What is Clipping on Music and Recording Audio clipping is a distortion in a sound recording when the levels have been increased past the normal range. This makes the sound clip noticeably worse, and sometimes, it could even be unpleasant to listen to. Clipping can be a result of an accidental or deliberate distortion. This article will explain what is audio clipping is and how it affects music and recording. We will also have some tips about how to avoid audio clipping from happening on your recordings. It was first observed by engineers atBell Laboratories in September 1937 when they discovered that electrons were being bumped up against the top of an amplifierҳ voltage rails this was causing them to emit noise or what we commonly know as clicks and hisses. Why Audio Clipping Is Dangerous in Music Mixing The audio clipping is a distortion that happens when audio is played at too high a volume. It causes the audio to sound distorted and fuzzy. The clipping can also cause problems with the speakers or headphones that are being used because it will produce an unpleasant sound. The clipping shouldnҴ be taken lightly because it can cause irreparable damage to your ears, your equipment, and your recordings. This will happen if you set the volume too high on your equipment or if you are working with files that have already been clipped. If you are experiencing this problem, there are some ways you can reduce the damage done by the distortion pattern for your ears and for your equipment. Turn down the volume so that no distortion is heard Mixing your song by leaving headroom on the master channel Avoid listening to music at full blast Usesample and loops which, were recorded without distortion. How to Avoid Audio Clipping When Recording with Your Phone or Computer When you use your phone or computer to record audio, some programs will automatically adjust the levels for you to keep the audio at a healthy level. But if they donҴ, check out these tips: Get closer to the sound source (especially if youҲe recording yourself) Turn the micҳ gain down Use external hardware that has more processing power and better quality controls How Does Audio Waveform Looks When is Hard-Clipping Conclusion: Audio Clipping is one of the major causes of sound distortion in audio equipment. Try to avoid it so your recordings will sound clean and crispy. Tips and info to help you MAKE MUSIC EASIER The postWhat is Audio Clipping and How to Avoid It appeared first onAudioVat.

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The Key to Anti-Aging Health Age, it's a natural part of life. But just because you're getting older doesn't mean you have to look like it. With a few simple steps anyone can look and feel younger than they actually are. One of the biggest steps someone can take in the battle against age is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Anti-aging health is all about your lifestyle, eating habits, fitness, and a number of other factors which can affect how well a person ages. Maintaining such a lifestyle requires a certain level of commitment and dedication. Eat Those Vegetables A major step in combating age is committing to healthy eating habits. It's important not to indulge too much on one food or another, especially when it contains a lot of fat or grease. Each person is individual in their dietary needs, and it's a good idea to find out that which best suits you, and you can find many books that will help you to determine which foods will be most beneficial for your body type. But generally speaking, a healthy cycle of fruits, vegetables, and grain along with moderate portions of meat is suggested for those wishing to live a more healthy life. Dietary needs are key to slowing the aging process to some extent, and the more efficient and healthy your body, the less work it requires to do its job. Choosing a lifestyle Another very important step in anti-aging health is lifestyle habits. Things like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and some eating disorders can all affect the way a person ages. Smoking for instance inhibits the body's ability to process oxygen, preventing the body from feeding your cells. It is direly important that any person concerned with their health and especially their age, maintain healthy lifestyle habits. Exercise is perhaps one of the most important factors concerning anti-aging health. Exercise in moderation gives the body numerous benefits like more efficient blood flow, healthier muscles, increased bone stability, and even oxygen to the brain is increased during exercise. Anyone concerned with anti-aging health should be prepared to set an exercise regiment. It is important to be willing to stick with this regiment after you start; just occasionally going to the gym doesn't count. Set reasonable goals, as starting out on a 10k run is probably not the best idea and can cause more harm than benefit. Of course in the fight against aging there can be any number of factors to consider. But for anyone generally concerned with their age and health, these few tips can be the key to adding a few extra years to their life.

Vitamin Wars: Natural VS Synthetic In the beginning, God created all-natural whole vitamins, which were available directly from vegetables and fruits. Then man depleted earth's soil, robbing our foods of their natural nutrients. Apples, peaches, and pumpkin pie became less delicious and not as nutritious as Eden intended. No problem. Just add sugar, and artificial flavoring, and... voilࡠTo supplement our foodless foods, men invented vitamins. Then scientists said, "Let's create syntheticvitamins!" That way, they'll be really cheap to manufacture and hopefully just as good as those expensive all-natural vitamins. WRONG! We now know that syntheticsvitamins are not as good as all-natural vitamins. Not even close. To demonstrate the point, experiments have shown that when polarized light is placed through synthetic vitamins, the light acts much differently than when it is placed through whole vitamins. When polarized light is placed through whole vitamins, the light beam bends to the right. When this same light passes through a synthetic vitamin, the beam splits in half. Science has not created a vitamin equivalent to nature's whole vitamins. Synthetic vitamins only give you half the biological activity as whole vitamins. In fact, research shows that synthetic vitamins can actually be dangerous to your health! Nevertheless, most vitamins on the market today use stripped down synthetic vitamins rather than whole vitamins coming straight from vegetables and fruits! The reason is simple; synthetic vitamins are much cheaper to manufacture. Health-conscious individuals need to appreciate the importance of giving their bodies whole vitamins, along with other critical nutrients. DANGER: ASCORBIC ACID A perfect example is Ascorbic Acid, the synthetic form of Vitamin C. Ascorbic Acid can actually harm the body by thickening the arterial walls of the heart by as much as two and a half times! Beware of Ascorbic Acid! DANGER: SYNTHETIC VITAMIN E SUCKS Another example is synthetic Vitamin E. Taking the synthetic form of Vitamin E has been proven to actually suck vitamins and minerals right out of your bones. Synthetic Vitamin E can do more harm than good! Face facts: there's just no substitute for All-Natural Whole-Food Vitamins and Minerals. The human body needs everything from A to Zinc, all in the right proportion. Taber's Medical Dictionary says vitamins are essential for normal metabolism, growth and life of the body. They are indispensable for the maintenance of health. Until recently, there has been some debate regarding the need for vitamin supplements. However, studies from The Journal of American Medical Association concluded that every individual should take a multi-vitamin every single day, thus ending the controversy. Your body begins to pay the price as it tries to compensate for nutrient deficiencies. Eventually, poor nutrition can lead to devastating consequences. Some people treat their body as if it were invincible. Don't be deluded. Your health is priceless. Give your body what it needs and deserves. Bottom line, getting the proper nutrients and micronutrients each day is critical to maintaining good health. NOTES: Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, Edition 16. F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia,1989, p. 2000. JAMA 2002; 287:3116. Vinson, J.A., Bose P. Comparative Bioavailability to Humans of Ascorbic Acid Alone or in a Citrus Extract. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1998, Vol 38, No 3, p. 601-604. Vinson, J.A., and Hsu. Effect of Vitamin A,E, and a citrus extract on in vitro and in vivo Lipid Peroxidation." Medical Science Research, 1992, 20, 145-146. Duke, James. Handbook of Chemical Constituents of Grasses, Herbs, and other Economical Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1992.

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