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Child Development Stages ֠Definition and Importance Child development stages are the theoretical milestones of child development. Early childhood is a time of tremendous growth across all areas of development. How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle While Having Fun Individuals are constantly asking me how I keep my figure. Dieting is not my thing, I just like to live a healthy lifestyle eating & doing things that I enjoy. Because I get asked so many questions about my secrets I decided to put together an article today on some of the ways I live a healthy lifestyle by doing the things that I love. Enjoying Food Lets You Avoid the Consequences? Some people believe itҳ okay to eat any food, as long as we enjoy it or have it in moderation. Will that work for everyone? Unfortunately not, and this article explores the common ӷisdom.Լ/p> Is Nutrition Really 70% of Your Fitness Success? General sayings and quotes are pervasive within the fitness community. Some do a great job of giving the public some guidance, while some in my humble opinion lead to more confusion. I address one of these sayings in this article which has to do with nutrition being the key to fitness success for everyone. Nuts Are Protein? The Myth That WonҴ Die For some reason, people continue to think of nuts as protein foods. But theyҲe not, and the nut numbers show this. IsnҴ it time to face fats? Healthy Eating ֠What You Should Know About Biological Value As you go about planning your menu, one thing you will want to take into account is something called biological value (BV). Most people are quite good at staying on top of research so they can figure out which foods hold the most nutrients and which ones will help optimize health the best. Where many go wrong, however, is forgetting the fact because a food is nutritious, it does not necessarily mean it will be fully utilized by the body. That is where the biological value (BV) comes into play. Biological value refers to protein-rich foods and discusses how well these foods will be utilized after they are consumed. Reducing Inflammation ֠The Less Inflammation You Have Is Better for Your Health Inflammation is a process within our own bodies which it utilizes to protect us from disease and injury. Like all these things in life, a lot of even a fantastic thing can be bad for all of us. Reading Food Labels ֠Ignoring Them Is Bad for Your Health If you are like most people if you do examine food labels the very first thing that you likely listen to is how many calories listed. But calories are really all about circumstance and do not tell the entire story. Ease the Holiday Stress of Family Meals Family visits during the holidays can bring out eating patterns and behaviors that may have a sabotaging effect. This article covers a few of those family patterns, along with strategies to help with short and more extended visits.