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How to Find the Best Selenium Supplement For Your Body If youҲe looking for the best selenium supplement for your body, there are a few things you need to know. Selenium is important to your health and can help prevent cancer, autoimmune disorders, and depression. In addition, studies have shown that taking a selenium supplement can help your body maintain a youthful appearance. Low selenium levels in China, Tibet, and Siberia Selenium is a trace mineral that is found in foods such as bread, beef, and fish. It is important for the health of the immune system and helps protect against the toxic effects of heavy metals and organic compounds. However, the exact role of selenium in human health is unknown. Selenium deficiency has been linked to a wide range of diseases. Studies have shown that low selenium levels increase the risk of coronary heart disease and lung cancer. The effect of selenium deficiency on cognitive function is also being studied. In large observational studies, no correlation was seen between selenium levels and memory test scores. There is evidence that selenium supplements may reduce tumor growth. Among the various symptoms of selenosis are hair loss, fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances, and skin rash. Symptoms can occur in adults or children. A person with selenosis can be treated with selenium supplements. Kashin-Beck disease is a disabling deformity of the joints and cartilage. This condition typically affects children between the ages of five and thirteen. Patients with this disease often have a severe selenium deficiency and are usually found in rural areas of China. Keshan disease is a type of cardiomyopathy that occurs in people in China. Serum levels of selenium are low, and the condition results in cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure. The disease is often triggered by a Coxsackievirus. Keshan disease has been successfully controlled through government-introduced selenium supplementation in the affected regions. The etiology of this disease is complex, and it is suspected that other factors, such as total parenteral nutrition, may play a role. Nevertheless, the incidence of this disease is still high, especially in regions where selenium deficiency is a problem. Low selenium may be linked to age-related cognitive declines Many studies have shown that low levels of selenium may be associated with cognitive decline. This is because selenium plays an important role in the brainҳ ability to fight oxidative stress. In addition, studies have also linked low selenium to a higher risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimerҳ disease. However, the mechanism for these associations remains unclear. Although these findings suggest that selenium may be helpful in preventing cognitive decline, more research is needed to confirm this. Selenium is a trace mineral found in various foods. It is a component of the glutathione peroxidase system, an antioxidant enzyme. Research has also shown that selenium supplementation can be beneficial to patients with Alzheimerҳ disease. However, there are many factors that must be considered before considering supplements. For instance, people who suffer from kidney failure or who have high blood pressure should be cautious about taking supplements. Studies have also shown that individuals who consume higher amounts of selenium are at a lower risk for developing cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, selenium is not only good for your brain, but itҳ also good for your heart. In the present study, researchers examined the relationship between age-related changes in plasma selenium and cognitive decline in a group of French older adults. After nine years, researchers found that people who experienced a decreased plasma selenium level were more likely to experience cognitive decline. These findings suggest that selenium is important to maintain memory function. In addition, selenium is involved in other physiological processes, such as thyroid function, reproduction, and DNA production. Having low selenium levels is a serious problem. Researchers at the University of Montpellier studied the relationship between selenium and cognitive function for nine years. The participants were recruited from a community-dwelling elderly cohort. They measured and recorded the level of selenium in their blood, and then performed neuropsychologic tests to measure their cognitive performance. Low selenium can cause selenium poisoning Selenium poisoning, also known as alkali disease, is a condition that is usually found in animals. The symptoms of this disease are often similar to those of other diseases. One of the more common symptoms is joint pain. Another symptom is brittle hooves. In the case of horses, these hooves can cause extreme pain and lameness. Other signs include difficulty swallowing and failure to suckle. The effects of selenium toxicity can be permanent. If left untreated, the condition can result in kidney or heart failure. Additionally, the disease can result in the loss of mane, tail, and body hair. Symptoms of selenium overdose can include fatigue, nausea, a garlic taste in the mouth, skin lesions, and irritability. Overdoses can also cause a metallic smell in the breath. While there is no known cure for selenium poisoning, the condition can be prevented. For this reason, veterinarians recommend that you talk with a veterinarian before taking a selenium supplement. They will analyze your horseҳ diet and supplements and take samples of blood and tissue for testing. Selenium can be found in a variety of foods. Some of the more nourishing sources are seafood, nuts, and roasted turkey breast. However, a plant-based diet is shown to be most effective at improving overall health. Selenium is also found in a number of plants. In fact, a native Australian plant called Morinda reticulata has been found to cause selenium poisoning in horses. To avoid selenium poisoning in your horse, it is important to test your pasture for the presence of this mineral. A veterinarian can also suggest a diet that will counter the toxicity. Although selenium deficiency is rare in the U.S. and Canada, it is an issue in some areas of the world, especially in China and Russia. Natural sources of selenium for horses Selenium is a mineral that helps protect the horseҳ muscles and heart from damaging free radicals. It is an important part of a horseҳ diet and helps prevent muscle disorders. The National Research Council recommends that horses consume 0.1 mg of selenium per kilogram of dry matter in their diet. This range is slightly lower for larger breeds. In order to determine how much selenium your horse is getting from its diet, you can perform a blood panel. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you how much selenium is in your horseҳ blood serum. When a horse has low selenium levels, it may have poor muscle health, reduced immune function, and a compromised respiratory system. A deficiency of selenium can cause white muscle disease, a condition where the horse tucks up and appears inflexible. When a horse is grazing in an area that has selenium-rich soils, it can ingest selenium from the forage. However, it is best to check with your veterinarian before making any changes to your horseҳ diet. You can also give your horse a selenium supplement. It can be administered in a liquid form, such as sodium selenite, or in a form that is more bioavailable, such as yeast. Both forms are less toxic than inorganic selenium, but it is best to choose an organic source of selenium. Many high-quality selenium supplements are available. They can be derived from organic sources, as well as from chelated forms. Typically, an FDA-approved organic selenium product is derived from yeast. Organic sources of selenium are more bioavailable, so it is less toxic to your horse. When determining how much selenium your horse is consuming, you should take into account the level of activity the animal is performing. Horses that are working or recovering will require a higher dose of selenium than those that are resting. Antioxidant properties of selenium One of the many benefits of selenium is its antioxidant properties. The human body is constantly producing free radicals that can cause damage to cells. These unstable molecules are produced by many things, such as the bodyҳ metabolism and environmental toxins. Having a lot of these free radicals in your system is a condition known as oxidative stress. This oxidative stress can lead to several chronic diseases. Some examples include cardiovascular disease, Alzheimerҳ, Parkinsonҳ, and multiple sclerosis. Free radicals can damage the cell membrane, causing inflammation. They can also damage the DNA. Therefore, maintaining your antioxidant levels may help prevent some age-related diseases. Antioxidants help to prevent oxidative damage, and can therefore lower the risk of heart and cancer. Studies have shown that people who have higher levels of selenium have a significantly lower risk of prostate, bladder, and lung cancers. There are certain foods that contain selenium, as well as a selenium supplement. It is recommended that pregnant women consume at least 60 micrograms of selenium daily, while others should eat around 55 micrograms. During lactation, selenium intake should increase to 70 micrograms. Selenium is important for the metabolism of thyroid hormones. It is also involved in cellular redox balance. Selenium has also been found to fight inflammation. Studies have shown that selenium can reduce oxidative damage, and may increase T-cell responses. Moreover, there is evidence that Se supplementation can enhance the capacity of liver-activated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to degrade nitrite. As a result, Se is believed to have potential applications in functional foods. Although there is no direct connection between selenium and cancer, studies have shown that low selenium levels can lead to an increased risk of heart disease.