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We live in an era where superfoods are constantly evolving. The nutrition from healthy foods can have miraculous effects on your health. Hemp seed oil is one of them. I bet you werenҴ expecting this, were you? Now when we say ӨempԬ weҲe not talking about what you think. Bestie isnҴ going to recommend you smoke anything! This is something different. In todayҳ video, letҳ check out some awesome benefits of hemp seed oil. Other videos recommended for you: WATCH : Cycling For Half An Hour Every Day Will Do This To Your Body ֠ /> WATCH : This Happens To Your Body When You Sleep After Eating ֠ /> חחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Medical Disclaimer: חחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ #HempOil #Benefits #Bestie Sources: Timestamps: Intro ֠0:00 Reduces Inflammation ֠00:27 Improve Skin Health ֠01:22 2.1 . Pimples ֠02:14 2.2 . Dryness ֠02:57 2.3 . Psoriasis ֠03:19 2.4 . Lichen Planus ֠03:51 2.5 . Wrinkled Skin ֠04:31 Eases Symptoms of PMS and Menopause ֠05:10 Fights Bacterial Infection ֠06:56 Music: Summary: 1. Reduces Inflammation Hemp seed oil has fatty acids. Itҳ the perfect blend of Omega 3 and omega-6. 2. Improve Skin Health Get ready to be showered with compliments, because your skin is about to glow like a diamond! 2.1 Pimples Pimples and acne can take the beauty away from your skin. 2.2 Dryness Now, letҳ imagine a reverse situation where thereҳ too much dryness on your skin. For anyone who cares about their appearance, dryness is uncomfortable and annoying. 2.3 Psoriasis Psoriasis is a serious skin condition many people get. 2.4 Lichen Planus (LIE-kun PLAY-nus)- Lichen planus is another skin disease that can be controlled with this oil. 2.5 Wrinkled Skin IsnҴ staying young everybodyҳ main goal in life? Seeing those wrinkles start appearing on your face can be both sad and scary at once. 3. Eases Symptoms Of PMS And Meopause Hemp oil can be used in 3 different ways. You can either apply it to the skin directly, or have it added to your food. 4. Fights Bacterial Infection If youҲe not being careful about the bacteria in your body, your health will decline. For more information, please watch the video until the very end. חחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Subscribe to Bestie : חחחחחחחחחחחחחח׭ Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: Website: