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The Best Calcium Supplement For Osteoporosis Calcium Citrate If you are looking for an easy way to supplement your calcium intake, you may want to consider calcium citrate. Calcium citrate is considered to be one of the most bioavailable forms of calcium. This form of calcium is very water-soluble and is therefore more likely to be absorbed than other forms. For example, it has been shown to have a higher absorption rate than calcium carbonate. Calcium is an essential mineral that is required for a number of different bodily functions, including maintaining muscle contraction, bone formation, and nerve transmission. It is also important for the development and maintenance of your teeth. Getting enough calcium in your diet is essential to prevent osteoporosis, which is a condition where the bones become weak and prone to fractures. Fortunately, there are a number of foods that contain high levels of calcium, including dairy products. However, if you are not a fan of dairy, it is still possible to get adequate amounts of calcium by eating leafy green vegetables. Additionally, if you are a person who has gastric acid-reducing medication, calcium citrate is especially beneficial because it requires less stomach acid to be absorbed. When it comes to taking supplements, the best-absorbed calcium form is calcium citrate. Taking calcium supplements can help maintain strong bones, although the exact effects are not entirely understood. Although there are no specific recommended daily doses for calcium, a healthcare provider will determine how much extra calcium you need based on your individual needs. A study of late-postmenopausal women found that those who consumed more dietary calcium had a decreased risk of bone loss from their spine. In addition, the increased dietary calcium intake was associated with reduced bone loss from the femoral neck, the part of the skeleton located between the spine and the ribs. Similarly, the increased dietary calcium intake was associated with reduced bone loss from the radius. The researchers conducted this study in order to better understand the relationship between calcium intake and bone loss. Women were randomly assigned to a group that received calcium citrate malate, a calcium carbonate supplement, or a placebo. They were instructed to take two tablets of the supplement every night. During the two-year study, 46 women dropped out of the study for a variety of reasons, including personal or medical reasons. The researchers at Wenzhou Medical University examined changes in bone mineral content and bone mineral density. They conducted this study using a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled design. Over the course of the studies, 7,300 women participated, and the researchers examined over three thousand bone measurements. After two years of treatment, the researchers found that bone loss in the calcium citrate malate and calcium carbonate groups was significantly less than in the placebo group. However, the differences were not statistically significant. Moreover, the calcium carbonate group experienced a range of gastrointestinal symptoms, including bloating and constipation. Lastly, the calcium citrate group had an elevated urinary calcium excretion. While the results of this study were promising, there is still not much information available on how much calcium is needed for the proper development of bones. Some experts believe that the amount of calcium needed is much higher than what is available in the standard dietary recommendations.