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It feels like it's been a very long wintertime, with our central heating unit working hard. People usually only think of servicing their central heater at the end of fall getting ready for winter months. Ostensibly when you are searching for central heating service near me there can be little difference, however in practice the difference can be enormous. However, arranging for a boiler service at this time of year implies it's much more most likely you'll find somebody who is great and is willing to do it at a reduced cost. If you booked it in late summertime, what a pity it's extra likely to cost much less than. It's not likely they've offered you the possibility to schedule a service on their schedules if you've only just received a central heating boiler from a firm. The following rational action would be to contact your gas provider to see if they could be able to provide some kind of discount on their Gas Safety Check, however, you may find these offers are available currently on the day you buy your central heating boiler.