When searching for jobs or planning your career future, you may start to notice similarities between language used to describe positions. For instance, we recently discussed the difference betweenࡠdirector vs. a manager. While the two terms are similar, a director is a more senior, less hands-on role that develops strategy, solves bigger-picture issues, and interfaces with the executive team.ȥre are two more positions that may be difficult to place on the correct rungs of the career ladder: Director vs. VP. Which is more senior? What are the different responsibilities in each role? How can you prepare to hold one or both of these positions in your career?ȥre, weҬl discuss how to distinguish Director vs. VP once and for all.`Directorҳ RoleAऩrectorੳ in charge of a particular sector of an organization, typically managing at least a few employees. Their key objective is to identify next steps for the unit or department they oversee, secure funds for their initiatives, and guide their teams in their roles.ĩrectors are not autonomous at the organization, however. In addition to leading teams below them, they also need to work within the priorities set by the Vice President who oversees their department - as well as other departments - and the Executive Team.ӯme of the common director roles are as follows: director of human resources, director of marketing, and director of strategy. Depending on the organization, there can also be different levels of directorships, including associate, assistant, or senior director. Senior-level directorship titles include executive director and director of operations.`VPҳ RoleIn terms of organizational hierarchy, the VP typically manages several directors and is the official head of a division in the company. So, moving into a VP role is certainly not a lateral move.ҡther than engaging with the needs of only a single unit or department, the VP needs to negotiate between the sometimes-competing demands of several directors. At the same time, the VP should send top-down messages to their directors regarding the organizationҳ business interests, as well as with the public.Ԩere are different levels within this title, as well. Large organizations often have rankings, including assistant, associate, senior, and executive VP; this ranking system typically specifies the company hierarchy more clearly if it employs many vice presidents.רile both roles are in leadership, a VP is truly senior leadership. This means that not every director will have the skills, personality, or vision to advance to the VP level.ࠈow to Become a DirectorIf youҲe interested in moving fromࡠmanager to a director role, you should be ready to prove yourself in the following capabilities:͡naging others in leadership roles and offering professional development for teams.Soliciting feedback from your team and the public as necessary to create initiatives.Collaborating with other directors on cross-departmental projects.¡lancing the needs of the team you manage and the demands of senior-level officers.ĥveloping budgets that work within the parameters set by senior-level officers.Ԩinking and acting strategically within company goals.̥ading with excellence and demonstrating appropriate behaviors for your team.ȯw to Become a VPIf you are already a director or have your sights for the future set high, here are some of the competencies that a VP needs to demonstrate:ĥveloping your ӥxecutive presenceԠby building your communication skills and persona.̥arning to inspire a team and mobilizing them into enthusiastic action.Բanslating the company and upper managementҳ mission, goals, and visions into action plans that directors can use.˥eping a keen eye on the market and competitors, and developing strategic plans accordingly.Identifying and creating plans if the company undergoes any issues or problems.̥ading teams and evaluating employeesҠperformance; revising performance standards as necessary.͡naging the companyҳ finances and making changes as needed.רy Itҳ Important to Distinguish Between Director and VPUnderstanding Director vs. VP in your career is important for two reasons. First, if youҲe searching for a new role at the moment, you want to use the correct search terms in your search. This is because most people move through these roles in an upward trajectory, becoming a directorࢥforeനey become a VP. So, you donҴ want to be wasting time searching or applying for VP positions too early.ӥcond, when youҲe planning your career future, you can start thinking about moving upwards, from manager to director, then VP. For someone in early or mid-career, this envisioning requires long-term planning. If thatҳ daunting for you to do alone, consider connecting with௮e of our mentors and coachesയ construct a plan for your future.ʊ

The B2B marketing landscape consists of swift changes, with growth often happening at a speedy pace that can sometimes be difficult to fully appreciate.For over 20 years TopRank Marketing has been honored to help some of the world's top B2B marketers and brands elevate and go beyond merely being competitive, to standing out from the crowd with a variety of creative and award-winning successes. In this spirit we regularly like to take a moment to congratulate and honor business marketers, thought leaders, industry influencers and our own team members who have recently advanced in their careers.When B2B marketers take on new roles in leadership, it's only natural to seek out trusted resources to help them hit the ground running, and TopRank Marketing is happy to have been a go-to B2B content and influencer marketing agency for a powerful array of marketers in new leadership roles. We're also always seeking out B2B technology industry influencers advancing in their careers to partner with on unique content collaborations.We'd like to extend big congratulations to our B2B technology industry partners, clients, associates, friends and teammates in this third edition of B2B Marketers on the Move.Celebrating 2022 B2B Marketers on the MoveTequia Burt has taken a new position as editor in chief, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog at LinkedIn*.Be brave. Much of the time, we are afraid to bring our authentic and true selves to work, but in order to be an authentic೴oryteller and marketer who connects with audiences, you can't be fake.Tequia's keen B2B content marketing insight led her to be featured on our annual list of top B2B content marketing influencers, in Top 25 B2B Content Marketing Influencers and Experts To Follow #CMWorld 2021Rebecca Stone has taken a new position as senior vice president of customer solutions marketing at Cisco.Marcus Tober has taken a new position as head of enterprise solutions at Semrush.ӓEO takes time and patience, and engagement from multiple departments in companies. SEO should be a focus, because when demand rises and advertising costs increase again, starting SEO is too late,ԍarcus' search marketing insight was featured in our look at pandemic search engine optimization (SEO) tips, Best SEO Tips for Marketing During the Pandemic Plus 9 Top SEO PlatformsElizabeth Williams has been promoted to director of new business and client accounts at TopRank Marketing.Ӕhe marvelous impact we can make for our clients נfor their businesses and for them as marketers and humans נis what keeps me inspired.Ԅanny Nail has taken a new position as director, global ABM COE leader, at Salesforce.әou have to let go of templatized, old ideas. You have to break free of thinking about things the way weҶe always thought about them, and start really digging into how you can change what youҲe doing and make it more efficient, more effective, but be creative about that.Ԅanny sat down with our own senior content marketing manager Joshua Nite for our ongoing multiple-season Break Free B2B Marketing video and podcast series to speak about account-based-marketing (ABM) on a global scale in, Break Free B2B Marketing: Danny Nail of SAP on Creating a Global ABM PlatformDebbie Friez has been promoted to influencer marketing manager at TopRank Marketing.Ӊ am thankful for almost 7 years of working with the amazing, smart, talented team at TopRank Marketing. Every day I look forward to new challenges and exciting experiences. The best part of my job is learning from the many thought leaders some will call influencers. I truly treasure the relationships IҶe built with so many great minds.Ԃrian Hood has been promoted to vice president, digital product management and marketing technology, at Thomson Reuters.Jennifer Leggio has taken a new position as chief marketing officer at Netography.I often joke that people don't find marketing; that it finds us. It's a career path for creative empaths who also live and die by the stories that data tells us. These things make us brilliant and impactful, but also make us vulnerable. My greatest advice to B2B marketing up-and-comers is to stay strong and fearless when working with people who don't get us or our craft נbecause very few do נand keep your eye on the outcomes. There is no greater joy than seeing that final campaign, design, or story win, so never stop pushing for them.Jennifer has been featured as one of the most influential women in B2B marketing on several of our annual industry lists, including 50 Influential Women in B2B Marketing Who Rocked in 2020Jane Bartel has been promoted to director of content and search at TopRank Marketing.ӏne of my favorite things about good B2B content marketing is that itҳ so focused on adding value for the audience More than in the B2C space, B2B content marketers are asking themselves, ѩs the content Iҭ producing going to help the person consuming it solve a problem?ҔElizabeth Dieckman has been promoted to director of product marketing at LinkedIn*.Adolfo Alvarado has taken a new position as SEO strategist at TopRank Marketing.Amber Naslund has been promoted to senior manager, marketing solutions, at LinkedIn*.ӎever be afraid to explore paths you hadnҴ considered before. Sometimes the most exciting opportunities are the ones that are most unexpected, donҴ look like a ladder climb, and werenҴ necessarily in your plan. And that feeling of imposter syndrome? Itҳ really just a sign youҲe stepping outside your comfort zone. Say yes to the exploratory call, be courageous, and recognize that the most powerful words in your career journey can be෨at if?ԁmber has been featured on our most recent annual list of the top 50 B2B marketing influencers, and shared the digital stage with our CEO Lee Odden on an episode of LinkedInҳ Live with Marketers Home Edition, focusing on The Business of Executive Thought LeadershipMia Umanos has been promoted to chief executive officer at Clickvoyant.Alexander White has taken a new position as social media and influencer marketing coordinator at TopRank Marketing.Jason Miller has taken a new position as marketing director at CreativeX.As a marketer, the best advice IҶe ever been given is to focus on your soft skills. There are a lot of savvy marketers who all know how to do the same things; the differentiator is how you excel at creativity, problem-solving, and communication. Master these skills, and you will not only stand out, but you will also be on the path to becoming a strong marketing leader. I learned this the hard way and paid the price by losing opportunities early on in my career. Map these skills out immediately, double down, and get to work.Jason was among those featured on our most recent annual list of the top B2B marketing influencers, in 50 Top B2B Marketing Influencers, Experts and Speakers To Follow In 2022, and on our look at LinkedInҳ List of 24 B2B Marketers You Need to KnowAmy Otis has taken a new position as account manager at TopRank Marketing.Keith Guse has taken a new position as associate director, social media, at Merck.Nick Nelson has been promoted to senior content marketing manager at TopRank Marketing.What IҶe found at TopRank Marketing is an accommodating environment, meaningful work, amazing colleagues, clear avenues for growth, and a real sense of pride.Christina Stelene has been promoted to director of demand generation and digital sales, training and adoption Americas, at SAP.Danielle Motley has taken a new position as account manager at TopRank Marketing.Waynette Tubbs has taken a new position as director of content marketing at Oracle.Ӎake your customer the hero. Tell your customers' stories about how they solve problems using your product.ԗaynette was featured on our look at some of the inspirational content that leading marketing industry professionals have crafted, in 10 Inspiring Expert Quotes That Honor Timeless Content Marketing Best PracticesHarry Mackin has taken a new position as content strategist at TopRank Marketing.Anna Griffin has taken a new position as chief marketing officer at Intercom.Kay Stone has taken a new position as director of social media and influencer marketing at TopRank Marketing.Mark Barrera has been promoted to vice president of audience and content acquisition at TrustRadius.Always look at ways to bring value to a business beyond tasks that may be tied to your current role. This allows you to take on more and show that your worth is beyond what it's currently being used for.Steve Lewis has taken a new position as social media manager at TopRank Marketing.Virginia Brailey has taken a new position as chief executive officer at Xemoto.As much as I love marketing and technology, there is nothing better than bringing people with diverse strengths together and building a strong team. If you really want to exceed in the marketplace you need to first succeed in the workplace.Sam Kirchoff has taken a new position as internal marketing manager at TopRank Marketing.I like working at TopRank because it's one of the only agencies I've worked at where I felt welcomed as the person I was, not the person they wanted me to be. I've worked here twice: once at the very beginning of my career and now, ten years later, as someone with more experience. Both times I've made professional and personal connections that have made a real difference in my life. It's an easy place to feel passion and care for your clients and coworkers because that same energy is reflected all around you. It's an easy place to be.Brooke Osmundson has taken a new position as lead of digital marketing at Smith Micro Software, Inc.Theresa Dorsey Meis has taken a new position as content strategist at TopRank Marketing.Sarah McLaughlin has been promoted to vice president of marketing at R3 IoT Limited.әou can achieve any ambition during your marketing career. DonҴ underestimate your potential, ability, or worth. I went from high school dropout, to single parent, to VP Marketing with four beautiful daughters. Set yourself goals. Invest in your personal growth. And donҴ settle. When looking for your next career move, choose a role, company, or industry outside your current comfort zone. You will grow enormously, both personally and professionally.ԓara Varni has taken a new position as chief marketing officer at Attentive.Art Allen has taken a new position as content strategist at TopRank Marketing.Abby Johnson has been promoted to director of communications at Gray.Having a career in marketing isnҴ for the faint of heart. It takes hard work, passion, commitment, continuous learning, creativity, and a touch of obsessive-compulsive behavior. But thatҳ what makes marketers special. Effective marketers today understand this complex, ever-evolving environment and turn challenges into opportunities. At its core, marketing is about creating experiences. We, as marketers, have the power to make these positive or negative. This perspective continues to inspire me.Abby has been featured in an installment of our annual list of women who rock social media, a tradition that we've continued each year, including our most recently look at 25 Women of Color Who Rocked B2B Marketing in 2021Thanks To These Top Leaders For Helping Elevate the B2B Marketing IndustryThanks to all of the talented B2B marketing professionals here who have recently been promoted or taken new industry positions. We're certain that you'll elevate and reach new heights when it comes to the performance you'll deliver in your new roles.You can find our previous edition of Saluting B2B Marketers on the Move hereIf you're looking for a change of your own, be sure to check out our list of current job openings at TopRank Marketing on our careers page*LinkedIn and SAP are TopRank Marketing clients.The post B2B Marketers on the Move: 2022 Brings New Opportunities appeared first on B2B Marketing Blog - TopRank

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