Kinds of Vitamins: A General Overview There are many different kinds of vitamins that can help your body. These vitamins, along with the essential minerals, which can also be called micronutrients, are things that your body needs, in small amounts, which promote good biochemical reactions within your body and within your cells. They make you grow right, help you digest your food, make you more mentally alert and more mentally sound, help you to be resistant to infectious diseases, and help your body to use carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Also,vitamins and minerals are catalysts in your body, which speed up or initiate chemical reactions. The difference between thevitamins and the proteins you get from food is that you don't burn up the vitamins, so you can't use them for energy. Because your body does not make most vitamins and minerals directly, you have to get them from food sources or from vitamin supplements. If you aren't getting enough of a certain vitamin or mineral for a long period of time you can get a specific disease or condition. This will usually be fixed when the vitamin or mineral is re supplied to your body. Basically, there are 13 vitamins. Four of them are fat-soluble and nine of them are going to be water soluble. The ones that are fat-soluble can be stored in your body fat and also stored in certain organs such as your liver. The water-soluble vitamins do not get stored in your body in large amounts. The vitamins that are fat soluble, which means that you can store them in your body for a long time, include A, D, E and K. These dissolve in lipids and require bile in order to be absorbed. They are also stored in tissues, and if you have too many of them they can be toxic to you. The water-soluble vitamins are going to be C and eight of the B vitamins. These are thiamine, which is B1, Riboflavin, which is B2, niacin, pyridoxine, which is B6, pantothenic acid, which is B5, vitamin B12, biotin and folic acid. These dissolve in water, so if you are cooking or washing, the vitamins might actually be washed out of the food. They are easily absorbed and excreted, and are not stored very much or often in your tissues. These vitamins are seldom going to reach toxic levels. All of these vitamins are found in food, but if you aren't able to get the food that you need in order to get the vitamins, you are going to have to turn to nutritional supplements to make sure that you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals that your body is going to need.

Are You Trying To Lose Weight? Don't! Are you trying to lose weight? If you are, STOP! Funny thing to say coming from someone that wants to help you lose all the weight you want, right? Actually, there's a good reason. You see, you can't try to lose weight. Don't believe me? OK, let's use an example. Look around where you are sitting right now and find a small object. Perhaps a pen, envelope or book. Got it? Now, try to pick it up. Go ahead. Is it in your hand? If it is, well, then you didn't try, you actually picked it up. If it's not in your hand, you didn't. Simple, right? There's no middle ground in doing. You can't "try" to do anything, it's a fallacy. You either do it, or don't do it. The same applies to losing weight (or anything else for that matter). Saying that you'll try gives your mind fuzzy instructions, and it will return fuzzy results, results that aren't what you really want. It also gives you a "way out" if you don't achieve the goals you set out to reach. You see, your subconscious mind doesn't interpret your directions, it just goes to work following them as complete truth. When you say you'll "try to lose weight", it will "try" to follow your instructions, which we now know is impossible. What in fact you want, (if you really do) is to lose weight. To feel better. To have more energy. To overcome health challenges. To look great. Now, if you say you want to lose weight and are not successful, or continue to use language that includes words like "try" or "we'll see" or "maybe", perhaps you're wired backwards. What does that mean? Well, maybe you say that you want to lose weight, but your mind says it doesn't. Somewhere along the way you gave your mind instructions that it's too hard, or impossible, to lose the weight you want. Perhaps you're more comfortable where you are now, but know that it's the right thing to say that you want to lose weight. If this is the case, ask yourself what beliefs you hold that are at odds with what you want. For example, "it's too hard to lose weight", "it's impossible to lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I'd have to exercise all the time", "I'll lose my friends if I lose weight", "I can't lose weight because I've always failed". Ask yourself if in fact they are true. Are they making your life easier, or more difficult? Do these beliefs serve you or harm you? Then, replace the old beliefs with new ones. Positive, confident statements about how you want to look and feel. The best way to lose weight is to avoid saying you'll "try" to lose weight, and say you "will" lose weight. See yourself at your ideal weight. Imagine how great you look and feel. Use positive language and give your mind specific instructions like "I'm now happily at my ideal weight of (number of pounds) weight" or "I now happily choose to wear a size (your ideal size)". Watch your language and self talk closely and avoid using "try". It may take constant attention at the beginning, but after a short time, you'll get used to keeping your language positive, upbeat and confident. Your weight loss results will follow immediately, depending on how confident, committed and persistent you are in applying these exercises. The more confident, committed and persistent, the faster your results will appear. You CAN do it!

Herbal Vitamins Herbs and vitamins are closely associated. Most herbs contain certain kinds of vitamins, andvitamins are naturally derived from living things, and that includes plants. From this close association, the concept for herbal vitamins emerged. When we deal with herbal vitamins, we are basically dealing with those herbal based vitamins or vitamins that are derived from herbs. Just like the vitamins that are taken from animal sources, herbal vitamins must also be absorbed in the body by means of supplying it in the diet or in the dietary supplements. One of the reasons for that is the fact that the human body cannot manufacture or synthesize the herbal vitamins. Herbalvitamins are very essential to the proper functioning of the human body. In fact, they are very significant for our growth, vitality, as well as for our general well being. One of the great misconceptions in the world today is the notion that herbal vitamins can replace food. The fact still remains that they cannot replace food. It is in fact considered by some experts that herbal vitamins cannot be incorporated without consuming food. For this reason, the herbal vitamins are greatly taken along with a meal. For further information, herbal vitamins assist in the regulation of metabolism. Aside from that, they also aid in transforming the fat and carbohydrates into the form of energy. And in turn, herbal vitamins aid in the formation of tissues and bones. Perhaps one of the best examples of herbal vitamins is the vitamin A or beta-carotene which is greatly needed in the body, especially for growth and repair of body tissues. Many herbs contain this vitamin, especially those that are use specifically for maintaining a smooth and soft disease-free skin. Aside from that, this form of herbal vitamins also counteracts night blindness and weak eyesight. In particular, the herb known as agrimony or what many people call as Ӱlant healing to eyesԠis particularly one of the sources of herbal vitamins. Today, herbal vitamins supplements are now offered in many health food stores, and one of those is the herbal vitamin known as Vitalerbs. This is composed of the alfalfa, dandelion, kelp, purple duce, and some other combinations of useful herbs. From the combination alone, vitamins like ascorbic acid, biotin, calcium, choline, and pantothenic acid, iodine, iron, and others are greatly found. It is noted that this herbal vitamin is easier to digest for the fact that they are whole foods. This form of herbal vitamins is now widely distributed for its proven safety and effectiveness.

Shannon courtesy the author[image: White dude seen from behind while hiking at California's Vasquez Rocks, famed for

Visiting Malls While Online Shopping Is Fun Most people like to visit malls when they shop and this is especially true if they are shopping online. The malls that are located on the internet can be relatively small in size or they can be jam packed with so many merchants that some people design the malls with a shopping directory on the home page that shoppers can use to find the things they need on any given day of the week. The best thing about shopping online at malls and other retailers is that they never close. A shopper might need a little extra time in the evening to complete a variety of transactions and when they have several things to do at a shopping mall, it might require them to shop well past midnight. Some people have extra time in the mornings to transfer money between accounts while online banking and since they have their money handy on the internet they will usually shop for a while too. Online shopping does not require a customer to carry heavy shopping bags to the car in the parking lot either and this is another reason that shopping at shopping malls is so much fun. Shopping online is a relaxing experience that allows shopper to browse to their hearts content. There are no sales people waiting in the wings for a shopper to make a decision on a wide variety of items that they are able to see. Customers can visit several malls at one time and never even have to leave the comfortable chair where they sit. This allows customers to do some serious comparison shopping and find out for a fact which shopping mall has the best prices and which items are listed on sale during any day of the week. Holiday shopping at anonline shopping mall is very smart because shoppers find great bargains on electronics, videos, music, women's apparel and accessories. Some retailers in online shopping malls will show big deals on many things for the home and at times, will offer these items at more than 70 percent off the suggested retail price. These savings opportunities really make shopping online fun because people can use the search engines to find even more discounts offered by other retailers in the form of coupon codes that an online shopper can use at a retail outlet in the shopping mall of their choice. When visiting a shopping mall in an internet environment customers never have to worry about security either. Many retailers have found shopping cart software that prevents anyone from viewing personal information that a shopper provides such as credit card numbers and home addresses. Shoppers do not have to worry about leaving anything behind because even the items they buy are shipped right out after the check-out process has been completed.

Pros And Cons Of Shopping Online Most of the people are shopping online for their household commodities today. The local stores are losing their importance at such rapid pace that even the retail like Wal Mart are worried about it. Hence, they are trying to improve their online presence also. The practice of shopping online gained popularity in the last few years since the usage of internet began to increase. People can now just sit in front of their computers and order whatever goods they want on the internet. Shopping for goods on the internet has its own pros and cons. In the first case, let us look at the pros of shopping online. The main reason for shopping online is the convenience of shopping from home. Due to the hectic lifestyle of the people these days, it will be hard for them to allocate time to go to the local stores and purchase whatever they require. But now, they can easily browse through the goods available for purchase at those stores. He can then order for them online and the payment transactions can also be completed through the internet itself. After this, you will receive your goods at your doorstep within a few hours. The second reason for shopping online is the range of products available. There are websites selling different types of products on the internet. So one can easily find what he is looking for instead of going from one local store to another. The range of choices available to him is also more. Comparison of prices of items between different online stores can be done easily. The third reason in favor ofonline shopping is that the cost of purchasing products online is less than that of buying at local stores. He can also obtain huge bargains, discounts and offers on purchasing from online stores. Hence, this saves him a lot of money. On the other hand, shopping online has a few cons also. To be frank, there is a serious probability of identity theft. To buy goods on the internet, you have to divulge your personal data to these websites. These websites can use or rent this data in any way. Some of the online stores do not provide for replacements of damaged or unfit goods. In that case, there will be no chance for you to replace your damaged products and the money spent on them will be wasted.

The Gorgeous Allure of Follea Wigs Its Follea Gripper Lite is an excellent wig for active women. It is tied by hand with individual knots. The hair is tied with a hand knot, which gives it an authentic look and feel. The double-lined back is lightweight and comfortable. The hair used on this hat is 100% human and is made of European processing hair. The gripper light is a fantastic combing wig for women who are looking to feel comfortable wearing hair rigs made of lace.

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