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A Guide to Vegan Supplements



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Many people who have recently decided to go on a vegan diet will have to start consideringvegan supplements. There are many such dietary changes that can be frustrating and time-consuming. The most difficult part may be deciding which supplements are best for you. If this is something you are thinking about, here are some things that you should consider before making the decision. One thing that you should definitely not do is take vitamin supplements with a prescription. Most of the supplements on the market are considered generic. This means that it is not safe for vegans to take them. There is a high potential for adverse reactions when taking a prescription supplement made from plants. You may be tempted to take supplements that claim that they are natural, but this is not always the case. Just because an ingredient is natural does not mean that it is safe. Many foods contain vitamin A or D, which can be poisonous if taken in large quantities. There are some nutritional yeast supplements that may contain traces of gluten, a protein that is common in non-vegan foods. Gluten is common in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. These products contain a form of the vitamin that is not fully broken down in the intestines. This form is undigested foods contain vitamin D, which can increase blood cholesterol levels. While cholesterol is a contributing factor in heart disease, vitamin D is essential in strengthening the heart muscle and maintaining proper cholesterol levels. Also, if you are planning to go on a plant-based vegan diet, there are a few supplements that you should avoid. The first is fish oil. Fish oil is commonly used in advertisements and in many cookbooks as a source of health. But it contains only small amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important to heart health. A better choice is soy or flax seed oil. These oils are high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which are better for your body than long-chain triglycerides (LCT), which are found in refined sugar. Another supplement to avoid is a multivitamin supplement that contains folic acid. While folic acid is present in most plants, most Americans do not get enough from their food supply. Also, women may experience a deficiency because their bodies process and metabolize folic acid differently than men. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, it is especially important to consider taking a supplement that contains folic acid. Taking vitamins supplements can also help in overcoming vitamin deficiency symptoms. For example, spinach is a rich source of several vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B-complex. In some studies, spinach has even been found to have the highest level of vitamin D of all vegetables, coming close to milk and eggs. However, if you do not eat spinach often, it may be difficult to get enough of this nutrient through food alone. The benefits of vegan diets extend beyond simple weight loss. They reduce the risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke, and some types of cancer. They also lower the risk of many forms of depression, anxiety, and stress. And because there are so many plant-based foods that are good for you, a vegan diet can be the most effective diet in lowering your risk for these and other chronic diseases. A plant-based diet is the most healthful diet for your body, since it minimizes many risks of chronic disease. Vitamin D is especially important for healthy bones and joints, but even people who get enough vitamin D through diet may need a supplement. In fact, a study on postmenopausal women found that those who had vitamin D deficiency had nearly twice the risk of osteoporosis as those with more normal vitamin D levels. So, a vitamin D supplement may be necessary for overall health. Other nutrients that are important for healthy bodies include protein, taurine, magnesium, fiber, and probiotics. If you do not eat a lot of meats or eggs, you may be at risk for low levels of these nutrients. Animal products are high in protein, while dairy products are rich in calcium, which is beneficial for building strong bones. Fiber is found in many kinds of vegetables, but fiber is only found in unrefined, organic products, including legumes, fruits, and vegetables. The last group of nutrients that we will discuss is vitamins and minerals, because these are the main parts of any healthy diet. There is some argument about whether or not plant foods contain essential vitamins and minerals. But studies have shown that a well-balanced diet can meet the daily needs of most Americans. For example, a well-balanced diet may contain enough vitamin d to keep calcium from becoming toxic, while also providing enough protein, taurine, and magnesium to keep the heart healthy.