Do you find yourself easily overwhelmed? Are lights too bright, sounds too loud, or smells too intense for you to handle? If so, then perhaps you are a Highly Sensitive Person. This video will introduce you to the 10 tips for highly sensitive people and provide some helpful tips for how to live life as an HSP. Highly sensitive people are often misunderstood. They're often told they're too emotional, overly reactive, and a whole host of other things that aren't true. But first, who are highly sensitive people? What does it really mean? Highly sensitive people are individuals who process information and emotions very deeply. They are often the first to feel other people's energy and can be easily overwhelmed in certain situations. They may also struggle with things like anxiety and depression more so than others. Being highly sensitive is not something to be "fixed." It's simply a different way of experiencing the world around you. Many positives come with this designation, like having empathetic abilities and being able to connect deeply with others.
10 Tips for Highly Sensitive People (HSP)
bradfowl0808 January 8, 2022Software
highly sensitive people
,millionaie traits