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We all know that leading a wealthy life is expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Most of us can't afford the private jets and vacation homes that billionaires enjoy, but there are ways to live a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank. You don't have to follow the billionaires' strategy on how to live a wealthy life, but you can follow their philosophy. Live below your means and enjoy what you do. If you can afford it, go ahead and indulge yourself in luxury items--just don't accrue debt doing so! In this video, we're going to show you 8 ways to lead a wealthy life on a budget 1) Dress Like You're Rich Every Day. Whether it's your presentation at work or the first date that you've been waiting for all week, dress like you're rich--because even if you aren't yet, it'll improve your chances of success. It doesn't matter what job you have, whether you're an entrepreneur or working in a lab coat each day - you will be perceived differently when you dress well. Studies have shown that people who are dressed nicely make more money than those who aren't, and wearing a suit to work has been proven to improve your chances of getting the job over someone in jeans. You don't always need designer brands for clothes; just make sure they fit well and make you look like the person who plans to be successful and rich someday soon. 2) Make Your Home Look Rich. You don't need to move into the most luxurious home in your neighborhood, but you should make some updates. To know more, watch full video: