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What is customer service? Simply put, itҳ providing the highest level of service to guests during and after a purchase. Providing excellent customer services requires employees who are flexible and able to adjust to the personality and needs of guests. Here are some important tips to ensure youҲe giving your best. This article focuses on customer service and why itҳ so important. Read on to learn more. This is the ultimate definition of what it is and why itҳ so important. o Listen to your customers. The more attentive you are to their needs, the more likely they will be to return to your business. A companyҳ representatives should also be responsive and courteous. Most customers hate to wait for long periods of time for a response. So, make sure your agents are courteous and prompt with acknowledgements and responses. When you canҴ immediately reply to a query, route it to the right department or agent. o Be consistent. Itҳ easy to make mistakes when serving a customer. If an employee doesnҴ know the product or isnҴ knowledgeable about it, heҳ unlikely to provide excellent service. Instead, try to be as detailed as possible. If youҲe unsure about a particular product or service, donҴ hesitate to contact a customer support representative to find out more about their needs. Usually, theyҬl be happy to help. source Via