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*For Educational Purposes Only* Heyy I hope you enjoyed the video! New video every Sunday. My Socials: INSTAGRAM ֠ />TWITTER ֠ Products tried: Finger joint holder: /> Green bowl: /> Five joint holder: /> Toilet bong: /> Ice cream bowl: /> Elephant pipe/bowl: /> Music by Eric Reprid ֠10 Oңlock ֠ />Music by @ericreprid ֠10 Oңlock via @hellothematic חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחז chitchat , gram , stoner, beauty, weed, chill , smokers, 18-25 , teens, british, how to roll a blunt, how to roll a joint, weed products, pipe, toilet, funny, smoke, smoke sesh, smoke session, bong, ali express, haul, hash,