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Beyond the Gym Helpful hints on how to get in your 30 minutes of activity. How to arrange your schedule to accommodate the kids and your aerobic needs. Myths About Cardio and Aerobic Training Amidst the infinite number of Internet sites, so-called fitness gurus, workout videos and everyday propaganda are myths about cardio and aerobic training which have flooded the personal exercise landscape. Many sites and doctor offices sell pills that claim to guarantee results while still other self-proclaimed fitness experts and celebrities alike suggest exercises that claim to burn off the pounds. Letҳ take a closer look at the primary myths ֠and corresponding facts ֠that have been circling around regarding cardio exercises and aerobic fat-burning. Signs You Could Be Over-Exercising Sometimes too much of a good thing can catch up with us and cause serious health complications and injuries. Here are signs you could be over-exercising and how it can negatively affect your life. Keep Workouts Convenient by Working Out at Home We all hate interrupting our lives with change. This can make including a workout routine difficult. One way to save on time and money when starting a new routine is to workout at home. Boot Camp Trainers ֠Are Military Trainers Better? What makes military trainers so well suited for group training? An insight into military skills and experience compared to regular physical trainers. Getting Fit May Be Easier Than You Think Getting into shape helps build your immune system and makes your body stronger. It also helps a personҳ self esteem. However, for most people itҳ hard to know where to start. This article offers tips that can help. How Often To Exercise? A common concern about exercise is that if you donҴ do it almost everyday, you wonҴ achieve much health benefit. But a new study suggests otherwise, showing that a more leisurely approach to scheduling workouts may actually be more beneficial than working out almost daily. According to a recent article in the New York Times, the study, which was published in Exercise & Sciences in Sports and Medicines, gathered 72 older sedentary women and randomly assigned them to one of three exercise groups. How Is High Intensity Interval Training Different Than Regular Exercise? High intensity Interval training or HIIT, as it is more commonly known is a workout routine that helps you shed the extra ungainly pounds in a very systematic manner. Essentially, a method rigorously followed by sportsmen and athletes, HIIT aims at training your body without overexerting yourself. The basic point of difference between HIIT and any regular exercise module is that the former is carefully designed to cater to the needs of the body while incorporating intense workout sessions. Therefore, it is far more disciplined and scientifically sketched out in intervals so that the body gets enough time to recuperate because of the intense exertion it undergoes. The Beauty of At-Home Workouts Going to the gym doesnҴ have to have to be the only solution for weight loss. In order to achieve sustainable weight loss you may need to consider doing at-home workouts. Sometimes, the best option is to have an at-home workout that is guided by an at-home personal training service or by developing your own workout. My TOP Exercise Secret This article teaches you how to Master Your Motivation with Exercise, in an instant. This is EASY and can be applied to every area in your life. My clients find it works, every time! The Missing Ingredient in Vital, Vibrant Living ֠An ӅxerciseԠin Vitality Whatҳ on the list of top 10 ways to reduce stress? Exercise. Best Things for Pre and Post Workout Eating the right kinds of foods regularly will help with better muscle growth, increased levels of energy, mental alertness, clarity of the mind, focus, weight loss, better sleep, and so much more. This article focuses on what tips for pre and post workout nutrition.