Sandalwoodҳ magical powers are believed to enhance your meditation and increase the power of your wishes | Benefits - Clairvoyance, divination, good luck, meditation, protection, success.
Grown in Asia and East India, Sandalwood was originally used at funeral ceremonies; burnt so the scent could carry the soul into the next life. The aroma נwhich retains its fragrance for decades נcomes from the wood itself rather than the leaves or flowers.
The warm soothing scent of sandalwood helps the mind to unwind and helps open the heart to love.
In ancient Buddhist tradition, Sandalwood has been celebrated as the perfect meditation tool for thousands of years.
It is widely believed that the sandalwood scent can stimulate sensuality, grant a sense of awareness, invoke tranquility, awaken the divine thoughts within and promote profound relaxation. Burning sandalwood incense can benefit healing work by promoting a deeper relaxed state in the healer, increasing spiritual energy.
Meditation is not a technique but it's our way of life.
Red wood japa mala 108+1 beads
IS4A 8mm Red ( Rosewood ) Wood Japa Mala Beads Necklace Beads 108 + 1 Hand Knotted Meditation Prayer
godbeeox0723 December 28, 2022Software