EO London’s Pajani singah: Private capital investment to save the rainforest

In 2017, EO pledged its support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)ױ7 goals to wipe out poverty, fight inequality and..
Monique Rodriguez, founder and CEO of Mielle Organics

Monique Rodriguez, founder and CEO of Mielle Organics, discusses her journey launching and scaling her business.On the role of a successful entrepreneur: I donҴ believe in a saturated market. I feel that in any industry, in any market that [ŝ
Marti’s Corner ֠45

Hi Everyone, NOTES: *ࠂeans ֠Even though this is not the month for beans, I wanted to pass on this site about cooking beans.ࠈe did several experiments with storing beans and then cooking them.ࠈe also talks about sprouting and growing beans.ࠉF you have beans in your storage, this article is full [ŝThe post Martiҳ Corner ֠45 appeared first on City Prepping
WeҶe all been there. You know you have a ton of content, but you donҴ know 1) what everything is, 2) where it is, or 3) if itҳ even still any good.
Brain Scans Reveal Marker for Severe MS

At a GlanceResearchers found that dark rimmed spots on the brain may be a hallmark of more aggressive and disabling forms of multiple sclerosis.The..
Indoor Mall Security: Push-to-Talk Two Way Radios

Cold winter weather always brings people into the warm indoors. People will generally choose to shop inside at a mall rather than walk from store to..
Harassment continues remotely, but here’s why and how to stop it

By Claire SchmidtWorkplace harassment is pervasive, and in recent years more people who have suffered or witnessed harassment and who havenҴ seen it
Ex-Olympian handed a huge doping ban

Moroccan runner Halima Hachlaf was banned for six years on Tuesday for a second doping offence.Hachlaf, who ran in the 800 metres at the 2012 London..
My Instagram!@briannafoxmakeup http://instagram.com/briannafoxmakeupSubscribe :) http://goo.gl/fEKBAH_____________________________________Welcome to..
The Gifts under the Christmas Tree | Magnetic Games

Thanks to Magnetic Play for these beautiful Christmas tree shots, subscribe to his channel https://www.youtube.com/user/jinshengzeLIKE & SUBSCRIBE HERE: