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Benefits of a Magnesium Supplement If you are suffering from low magnesium levels, then you may want to consider taking a magnesium supplement. It is an easy-to-take supplement and can provide you with the amount of magnesium your body needs. There are several different forms of magnesium and there are also some possible side effects you should be aware of. Low magnesium levels Magnesium is a mineral that helps your body perform several vital functions. It plays an important role in the creation of DNA, RNA, and neurotransmitters. In addition, it is necessary for healthy heart and nerve function. Taking a magnesium supplement can help increase your magnesium level, and may reverse many of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency. However, before taking a supplement, you should consult a physician. If you already have a medical condition, such as diabetes, your doctor will likely want to check your dietary and health history. You may also need to take a blood test to see if you are magnesium deficient. If your doctor discovers you have a magnesium deficiency, you will need to get treatment to restore your level. Treatment options include supplements and injections. The most common way to measure a personҳ magnesium level is with a serum magnesium test. Using a serum magnesium test, you can determine if you have hypomagnesemia, which is a magnesium deficiency. Taking a magnesium supplement can correct this problem, but you need to be careful. Your dietary intake, medication, and medical conditions will affect your absorption of magnesium. Magnesium is found in your body, but most of it is stored in your bones and cells. However, if you have digestive disorders or kidney damage, you will not absorb it. Magnesium is considered an electrolyte, meaning that it is essential for your nerve and heart functions. Low magnesium levels can cause problems, including leg cramps and muscle weakness. Migraines Magnesium has been shown to help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Itҳ a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to reduce the frequency and severity of your migraines. A study by the University of Maryland Medical Center found that magnesium supplementation reduced the number of migraine attacks by 41.6%. The researchers also noted that taking a magnesium supplement decreased the duration of migraine medication use. Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many body functions. As such, itҳ important to make sure that you get enough. In addition to improving your energy, magnesium can also help to relieve headaches and muscle cramps. You can find magnesium in foods such as milk, cereals, and grains. If youҲe pregnant or breastfeeding, itҳ also important to speak with your healthcare provider before you take any supplements. Although studies have shown that magnesium can reduce the symptoms of a migraine, itҳ unclear whether or not it can prevent them. For this reason, you may want to take a magnesium supplement in addition to your usual treatment plan. To avoid overdosing on magnesium, itҳ important to take smaller amounts more often. Ideally, you should aim to consume about 400 to 500 milligrams of the mineral a day. The best magnesium for migraines is the magnesium glycinate form. This supplement is highly absorbable and does not have the laxative effects of other magnesium forms. Muscle twitching at night If you have muscle twitching, you may wonder why it occurs. Typically, muscle twitching is harmless, but it can be a sign of serious health conditions. Getting a diagnosis from your doctor will help you know whether or not you need to take further action. There are many factors that can cause muscle twitching. These include dehydration, stress, and electrolyte imbalance. Medications like antibiotics, antidepressants, and corticosteroids can also trigger twitches. You should talk to your physician if you have to twitch along with other symptoms, such as weakness or numbness. Twitches can be caused by electrolyte deficiency, so make sure you get adequate water to replace the fluids lost through sweating. Itҳ also important to eat enough vitamin D and calcium to offset deficiencies. Calcium can be added to your diet through dairy products and leafy greens. Magnesium plays a key role in nerve health. Low magnesium levels can result in muscle spasms. In addition, low magnesium levels can affect the way your body absorbs and uses calcium. If you think that your twitches are due to a nutrient deficiency, you should speak with your physician about taking supplements. You can get Vitamin D and calcium through exposure to sunlight and eating soya beans and dairy products. Other possible causes for twitching are overexertion, stress, or anxiety. Muscle twitching can be a sign of an underlying neurological issue. Hypermagnesemia Hypermagnesemia is a condition that causes too much magnesium to be in your blood. This can be a serious problem but can be easily treated. Symptoms include urinary retention, ileus, and hypotension. Fortunately, this condition is not too common. It occurs in only about 2% of the U.S. population but can be very dangerous. If you suspect you have it, you should seek medical care. Your healthcare provider will look for symptoms and run more tests to make sure. You will also need to follow up with him or her. Some symptoms may include drowsiness, nausea, and a loss of appetite. In some cases, a person who has hypermagnesemia can have heart failure. Other complications can occur if the kidneys fail. The first step in treating a patient with hypermagnesemia is to find out whatҳ causing it. Treatment will likely involve stopping magnesium consumption. However, in severe cases, your healthcare provider may recommend you undergo dialysis. People who are at risk for hypomagnesemia include those with diabetes, inherited kidney tubular disorders, and chronic alcohol abuse. In addition, people who take certain medications can also be at risk. Hypomagnesemia can affect the neuromuscular system, causing muscle spasms, asthenia, and cardiovascular abnormalities. Hypomagnesemia is also associated with longer hospital stays. Symptoms can be fatal. Hypermagnesemia can be fatal. A person who has hypermagnesemia can experience cardiac arrest, hypotension, and skeletal muscle paralysis. Forms of magnesium Magnesium supplementation can benefit a number of health conditions. In particular, it can help reduce heart palpitations, improve sleep and muscle strength, and increase physical performance. Magnesium is a critical nutrient for many functions, including neurotransmitters, heartbeat regulation, stress management, and calcium balance. Itҳ also important for regulating blood pressure. A recent meta-analysis suggests that magnesium may improve insulin sensitivity. Interestingly, this effect is strongest in magnesium-deficient participants. The best way to ensure your body gets the proper amount of magnesium is to eat a varied, healthy diet. This can include nuts, seeds, leafy greens, fish, meats, and unrefined grains. When magnesium is absent from your diet, it can lead to fatigue and muscle spasms. These issues can be serious. If you want to take a magnesium supplement, you can try a variety of forms. You may need to consult your doctor before starting a magnesium regimen. Although magnesium is present in small quantities, it plays a significant role in over 350 fundamental biochemical reactions. This includes the production of ATP, the most basic currency of energy in the human body. Some studies have shown that magnesium may reduce the risk of heart attacks. It also decreases the buildup of plaque in arteries. One study found that magnesium supplementation reduced systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. It also improved serum triglycerides. Magnesium can also assist with a number of other health benefits, including reducing stress and promoting a restful nightҳ sleep. Pregnant women can also benefit from taking a magnesium supplement. Side effects Magnesium is a potent vasodilator. It is important to maintain optimal magnesium levels, because if too little is present, it can cause a number of problems, such as drowsiness, muscle weakness, and retention of sodium. Magnesium is a potent inhibitor of NMDA receptors, which trigger bronchoconstriction. In people with asthma, magnesium can also promote bronchodilation. A recent study found that intravenous magnesium infusions can reduce the severity of acute asthmatic attacks. There are a number of potential side effects of taking a magnesium supplement, including diarrhea, gastric irritation, and a decrease in blood pressure. However, magnesium is considered safe when taken according to the Food and Nutrition Boardҳ recommended intake. The FDA warns against taking more than the recommended dosage, especially if you have a medical condition. If you have diabetes or kidney disease, you should not take a magnesium supplement without your doctorҳ supervision. This is because magnesium toxicity can cause damage to your kidneys. Magnesium supplements may also interact with medicines you already use. For instance, if you are taking antibiotics, magnesium supplementation may interfere with the antibioticҳ ability to work. Taking a magnesium supplement can also lower your risk of cardiovascular events. However, further studies are needed to determine if it is effective. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends the intravenous administration of magnesium sulfate for the treatment of preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and seizures.