Website Directory Thursday, Mar 17, 2022 People with Tourette syndrome cannot control their tics. These motor and vocal tics are involuntary, and they are not intentionally performed. The.. title People with Tourette syndrome cannot control their tics. These motor and vocal tics are involuntary, and they are not intentionally performed. The tics feel similar to an itch or the urge to sneeze. However, these symptoms are difficult to avoid. Most people try to hold their tics in, but it is difficult to control them completely. Though there is no cure for Tourette syndrome, it can lead to a rich, fulfilling life. Treatment for Tourette syndrome consists of behavioral therapy. The goal of the therapy is to control the tics, and the ticer may become less irritable. It is important to remember that there is no known treatment for Tourette syndrome. There is no specific medication that can prevent the symptoms, and the disease is a lifelong condition. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, treatment can help a person cope. Some people may even be cured completely after undergoing treatment. Another type of treatment for Tourette syndrome is a newer treatment called deep brain stimulation. This technique involves implanting electrical wires or a battery operated device in the brain. The stimuli are transmitted through the wires to the areas of the brain that cause the tics. Although the treatment is new, it is proving to be an effective option for people suffering from a wide range of tic disorders. While these medications are currently not a reliable treatment for Tourette syndrome, they can still help a person live a normal life with the disorder. The postTreatments For Tourette Syndrome and Dyscalculia appeared first onSMB Place.