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Itҳ a jobseekerҳ market right now, and businesses in all verticals are struggling to hire the talent they need. For HR teams and recruiters, the challenge is real and millions of positions are going unfilled.༯span> The ӧreat resignationԠis playing a part in making life harder for recruiters. The US saw almost 4 million voluntary redundancies in April 2021, and another 3.9 million in June. According to surveys from the second half of 2021, 32% of employers are experiencing labor shortages, and Deloitte predicts 2.1 million skilled jobs remaining empty in the manufacturing industry alone by 2030, painting a clear picture of labor shortage. Thereҳ also a talent shortage. The pandemic accelerated digital transformation, driving up demand for digital talent like software engineers, data scientists, etc., but many new workers coming up the ladder to meet this need were stalled in the middle of their education and/or valuable early experience by the pandemic itself.༯span> At the same time, DE&I issues are receiving increasing public attention and HR teams are having to address them with even greater care. Candidates and new hires need to meet diversity requirements as well as possessing all the necessary skills and experience, making the hiring process more complex.༯span> As a result, recruiters are stuck between several rocks and a hard place. They need to find exactly the right talent to fill more jobs, just at a time when the number of jobseekers is dwindling and the process is getting more complicated.༯span> Itҳ time to draw on a new resource: the people who almost get the job. Silver medalists arenҴ just runners up WeҲe talking about all the people who almost got the job, but missed out in the end. These are people whose CV stood out among the hundreds that arrived at the recruiterҳ desk; who passed a small test task, their first and second interviews, and made it onto a shortlist of 4, but in the end, they werenҴ the one person who got the job. Or they made it to the final 20 out of thousands of applicants for 7 positions, but they werenҴ one of the lucky 7.༯span> These silver medalists could be a lifesaver for stressed HR teams. You already know that they are qualified, personable, interview well, and have the skills and experience that are relevant to the position and industry.༯span> In the end, only one of them could be hired, but all of them met your requirements. Keeping their details in your ATS means you donҴ need to start from scratch to qualify new applicants in the future.༯span> Background photo created by stockking ֠ Access a wider talent pool Mining your own ATS for previous top candidates who missed out on the job helps you fill positions more quickly and save time, money, and effort. But you can go one better and tap into other enterprisesҠcandidate pools.༯span> A company that realized the potential of sharing talent is Joonko, offering an anonymized multi-company silver medalist pool that connects directly to your ATS. Joonko allows organizations to share their previous top applicants, offering a shortcut to pre-vetted, pre-approved talent with the skills and experience you need.༯span> This way, enterprises fill positions faster, hiring managers find appropriate talent more easily, and jobseekers arrive at their next position sooner, making it a win-win-win situation. Additionally, Joonkoҳ candidate pool is entirely made up of candidates from underrepresented sectors, helping you address DE&I at the same time. In a recent interview Ilit Raz, Joonkoҳ co-founder and CEO said, Ӽ/span>Traditionally there hasnҴ been a connection between silver medalists and diversity recruitingŠOur view is that pairing these two concepts together makes a powerful combination. Joonko partners choose us because of the opportunity to better retain silver medalists and share underrepresented talent together.Լ/span> Silver medalists save you time༯strong> Sifting through hundreds of applications is a time-consuming and tedious practice. Some companies apply artificial intelligence (AI) to relieve employees of the burden, but AI tools can pick up highly unethical patterns even in carefully monitored situations.༯span> Storing silver medalists in your ATS means you donҴ need to repeat the same work when youҶe already filtered out candidates and reached a shortlist. It can also help you next week when you need to fill a maternity leave position, hire someone for some short-term temporary work, or work with a freelancer: just check your saved candidates to see if thereҳ someone suitable for the job waiting in the wings. Skipping the pre-vetting line saves you money Saving time on the hiring process also saves you money. Shortcutting to pre-vetted candidates can save you the cost of advertising your new position, and allows your HR team to spend their work hours on other tasks instead of filtering tons of CVs.༯span> Additionally, you wonҴ need to wait for people to see your ads, apply, and move through the vetting process, so empty positions will be filled more quickly, helping the company stay more productive and revenues rise. Ӄulture fitԠcan be tricky༯strong> Culture is increasingly important for both jobseekers and employers. As well as looking for qualified, personable candidates who meet DE&I needs, HR teams are also searching for people who fit the corporate culture, and jobseekers take culture seriously when deciding to accept or reject a job offer. As a result, highly qualified applicants might have missed out on a position in a company similar to yours just because they donҴ fit the culture, but culture is subjective. Maybe they are a great fit for your culture! ӑualifiedԠcan be in the eye of the beholder Different hiring managers have different definitions of what counts as ӱualified.ԠMaybe the hiring manager in company X felt that this candidate was over-qualified, but your hiring manager takes a different view and welcomes this candidate.༯span> Equally, your ӵnder-qualifiedԠcandidate could be just right for a similar but slightly more junior role in company Z. Checking up on other companiesҠsilver medalists could produce the perfect fit for your empty role.༯span> Silver medalists are worth keeping hold of The people who ӡlmost got the jobԠare a valuable resource which can save you time, money, and hassle in filling the next open position. By mining your ATS for silver medalists, and even better, tapping into the silver medalist files of other similar companies, you can boost productivity and ensure you have the skills you need to grow your bottom line.༯span> The post Why Recruiters Should Be Prizing Silver Medalists appeared first on Hppy. ------------------------ By: Smith Willas Title: Why Recruiters Should Be Prizing Silver Medalists Sourced From: Published Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2022 10:49:56 +0000 Read More Did you miss our previous article...