Even during Christmas number 9, he does push-ups every hour.Dan Brown takes a break every hour from writing to do push-ups.His computer is programmed to freeze for 60 seconds each hour, during which time mr Brown performs push-ups, sit-ups and anything else he needs to, though he stops writing at noon.Itғ hard for him to get the stories out of his head.Itғ madness.He says of his characters.They talked to you all day.Long number 10 Dan Brownҳ house is built like a puzzle.Dan Brown lives in his ten million dollar house in New Hampshire.The house is a lot like his novels with plenty of secret, doorways and passageways. Dan Brownҳ House Hides Behind a Painting The office in which Dan Brown writes his novels is hidden behind the painting.Pressing a button in the painting leads you into his office.The house features a magnificent library which has copies of all of his books in every language.TheyҖe been translated into dan Brown, calls his library the fortress of gratitude.As you might have guessed it, the library has lots of secret doors and passageways as well.Are you curious about who owns the most expensive house in the world check out the top 10 most expensive houses in the world video to find out more number 11?He has an interesting way of dealing with writerҳ block.Like most authors, Dan Brown says he suffers from writerҳ block to deal with this.He just hangs himself upside down in his house.Using a piece of equipment and gravity boots.Hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot changes by shifting my entire perspective. Famous people with movie set experience He said this unusual technique is known as inversion therapy and itҳ said to improve concentration and memory by increasing the amount of blood flow to the brain.Actress.Rosie O҄onnell is also reportedly to be a fan of this relaxation technique.Number 12.He has experience on movie sets Dan Brown and his wife appear briefly as extras in the 2005 John Travolta and uma Thurman film be cool.They can both be seen in the front row of the audience during the scene.Filmed at the Aerosmith concert.Another experience on a movie set was at the Louvre when Brown was present on set during the filming of The Da Vinci Code in which Tom Hanks plays the Harford symbologist Robert Langdon.The filming happened at night when the museum was closed to the public Brown recalls. Critic slams Dan Brownҳ writing Looking at the Mona Lisa at 3 a.m, Alone as one of the most vivid memories ֠and he shared things overheard on set things, he never imagined he would hear in real life like move the corpse three feet to the left, just donҴ get any blood on the car.Avanti!Oh, and could someone please get Mary Magdalene, a diet, coke number thirteen.He didnҴ get very high ratings from critics.Despite his astonishing commercial success.Dan Brown is not rated high by critics.Salman Rushdie described Brownҳ breakthrough book The Da Vinci Code as a book so bad.It makes bad books look good actor still in Sarsgaard, who appeared in the film adaptation of angels and demons is also scathing of Browns work.I think Dan Brown is a terribly bad writer, but he has cliffhangers after every chapter, which makes you continue reading.He said itҳ like eating peanuts at a bar, you donҴ like them, but you keep eating them.Anyway. Author Dan Brown Talks About His Self-Driving Car Number 14 heҳ been attacked by religious groups.The Vatican basically called the Catholic churches and said you boycott this book and you go and you preach the gospel, and you say that Dan Brown is telling lies.Brown says he does not consider himself to be against religion, adding that religion does an enormous amount of good in the world.At the same time, he says there are factions in every religion that take the metaphors and the myth of Scripture and hold them up.As literal fact, that is the danger of any philosophy or any religion, number 15.He owns a self-driving car, a Tesla, itҳ the same car owned by billionaire Edmund Kirsch, the Steve Jobs like character he created for his book origin.In an interview with the Dallas Morning, News Brown talked about adjusting to his wheels.He says when I Drive to Boston, I donҴ touch the wheel for an hour.Kids right now, who are 10 years old, will never learn to drive. What Dan Brownҳ Novels Tell Us About His Writing Process Cars has crazy, as it is to think about heҳ, probably right and thatҳ it for today, youҲe a Lexus now weҲe curious to know which one of Dan Brownҳ books did you find the most intriguing.Let us know down in the comments still here.Are you well how about that bonus fact?He doesnҴ enjoy reading novels, despite being a novelist himself dan Brown dislikes, reading fiction and finds it difficult to get through a novel.He prefers literature that is instructive and, ideally not wholly invented.He says I feel like if Iҭ going to take the time to read, IҤ better, be learning even when referencing his own work.He has said this is the kind of fiction I would read if I read fiction.Thank you for spending some time with us, a Luxorҳ make sure to LIKE and subscribe.So you never miss another video.We also hand-picked these videos, which we recommend you watch next.Thank you for being an a lexer and weҬl see you back tomorrow. 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