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There are many features you can use to analyze your products. With the Products Report, you can filter the reports by employee or shift. You can also sort reports by quantity or amount. The Accounting Group will give you an overview of the products you have sold. A heatmap icon will show you which items sold during different times of the day or week. You can then filter these reports based on specific criteria. If you want, you can also sort them by category. Product sales report A Product Sales Report lets you see sales data for a selected range of products during a specific date range. It can help you evaluate your gross profit, identify discountable products, and aid in ordering. You can choose to display the sales data for all products in a category or just for a single product. Here are a few common uses for this report. If you're curious about how to use this report, read on for more information. Sales over time: This report shows how many times a product has been ordered or sold, based on the date range selected. This report also includes a time stamp for when the report was created. Sales by day and month reports show the number of orders placed and received for a specific product, while Sales by product details break out the amount of money earned by each product. Product sales reports don't include shipping. Alternatively, you can filter the data by date, supplier, and product variant. Select a classification: Retail or Dispensary sales. Then, choose Weekly or Monthly. Select the Product Sales report type. If you have a product line that sells both retail and dispensary products, you can choose to generate a report for that product line. You can also select whether to include data for products that are sold or unstocked. When generating the report, you'll see the selected sales category and sales by product type. Product sales reports are an important tool for product managers. It helps them make informed decisions about their products and determine the best course of action. Using product sales reports, product managers can analyze how well their actions are working and if the sales of the products in their category are increasing. This is especially true if your products are popular. You can use this report to make marketing and selling decisions accordingly. You'll be amazed at how easy it is to understand what's working and which ones aren't. You can easily print out the Product Sales Report by selecting Print from the Print menu. The page will display the product sales report as a document with several different menus. The top left corner of the page contains a refresh icon. Clicking this icon will fetch the latest data on the product sales report. The print menu allows you to navigate through the report page by selecting a page from the dropdown menu or entering the page number in the box. Product downloads report The Downloads Report lists all product downloads that occurred within a certain time frame or date range. The report shows product name, download link, and SKU. You can also see the number of downloads and purchases made on that product. This report provides useful information on your products. You can use it to gauge whether they are receiving the expected amount of traffic. This report is a great way to gauge your business' growth. Here are some ways to generate a report. To generate the download report, you need to have the product information in the record. You can view this information by clicking the download icon at the top of the reporting table. In the downloads report, you can filter the data by the type of download and the time period. For example, if you're looking for information on a specific product, you can filter your report by the exact match keywords. After selecting the product, click on the download icon to start the download. Product availability report If you want to view product availability data, you can use the Availability Report in your ERP. The report shows the amount of time that each object spent in each of the states you specify. You can view detailed information on each object, as well as pie charts to see whether certain products are always in stock. To access the Availability Report, go to your ERP's data view page. In the Data tab, click Availability Report. The Availability Report table shows the report's inputs, exports, and labels. The product availability report shows you whether your product is available in various stores across the city or on the online marketplace. It includes data on the categories and stores where your product is available. You can also view availability by shop type. For example, if you sell electronics online, your report can tell you if any store sells your brand's product line in that specific country. Having this information handy can be very helpful for your negotiations with distributors. Alternatively, you can view the availability of a product through the Warehouse Availability Analysis report. This report shows you how many products are backordered and which warehouses are able to fulfill it. You can then edit the order to ship from another warehouse if necessary. The information on the report is updated regularly. You can also see whether any product is withdrawn from your warehouse and is available for purchase. In the event of a product shortage, you can easily contact the seller and request a new batch. Product categories report If you've categorized your products by category, you can view the underlying metrics for each of them in the product categories report. The report lists both the credit and debit amounts for each product category. In addition, it shows the totals for each account and product category. The Product Categories report displays both posted and memo-posted data. To understand which products are generating more sales, you can filter the data using the "Sales by Category" and "Credit Only" fields. Product category analysis is a step-by-step process. First, determine the category you want to analyze. Some categories are subsets of others; others are expanding flow charts. You'll need to gather data on the data sources and time period you'll be using to produce the report, as well as any competing brands. Then, identify the information that you want included in the report. After gathering data, you'll be ready to start analyzing the categories. Another type of report you can generate is a Sales - Product (Category) report. This report provides details on products sold at your current center. You can filter and sort these reports by value, number of pieces sold, and contribution to sales. A Sales - Product Categories report will tell you what products are the best sellers. You can use this report to develop new products based on consumer feedback and emerging trends. Once you have analyzed the data, you can start analyzing the different types of products that are popular among your customers. The next step is to add the categories. The product categories report is easy to use. Simply add categories by clicking on the category name and clicking the return or enter key. Each category will be added separately. You can choose simple categories like white or red, or you can create multiple columns with many values. If you are using the categories report to analyze sales data, it's important to understand the relationships between products. For example, a color category can be used to compare the product's performance with the products within the same category. When creating a Product Categories report, remember to anticipate the questions your audience will have. Consider the information you want to convey by using a combination of text, graphs, and charts. Remember, human beings are primarily visual creatures, so you should make sure that your report doesn't overwhelm your readers with information. Consider your audience when creating your report and focus only on the information that will benefit them. That way, you'll have the right product report to showcase your business's growth.