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Can you believe that I did this entire face of makeupfor 20, So this is from Daisos makeup line called UR GLAM. It was launched inApril 2019 in Osaka and its finally in Singapore. So a lot of people have been raving about it because its affordable and theyve got a really extensive range and Ů Look at this Okaykeep watching well, show you what we used. So this is the CC cream and its supposed tobe very lightweight, helps to cover your dullness and your pores, and we got the colour. Natural beige. Just realised that their logo is Sexy and healthy, makeup., Its quite small right. It smells likeregular foundation.. Oh, that is not my colour., That is quite dark. This looks nothing like the swatch Itsa, very watery cc cream.. This is still my favourite method of application. Now. Alright lets try thisout Wow. It is evening out the skin tone And now that its like blending out it actually doesntlook too dark at all. Its actually really natural and nice. Compared to the ones that Ive tried. Ifeel like this one has like not a lot of coverage, but I think, if youre, just looking for a skin tint, its really quite nice., Like I feel like this side. My face now the skin looks quite healthy. Andglowy.. Okay, now were gon na. Try the colour, corrector, the concealer on this side and then well putthis over it.. Alright, this is their concealer palette and they have three shades. They have thegreen, pink and yellow.. I have with me the green one ֠and I am also today blessed with a spot to test iton, because green is very good for covering up red spots., So lets see.. Okay, this one smells a bit like crayola. Its not too bad, though this concealer it is covering it., Okay, it also feels very waxy and liquidy kind of, like you know the cc cream. Just now it was very, very runny., Even though thisis solid. This does feel quite oily and waxy yeah.. It provides an okay amount of coverage, its quiteblendable and shade wise, I think its quite okay for me., Pretty decent amount of coverageas, well, so very impressed at the moment.. Okay. Let me put on the cc cream on the rest. Ofmy face Wah, Daiso makeup. I think the cc cream is really very nice. Sometimes I realise that cccreams they have a gray or white cast on a lot of people, whereas this one is like a very natural colour.. So for the cc cream, I think overall, the effect I really like it. I would give it like an8.510, but if youre talking more like cc cream and youre expecting somecoverage, I dont really think it hits that I would give that maybe a 5. But its still a reallynice skin tint and I do like the effect. And, like my skin, Looks dewy For the concealer. I think I wouldgive it. Maybe a 610 because it kind of does the job, but I think if you need some seriouscoverage, I dont think thats gon na do it. . This was very, very red and its pretty covered Likemaybe about like 70 covered, so I think its actually not too bad. Like if you just needvery little touch up itll, do the job. So far, theres only like 4 on my face, if you consider the fact that I havent used up the whole thing, so maybe like 40 cents, Thats impressive, Okay come lets. Try this the stick cheek.. So this is a cream blush and the shade is pure pink.. I lovecream blushers and I love cream blushers that are in stick form.. It says pure pink, but I feel liketheres a bit of coral in here, Oh thats, so pretty, But I dont know how thats gon na look on me like. I feel like its a bit too pink.. Okay, so lets try this. Its a little bit difficult toblend. Actually, for a cream blush like its a bit sticky and it drags on the skin. Okay, I do thinkthat. It takes a little bit to build up, but once you do build it up its actually, not too bad. Interms of colour, its a very basic colour., I mean its nice. Quite sheer, like you, see, theres still, abit of a sheen and the colours like coming through theres no special, like oh theres, a glow comingfrom within kind of thing, but again its like 2. You know, Even if this were 10 Ill, be like oh yeah, actually thats, not too bad.. Okay, I would rate this . .., Oh Im, so torn. Because I mean for 2. I think its pretty amazing So for 2. I think I would give it likea 10., But if I were to look at it like a blush, I think its okay, I would still give it maybe likea 7.5.. I dont really appreciate that the product really goes to about here, but then this tube islike so long, Okay, la 2, not bad at all. 6. I mean one like 6, not bad, Alright, let us contour.. So this is the shading powder in shade number 2.. Oh thats, smooth, Wow thats, very buttery, Like when I put it on my hand. It feels quite subtle which I like butalso. I can see that theres, some shading going on. Okay lets, try this. So for the contour. Powderit was quite interesting because when I first swatched it it was like oh thats, so buttery andthe colours are really natural, but I realised that, as I was putting it on and Ive been blendingit for a fair bit like it. Doesnt seem to blend very well like it looks a little bit chalky and its not as seamless. Yeah, so I think for the contour powder. I would maybe give this like a3., Because, even though its 2, I think its a bit like hard to use., Like you, couldprobably, like double up your eyeshadow or double up like with your eyebrow powder or something thenyou. Dont need to get another product. But I think this is . .. yeah, I think ill, give it likea 3.. Alright lets do the eyebrow powder ֠Oh okay, its nice and compact, and its also gotits own little eyebrow brush., Okay, so Im gon na try and do this with my own eyebrow brush.. Oh, this isactually, really quite nice, quite brown, its got a bit of a red undertone., So actually my browsare already done. Ive done, eyebrow embroidery and shes, so good. Her name is Bernice if youreinterested and its just like very natural. So I dont have to do too much here., But its still nicewhen. I like touch it up to play around with how thick or strong I want it.. This is definitelysuper super super worth it.. I think its like super natural. The colour is great, very easy. Toblend youve got the option of kind of like doing an ombre.. I think these two colours are kindof for me like more workable and they do a great job.. I will give this like a 10010because, its great it works and its 2.. How many time am I going to say becauseits, 2 But 2 for makeup? That works is really impressive, so very impressed 10010.. The cc cream ֠I can seenow ֠I mean I dont, think its like superoxidizing, but you can see more and more that it doesnt look like theres much coverage atall. So I think thats really something to bear in mind, but as a skin tint, I think itsreally great and also it might even work over another liquid foundation that you wantto change the colour off just a little bit, because the finish is really quite nice and verynatural. So yeah., Alright, what should we do? Next eyeshadow., So Im just going to put on an eyeprimer now. Im, usually quite lazy about my eye primers but, like recently Ive been putting moreeye primer.. Alright lets try this eyeshadow palette. This is the blooming eye colour palette and we also have the eyeshadow brush b. Wow thats, a nice mix of like metallic colours.. Okay themetallics are coming off not too bad actually.. Currently the two matte coloursfeel quite patchy, but lets see.. Oh that actually does show up. Oh, my godthis is so impressive. I am really loving it. The colours look so good together., These two couldwork very well in the daytime, just as like, regular, not so much colour a bit of colour kind of thing. Andthis one. I even used as a bit of a semi eyeliner extension kind of thing and the colour payoff is reallygreat.. These two, I feel like meh Šlike this one, is up here at the moment you can sort of see, but I dont think it blends as nicely with the rest of the shades. I think its a bit too cool for it, but Im really just nitpicking. Here. This one is up here. I dont think it matches very nicely with therest of the colours, but Im really just nitpicking. You know because it still works. I mean the colourcomes out., Its alright as a highlighting colour, but I feel like its a little bit flat and bright. . I feel like this bright shade, like I wouldnt use, that on top, because I feel like it kind of makesthe rest of the colours look a bit less expensive. In terms of metallic shades, because nowadays, youalso have like metallic shades that have a bit more dimension to Them and they look very smoothand ֠they look very like ethereal. Almost this doesnt hit that but its not apatchy metallic, which you also get in some of the expensive like palettes right. So this islike a very decent metallic range, with lots of nice neutral colours, which I think you can sort ofuse in the daytime as well. And you can also like judge it up and like go all the way for a nightlook. And this would really work. Really very, very impressed. I would give this a 1010.. I cant believe this whole thing is 2., What Its crazy crazy. So this is the highlightingpowder in pearl. Beige. Lets try this out. Ooo wow, That is a highlighter Wow, very bright Itsa bit silvery for me, but okay lets try., Oh interesting., That is very highlighty.. I thinksimilar to this colour on the eyeshadow palette. I feel like it is more obviously not luxe. Thehighlighter kind of highlights that the pigments are not so refined or like Ŭ I feel like it makes it look a bit more two dimensional not as rich., Also because I think a lot of highlighters these dayslike the Way that they mix colors and pigments and the shine is, I think, on a whole new level. Soi guess its just a bit more obvious., But I think, for me also is because Im very particular about myhighlighters and about my sheens. So I feel like Im picking on this a little bit more. Its, not abad highlighter. I just dont think that it looks as beautiful or rich as say, for example, this therest of this eyeshadow palette, here.. Okay, so I feel that for the highlighter and the contour Imokay without them., Because I feel like they kind of make the overall thing a bit ֠chalky andjust, not as nice.. For me, I feel like it spoils the look., Because the skin looks nice, the blush isalso. Quite nice and like you, throw this on top, it just makes it a little bit more chalky, so I feellike I can do it without it. Yeah ill, give it a 2. Alright. So this is the marble facepowder in shade 2.. The smell is alright.. I think this powder is not bad., I feel like you have to use quite a light hand because it can get a bit white. I dont think you can seeit on camera, but I do feel that my nose, this area looks a little bit white, but its got a nicepearlescent sheen.. I think it does have a bit of a white cast, so I probably wont put it across. Like my whole. Face. Yeah overall, I think its not too bad., I think maybe for someone with fairer skin. This could be really really nice. Overall, its really not really not bad., So I would give thislike a 710. Yeah. It doesnt have like that same kind of chalky feeling that the highlighter and the contour have., So this is one of their top sellers, its thelip oil in shade pink brown, my favourite type of pink and brown, pink brown.. Okay lets trythis., Oh very slippery.. This colour is beautiful: Oh yes, Its the perfect MLBB. It feels verycomfortable, it doesnt feel too oily. It doesnt feel too glossy and it feels moisturising on thelips. Its not just like sitting on top of the lip kind like. It really feels like its penetrated my lips. A little bit. This feels really good, and this colour is gorgeous Just like youve beenbiting, your lips kind of colour like it feels like that kind, but a little bit more toned downlike, not as red just a bit more like pink brown.. I mean its actually quite a hard colour to find.. It really is quite a hard colour to find I have had close, but sometimes a bit too pink a bit toobrown. This is like a beautiful shade.. I really like it. It looks so natural and I think the pink comesthrough really nicely it brings like Šlike my lips, look very healthy, but also very natural and theyfeel nice.. I would give this 10010 as well., Very, very nice.. So pretty oh love. It Really 10010. Im very impressed with this Daiso makeup, Thats it A full face with just 20. . I think my favourites would be the cc cream, the lip oil, the eyebrow powder, theeyeshadow palette., So apparently they have like 98 products and right now I am very interestedin. Trying all of them. We actually wanted to try the eyeliner and mascara as well, but that was out ofstock, but they also have nail polish. They have nail polish remover, so would love to trythem all.. For me, I would split this up into would get maybe no need., Oh, very, very impressive. Okay, this one is kind of like here., Very impressed. Alright, we come to the end of the episode, if youwant, to find out about the products how much they cost where to get them from. You can go to Daiso 2. If you want to get more updates, join our Telegram channel. If youve already subscribedto our channel. Thank you very much.. Now all you need to do is hit that bell and youllbe notified every time a new video comes down to YouTube. 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